Uncategorized Archives - WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites https://wishlistmember.com Quickly Protect Your Content With WishList Member Tue, 18 Oct 2022 19:44:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://wishlistmember.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-WishList-Member-logomark-32x32.png Uncategorized Archives - WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites https://wishlistmember.com 32 32 New Feature: Protection Inheritance https://wishlistmember.com/new-feature-protection-inheritance/ https://wishlistmember.com/new-feature-protection-inheritance/#respond Mon, 08 Feb 2021 15:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=3560 Video Transcript In today's video, I'm going to be talking about a feature that was recently released called Protection Inheritance. Coming up. Hello, everyone, and welcome. My name is Mak, and in today's video, we're going to be talking about Protection Inheritance. Now, this feature is very exciting and also very important. It's going to […]

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Video Transcript

In today's video, I'm going to be talking about a feature that was recently released called Protection Inheritance.

Coming up.

Hello, everyone, and welcome. My name is Mak, and in today's video, we're going to be talking about Protection Inheritance. Now, this feature is very exciting and also very important. It's going to make it easier for you to add your content on your WishList Member website. But before I go into explaining how it works, pretty much, let me just show you. I'll give you an example of what the current situation is at the moment before you do your update.

All right. So I'm going to switch over now to my site over here. Now, as you can see here, I have this course and I just call it “My Course.” So currently or in fact, before the update, what happens is if you were to launch your course, I mean, let's go into this course and see how many lessons we have. OK, so let's say you've created your course and it has, let's say, two lessons, right?

In this case, this is my main course here. If I come to the builder, we can see here we have lesson one. So if you were to launch this course, it all protects the course and the lesson. And that's good. And that's how everything has been working before. But at a later stage, if you decided, you know what, I need to add more lessons to this course. So let's say I add lesson two lesson three, lesson four, guess what?

That content is not automatically protected. You would have to go into WishList Member settings and make sure you assign permissions to those extra lessons that you've just added onto that course. So as you can see, this is a bit of a problem because sometimes you may not even remember that you have to go in and make those updates because and even I've done that, I've made that mistake. I thought, OK, I've launched a course that's protected. So whatever I add is automatically updated.

But in fact, that's not the case because, perhaps, I didn't have a situation where I had to add an extra lesson to my already published course. That's why I didn't see any problems. But you can see how this could be a problem for someone that's creating a course that needs to update that content. So this is where this brand new feature that was recently released comes in because it allows you not to automatically protect that content, which is under a parent child relationship.

Now, let me explain what that means. So I know I'm talking about courses right now here on my site, but this could be applied to pretty much anything. So you could create a page on your website and on that page you create a child under it. So let's go ahead and take a look and see how that would work, just in case some of you may not know how this child-parent situation works in WordPress. So I'm going to come over here and add a new page.

So let's call this page “Parent” and let's publish it. OK, so I'm going to go back over here now, I'm going to create another page, but this time I'm going to call it “Child.” So I'm going to come over here and click on “Add New.” We're going to call this “Child.” Now, if you take a look here at the bottom, you see where it says “parent page” and then he says, “no parent.” So I can now come over here and then look for my page.

So I want to go for “Parent.” So that means now that this child page becomes under the parent of my parent page. OK, so now I'm going to publish it and publish it one more time. Now I'm going to go back to my pages now and see what this scenario looks like. So back over here now, if I take a look at my pages, you can see now we have the parent and we have the child. OK, so when using WishList Member, if I were to go in here and protect this page, the parent, right, everything under it as the child will then automatically be protected.

But of course, like I said, you have to update to the latest WishList Member install. So I want to go ahead and do that update to the latest WishList Member and then show you where this feature is. OK, so I've gone ahead and I've updated WishList Member to the latest update. So now we're going to go in and take a look at this feature. So I'm going to go in here and click on edit. Right. So let's say I need to protect this page.

I would scroll all the way down here. So, as you can see, it says “Unprotected.” So now I can click on Protected and if I scroll down further, I can also add my Membership Level. So in this case, maybe I need to assign people that have access to this, to the VIP membership. And then over here, now this is the brand new feature. So if you're running an old install of WishList Member, you would not see this.

This is the latest update. So now here it says “Automatically Apply Protection Settings to New Content Under this Page.” So that means if I say yes and then I say “Protect Existing” now, this applies my protection to the VIP members here and now. If I say yes, now, all I have to do is to hit “Apply Settings.” So any future content that I add is going to have this protection now. And this means if the child content that I'll be adding onto this, it will be automatically protected.

