getting started Archives - WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites Quickly Protect Your Content With WishList Member Thu, 24 Aug 2023 12:29:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 getting started Archives - WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites 32 32 How to Migrate From A Different Membership Plugin to WishList Member Thu, 24 Aug 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Started with a different membership plugin and want to head over to WishList Member? Here's our guide to migrating your data as smoothly as possible. “How can I move over to WishList Member?” You'll be reassured to know that we hear this question a lot. We’ve all been there. We get excited about using a […]

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Started with a different membership plugin and want to head over to WishList Member? Here's our guide to migrating your data as smoothly as possible.

“How can I move over to WishList Member?”

You'll be reassured to know that we hear this question a lot.

We’ve all been there. We get excited about using a new platform or program, put all our eggs in that basket, and then sooner or later come to realize it's just not a good fit. 

You are not alone, my friend. We're regularly get this request, and today we're sharing our advice for the smoothest transition so you can start enjoying WishList Member STAT!

So limber up and let's hop to it.

Bugs Bunny starting line meme

Can You Transfer Your Membership Site Over to WishList Member?

Yes! 100%.

Switching from one membership platform over to WishList Member totally doable. You just need to know how.

The process isn't automatic given the many variables involved with this kind of transfer. It's not as simple as transferring customer data over when you factor in your protected content and membership tiers. But don't let that put you off.

It just takes a little time and effort, but the results will pay off once you're transferred over to our robust and reliable membership plugin.

So our first piece of advice is to give yourself some time to complete everything. Especially, if you have a large site with a lot of content.

Duplicating Your WordPress Site May Help

There are WordPress plugins that can duplicate or clone entire sites. Some examples are Duplicator, BackupBuddy and Updraft. You may want to take a look into one of these plugins as an option.

If you've already started using WishList Member on your site, our plugin stores all settings, members, data, etc. within your WordPress database.

So, if a plugin creates a complete copy of the WordPress site/database, it should include all the WishList Member settings, members, etc as well.

This is explained in more detail (including Plugin suggestions) in this Knowledge Base article, Transfer, Duplicate or Clone a Site.

Checklist Of Things To Consider

When migrating to WishList Member, the road to migration isn't one-size-fits-all.

The current membership platform you're using, coupled with the unique features and functionalities you plan to use in WishList Member, will pave the migration journey ahead.

Therefore, it's necessary to tailor your approach for a seamless and effective transition.

In this checklist, we'll delve into the key considerations and steps to guide you through this process, so you can make the most of all that WishList Member has to offer.

✅ Membership Levels

Firstly, you need to recreate any membership tiers you have on your current membership site.

From your WordPress dashboard, go to WishList Member > Setup > Levels and click the green plus (+) icon to get started.

Create a Membership Level using WishList Member

Read our full knowledge base article, complete with video tutorial, for a step-by-step guide to creating membership levels.

✅ Protect Content

WishList Member makes it easy to keep your content protected and only accessible by your logged-in members.

Easily protect WordPress pages, posts, custom post types, course content, quizzes, categories and comments. This includes access to downloading files and folders that are uploaded in the WordPress database.

With your membership levels set up, you can now protect content and manage which of your members can access it.

The Difference Between ACCESS and PROTECTION

With WishList Member, you can easily mark content as Protected or Unprotected.

Once content is marked as protected, it can be assigned one or multiple membership levels – in other words, you can manage access to your protected pages.

To PROTECT content:

  • From your WordPress Dashboard, head to WishList Member > Content Protection.

  • There you will see a list of content types that can be protected. In the example in the photo below, we've selected a page.

  • Click on the name of the content item you want to protect, and a pop up window will appear with the content's current Protection Status.

  • Click on the down arrow and select Protected from the dropdown menu.
Manage content protection and access

To manage ACCESS:

  • Once content is marked as Protected, an Add Membership Level option will appear.
  • Click Add Level, and select from the membership levels you created earlier. All members within the membership level will have access to the set content.

You can also set Bulk Protection in the Content Protection section of WishList Member.

This way you do not have to go through each individual piece of content. You can select multiple posts, protect them and set the access all at one time.

Learn more in our Bulk Protection article.

✅ Import Your Members On Over

Your current members can be imported into WishList Member as long as there is an option to export the data from the other membership software.

Please understand though that importing data from one system to another can sometimes lead to unexpected results. This depends on the type of data being transferred. 

It is always recommended to create a full and complete backup of the WordPress database before you start any import/export process.

WishList Member provides a Sample Import CSV File that can be downloaded from the Members > Import section.