So let's see how true that is. So we're going to come back over here. So let's take a look now at this page. Now, notice that we haven't gone in and done any protection on this. So if I click here on “Edit,” so I just want to see what settings I have here in terms of the protection. So if I scroll down here now, you see that it says “Inherited” and it says “Inherited from Parents” and then “Inherited Status: Protected” “Inherited Level: VIP.”

So that means the protection that I have on my parent page will then trickle down to my child pages. OK, so let's add another page to the parent. So we're going to come back over here now and let's say we want to add the sample page here as a child. So let's go ahead and click on “Edit”. Now, I'm going to come all the way down here and make that change so you can see here it says “Parent Page”.

So if I click here on this dropdown, let's go ahead and choose our parents.

Click on “Update.” Now, I don't know if you saw that now that happened really fast, this changed from “Unprotected” to “Inherited” and straight away. You can see now it has all the permissions. Now, this does not only apply to pages, by the way, this also applied to courses. So if I were to come back over here, because I know I started off this example talking about the courses. So if I were to come over here to LearnDash and then go to courses and go into “My Course”, you are also going to see this feature.

So I'm going to come all the way down here and now we have this feature. So by default, of course, it's going to be set to “No.” And until you “Activate” it. So again, if we say yes to this protect existing now and then we say yes and then apply settings, all the lessons that go under this course, my course is going to be protected, which means you don't have to come all the way here. In fact, let me show you where that feature is.

So if you wanted to protect all the lessons, you would need to come over here to content protection and then find the list of lessons, for example, here. And then this is where you'd say “enable” protection. And then you would go one by one and start assigning all your protection levels. So you don't need to do that any more. All you have to do is to assign the protection onto your main course and all the lessons that come down are going to be protected based on the settings of the parent.

This also applies to pages, as I've just demonstrated. But of course, if you have any confusion on how this works, you can always ask in the comments box below and I'll be very happy to respond to that or even expand on the video giving even further examples. But this is the feature, in my opinion. This is a great feature and it's fantastic. And it'll save you a lot of time moving forward as we create content for our membership websites.

All right, guys, that's all I have for you in today's video. Thank you very much for watching. I'll see you again in the next one. Take care.

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How to Use Tags to Add Users to Levels Using FluentCRM https://wishlistmember.com/how-to-use-tags-to-add-users-to-levels-using-fluentcrm/ https://wishlistmember.com/how-to-use-tags-to-add-users-to-levels-using-fluentcrm/#respond Fri, 05 Feb 2021 15:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=3551 Video Transcription In today's video, I'm going to show you how you can add a tag in FluentCRM, and that will add a user on a Membership Level, on WishList Member. Coming up. Hello, everyone, and welcome in today's video, we're going to be talking about the integration between FluentCRM and WishList Member, but specifically […]

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Video Transcription

In today's video, I'm going to show you how you can add a tag in FluentCRM, and that will add a user on a Membership Level, on WishList Member. Coming up.

Hello, everyone, and welcome in today's video, we're going to be talking about the integration between FluentCRM and WishList Member, but specifically we want to focus on adding a tag on FluentCRM. And that tag then adds a user to a specific level that we assign on WishList Member. Now, let's go ahead and set up the scenario and get this working. All right. So I'm going to switch over now to my computer and we are going to, first of all, start off with FluentCRM.

Now, before I get started, I'd like to remind you that I am running the Pro version of FluentCRM because this is what has all the integrations. And also I'm running WishList Member. I've gone ahead and I've installed both of these and also activated the integration. Let me just show you quickly, just in case you haven't watched the first video. So for the integration to work, I'm just gonna switch over here to the WishList Member tab so the integration can be found here on “Setup” integrations.

And then you want to click on “Email Providers” and this is where you're going to see FluentCRM. So make sure you've got the checkmark here. This is what activates the integration. OK, so now that we've established this over here, it is automatic on FluentCRM. All right. So what we're going to do is here on WishList Member, we're going to create a brand new level. OK, so I want to click on this plus button.

So let's call this “new level.” OK, so this is the level that I'm going to create. All right. So pretty much that's all I need to do here. Leave it as it is. Next, I'm going to come over here to FluentCRM. I'm going to go to the dashboard first so we can just have an overview of what we have here on our system. So as you can see, we have our list, our contacts and so on.

So what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a new tag, OK? And I'm going to call this tag, “New Tag” there we go. Right. So we have our new tag here. So on my system, I already have contacts. So ideally, the situation here is we want that when we add this tag, new tag, we want them to be added on to this Membership Level called “New level.” Now, how do we do that?