This is explained in more detail in our Import Members A Different Membership Software Option article. 

✅ Give Access to Current Members & Connect Payments

So far, so smooth!

The next step, will take a bit of time but it's super easy once you know what you're doing.

You need to ensure that your members are assigned the membership level they paid for or are currently subscribed to.

You also need to make sure you connect your current members with their recurring payments.

There are no payment links between your current members in the previous membership site software and WishList Member.

The payment link is created in WishList Member when the member pays and then completes the registration form.

If you want to connect a current member with their recurring payments, you would need to manually update each member's Transaction ID in WishList Member.

Connect the Transaction ID

  • From your WordPress dashboard, go to WishList Member > Members.

  • Click on the username of the member you want to edit.

  • Head to the Levels tab.

  • Paste the Transaction ID of the member payment in the corresponding field.
Transaction IDs members

(Now, just so you know… The Transaction IDs in the above image are just examples.)

The Transaction ID may look different depending on the payment processor that you are currently using.

If you paste the Transaction ID from the payment processor into that field it will connect the WishList Member account with the payment in the payment processor.

If the payment is stopped the membership level access will be canceled for your member.

A list of all of our full payment integration options can be viewed in Setup > Integrations > Payment Providers.

  • Hit save and repeat with your other existing members!

See? Not difficult. To make the time pass faster, we recommend putting on some music, and allowing yourself to get into a state of flow.

✅ Reach Out If You Get Stuck

Cat stuck in a sleeve asking for help.

We have a super friendly customer success team on hand to help make the transition as easy as possible for you.

Migrating over to WishList Member is simple once you know what to do, so if at any point you feel stuck, we'll be on hand to set you in the right direction.

Need help understanding how to format your data? We're here. Confused about integrating payments? We'll sort you out. We're happy to have you join us, and we're committed to demonstrating that you made the right choice choosing WishList Member. Just get in touch.

Wrapping Up

Switching to a new membership platform might feel daunting, but armed with the right tools and knowledge, it's a breeze.

Whether it's setting up membership levels, protecting your content, or ensuring that member payments seamlessly transition, every step is manageable. And remember, at the heart of this move is your ambition to offer your members the best experience possible.

WishList Member is built to be user-friendly and versatile, designed to handle the complexities of a membership site with ease.

But, if ever you feel overwhelmed, just know that our team is ready and eager to assist. We're here to ensure that your transition is as smooth as Idris Elba reading a bedtime story.

With the right guidance and a bit of patience, you'll soon realize the benefits of using WishList Member. And once everything is set up, you can sit back, relax, and watch your community thrive.

Get Started With WishList Member Today

  1.   Get WishList Member
  2.   Use the NEW Quick-Start WIZARD, training videos and support
  3.   Launch Your Site!

And… Welcome Aboard! We look forward to you joining our family. 

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How to Create a Website With Member Login Thu, 03 Aug 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Want to provide an exclusive experience for members of your WordPress website? The key (quite literally) is a user login feature. No membership or subscription site is possible without one.  We’ll show you the easiest way to create a website with membership login. Building a website with a member login feature can seem daunting, especially […]

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Want to provide an exclusive experience for members of your WordPress website? The key (quite literally) is a user login feature. No membership or subscription site is possible without one. 

We’ll show you the easiest way to create a website with membership login.

Building a website with a member login feature can seem daunting, especially if you're not well-versed in coding.

But thanks to the versatility of WordPress and the availability of powerful plugins like WishList Member, it’s more accessible than ever.

Whether you’re looking to create a sense of community, protect premium content, or monetize your platform, this step-by-step guide will empower you to create a fully functional membership site tailored to your needs.

No passwords or secret codes needed to create a sleek, branded login page like the one below. Just read on!

Member Login Options - WishList Member

Why Having a Login Page is Useful

Creating a website with a membership login isn’t just a neat feature—it offers a wealth of benefits that can transform your online business. Let’s delve into why it’s so beneficial:

1. Access Control: A login page helps control access to your website’s content. Only registered members can log in and view exclusive content, ensuring your premium content is protected.

2. Personalization: Membership logins allow you to offer personalized user experiences. Knowing who your users are enables you to tailor content, recommendations, and interfaces to individual users, enhancing their experience on your site.

3. Community Building: A login page can create a sense of community. Users feel more connected when they are part of a membership group, which can increase user engagement and loyalty.

4. User Data Collection: Having a login page gives you access to valuable user data. You can track user behavior, preferences, and interactions, which can inform your marketing strategies and content creation.