So to do that, what we need to do is to come over here to “integrations.”

We're going to go to “email providers.” FluentCRM and then I'm going to come over here to tag action so we can see here, “new tag” has been added and this has synchronized automatically between the two systems, WishList Member and FluentCRM, which is fantastic. So what I'm going to do now is click here on this pencil icon. So I'm going to say now when this tag is applied, I want to add them to the level “new level.”

OK, this is amazing and fingers crossed because we haven't tested this yet. OK, so now I've added my tag. So when this tag is applied, we want them to be added to the level called “new level.” OK, right. So let's go ahead and save and close. Brilliant. Now, before I continue, I'd like to come back over here to my levels so we can see that there is no one actually on this level. So you can see here, there is no one here.

Now, I am going to go to FluentCRM. Now, this tag can be applied in several ways. This could be maybe someone opting in onto a form or you manually adding a tag to a specific user. Now, we are going to do this part where we're manually adding a tag to a user. OK, so what we're going to do now is we are going to come over here to our “contacts.” So this is where we get to see a list of contacts.

Now, I know I only have David@Mak, which is what I created. So I'm going to click on this. And what we're going to do is we're going to manually add a tag. So on a click here on the button and then I'm going to add the new tag. OK, so the tag has been updated successfully, which is great, and we can see here “new tag” is there. So I'm going to click update contact now.

What's supposed to happen is when I go now to WishList Member on the dashboard, this name, “David@Mak.com” should now be added to that Membership Level, which we created. So I'm going to come back over here and I'm just going to hit refresh. So we're keeping an eye here on “new level.” And now we can see we have the number one here, which means we have one added user and let me go in and see who that user is.

And if this works well, this should be David@Mak. And there it is. So as you can see, this is a very, very powerful system and it allows information to be passed from FluentCRM to WishList Member and vice versa, which means you can have full integration. Now, when your automations are running here on FluentCRM they are triggering other actions there on WishList Member. I really like this update. It's very, very powerful.

And this can really make your membership website work efficiently and you can have multiple automations on your system. All right, guys, that's all I have for you in today's video. Thank you very much for watching. And I'll see you again in the next video. Take care.

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How to Integrate WishList Member with FluentCRM Tutorial https://wishlistmember.com/how-to-integrate-wishlist-member-with-fluentcrm-tutorial/ https://wishlistmember.com/how-to-integrate-wishlist-member-with-fluentcrm-tutorial/#respond Thu, 04 Feb 2021 15:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=3556 Video Transcript Hello, everyone, and welcome to today's video, I'm going to be talking about the integration between WishList Member and FluentCRM. Coming up. Hello, everyone, and welcome. My name is Mak, and in today's video, we're going to be taking a closer look at how WishList Member integrate with FluentCRM. So initially we had […]

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Video Transcript

Hello, everyone, and welcome to today's video, I'm going to be talking about the integration between WishList Member and FluentCRM. Coming up.

Hello, everyone, and welcome. My name is Mak, and in today's video, we're going to be taking a closer look at how WishList Member integrate with FluentCRM. So initially we had a basic integration, but this was more from the FluentCRM side, but we didn't have much from WishList Member. Now, in this update, we're able to do even more. So in this video, I'm going to be showing you how to make this work. All right.

So I'm going to switch over here now to my website. So, first of all, you want to make sure that you're running the Pro version of FluentCRM. This is what allows the integration between FluentCRM and WishList Member. So, first of all, let's take a look and see how we can integrate the two. So when you come over here on the FluentCRM side and you go to “Automations”, you are able to see the automatic integration there on the FluentCRM side.

So let's take a look at that. So if I come over here and I go to my “Automations”, if I click here on “Create New Automations”, you can see straight away we have WishList Member. Now on this side on FluentCRM straight away, we don't have to do much because it automatically integrates. But what is exciting now is when we head over now to WishList Member, we are able now to also “Activate” it over there, so I'm going to come over here now to “Setup” and I'm going to click here on “Integrations.” So we need to come over here to “Email Providers.” And as you can see, we have quite a lot. But what we're really looking at in this video here is FluentCRM. So we can see here, FluentCRM is here. I'm going to click here and then I'm going to activate it, OK?

Because currently it's inactive. So once I do that, this now will show me my member levels.

Now, the idea with this integration is for us to automate our systems and make both sides work. So we want FluentCRM to pass data to WishList Member and vice versa. OK, so here are the list actions so we can decide now what we need to do here on the list and also the tags now. But before I continue here, I need to switch back to FluentCRM and talk about the list and also the tags. All right.

So first of all, I'm going to come back over here to the dashboard. So the reason why it's important for us to have our lists and our tags is we want that when someone gets added to a specific level on WishList Member, they get added to FluentCRM either to the list or even have them have a tag. Now, this enables us to do email automation and also even send emails to the right people based on which Membership Level they have selected.

OK, so with that said, now I'm going to come over here to our lists. So let's say we want that when someone buys a product here on WishList Member. Now let's go back to WishList Member. In fact, you know what? To make things easier. I'm going to open this in a new tab so I can bounce between the two. OK, so on WishList Member. Here we have VIP. We have my course level. We have gold members.

OK, these are the three levels that we have on WishList Member.

So back on WishList Member, we can say when someone gets added to the VIP level, we want them to be added to the VIP list. And this is where we can create it here. So I'm going to create my list here and I'm going to call this VIP level. OK, let's call this VIP level members. OK, great. So we have VIP level members. Now, I'm going to confirm that now what we can also do is use some tags.

So to add our tags, we can just come over here, OK,hear and here what we want to do now is we want to say, OK, when someone gets added to the VIP level, we want to give them a tag as well. So let's do that. So I'm going to create a tag and I'm just going to say “Bought VIP.” OK, great. So that's all the tag I want to confirm. So now that we have our tags in FluentCRM, let's head over now to WishList Member and create our automations.

OK, so back over here now we are going to go to “Setup” “Integrations,” “Email Providers.” And here we have FluentCRM. OK, great, so now when I click here on “Tags”, you can see we have “Bought VIP.” Now that's the tag we've just bought. And as you can see, it's synchronized very fast and it is available here, over here on the list as well. You can see we have VIP level members and this is what we created earlier on here on our lists.

Let me just show you one more time in case you missed that VIP level member. So this has been refreshed and it has the latest tags and lists. So the question now is, what can we do with this? All right. So let's start here with the Membership Levels. So here on the Membership Levels, we are going to say, all right, when someone gets added to the VIP level, right. What do we need to happen? So we're going to click here on this pencil icon, and we are going to say when someone gets added to the VIP level, we want to add a tag called “Bought VIP.” Boom! Just like that, we hit “Save.”

OK. So that's great when someone buys or gets added to the VIP level, they are going to get the tag. So what we can do with the tag now is we can automate our emails based on the tag. Now, let me show you how to do that.

So when I come over here to my email campaigns or in fact, we need to go to “Automations” and then we're going to create a new one. And this one here is based on let's go with CRM and then we're going to say tag applied. Continue. We need to give this a name, so let's call this “Bought VIP.” Continue. OK, great. So now we need to select the tag and the tag is called “Bought VIP.” OK, so that's the final name I'm going to save.

So my “Automations” now is going to start when that tag is added. OK, so now I can choose to either send a custom email, I can even activate an email sequence and so on. So we're not going to go and create the email sequence here because we need to demonstrate how this first tag is added and how it works. OK, so back over here. So let's just go back in here one more time so we can see here that when someone gets added to that list, they get this tag right here.

So let's see if that works. So what I'm going to do now is I am going to create a new member, add a member here in WishList Member and see if my tag is going to be added. All right. So I'm going to now go to members and then I'm just going to add one manually. So this member is going to be called David, OK? Email is let's call this David@mak.com. Now, this doesn't exist, of course.

And that's going to be the username I'm going to generate a password here. And I will not send an email notification, but what I'm going to do now is to add David@mak.com to the VIP level, and then I'm going to click on “Add Member.” Now, if this works OK, what's going to happen now is if I go to FluentCRM, I'm going to see David now added onto my mailing list, let's see if that has worked, so I'm going to come over here.

I'm going to go to contacts and now we can see David@mak.com has been added, now I want to see further information because if this has worked correctly, he needs to have a tag. So I want to click here and further see the profile. And now I can see here there's a tag called “Bought VIP.” Now, I'm at a stage where if now I go to my “Automations” and I am building this “Bought VIP” automations, I can now start working on my automations and start sending out emails and so on.

So as you can see, this is a very, very powerful integration. Now, I've only done just a little bit here to show you how when someone gets added to a Membership Level in WishList Member, they are now added to the mailing list of FluentCRM. So that's the first part. So in the next video, I'm also going to show you how when I add a tag on FluentCRM, they're going to be added on to a level on WishList Member.

All right, guys, that's all I have for you in today's video. Thank you very much for watching. I'll see you again in the next video.

Take care.

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