5. Monetization Opportunities: If you’re running a subscription-based business, a membership login is a must. It allows you to set up tiered membership levels, offer exclusive content or benefits, and generate recurring revenue.

Incorporating a login page on your website offers a strategic advantage, whether your aim is to create an engaged community, offer personalized experiences, or protect and monetize your valuable content.

How Login Pages Work in WordPress

Before we delve into the process of creating a login page, it’s helpful to understand how they operate within the WordPress ecosystem.

1. Default Login Page: WordPress comes with a default login page, typically accessed by appending ‘/wp-admin’ or ‘/wp-login.php’ to your site’s URL. This page provides access to the backend of your WordPress site for all users with the appropriate credentials, whether they’re administrators, editors, or subscribers.

2. User Roles and Capabilities: When a user logs in through the WordPress login page, they’re granted access based on their role. WordPress includes several predefined roles (such as Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber), each with its set of capabilities.

3. Custom Login Pages: While the default login page is functional, it’s often desirable to create a custom login page to provide a more seamless, branded experience for your users. 

With a custom login page, you can control the design and functionality and integrate it into your site’s theme.

4. Membership Plugins: To transform your WordPress site into a membership or subscription site with tiered access levels, you’ll need a WordPress membership plugin

These plugins work alongside the WordPress login system, restricting content access based on the user’s membership level and offering features such as payment handling, subscription management, and more.

How to Create a Site With Member Login

The easiest way to create a login page for paying subscribers on your WordPress website is with a membership site plugin.

Best of all, you don’t need to know any code to create a beautiful, branded login page for your members.

We’ll show you how it’s done with WishList Member.

WishList Member Homepage

WishList Member is a powerful membership plugin for WordPress, allowing you to create a membership site with ease. 

With its user-friendly interface, you can set up various membership levels, protect content, and provide exclusive access, all without any coding knowledge. 

WishList Member also Seamlessly integrates with popular payment gateways. It’s an ideal solution for those looking to build a professional membership site quickly and effortlessly.

Step 1: Install WishList Member 

Purchase and Download

Visit the official WishList Member website, choose your desired plan, and purchase it. Once completed, download the plugin's zip file.

Upload the Plugin to WordPress

 Navigate to your WordPress dashboard, then go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin. Select the downloaded zip file and click Install Now.

Activate the Plugin

After installation, click the Activate Plugin button to make WishList Member functional on your site.

Step 2: Follow the Setup Wizard

Getting Started Wizard

Go to WishList Member > Setup > Getting Started. From there you’ll be guided through a simple setup process that will walk you through the key configurations of your new membership site including:

The process is designed to be as quick and easy as possible, setting you up with a configured membership site in minutes.

Step 3: Create Your Login Page

Now you have everything you need to create a login page for your members!

Option 1: Classic WordPress Login

At this stage, the default login page for your membership site is a simple, functional, WordPress branded form. Like this:

Member Login Options - WishList Member

You can view the WordPress login form for your site by adding /wp-admin or /wp-login.php to the end of your site's URL.

But if you want a sleek, branded login page that’s in keeping with the rest of your site you’ll want to punt for option 2. 

Option 2: Customize Your Login Page

With WishList Member, creating a beautiful, branded login for your site is a cin

From your WordPress dashboard, go to WishList Member > Advanced Options > Logins and click the Styling tab.

Click the WordPress Login Page Styling slider to enable customization.

WordPress login page styling - WishList Member

Below, you'll find various templates that make tailoring the WordPress login form swift and effortless. Choose a template that best matches your brand to get started.

Login templates

Keep in mind, if you make modifications in this area, the system will also update the WordPress “Lost your Password” page to ensure a consistent look and feel.

Then click the Login Form tab. There you can …

  • Upload your logo
  • Change the alignment, width, background color of the box on your login form
  • Adjust the text color, size and border thickness of the fields in your login form
  • Change the color and dimensions of the login button.

If you don't have a logo yet, give Fiverr's try-before-you-buy logo generator a shot. In just a few clicks, you can get a professional looking logo that communicates your brand message.

Here is an example of a customized WordPress login page, complete with logo.

WordPress login page styling - WishList Member

Not happy with any of the backgrounds from the template selection? No problem! Select a color to appear in your background image or upload an entirely new image of your own under the Background tab. 

You can use a site like Unsplash to source high-quality royalty-free images. If you want to get more fancy with your design,

Option 3: Use the WishList Member Login Form Mergecode

Don’t worry! There is no coding necessary with this option. The Wishlist Member login form mergecode can be inserted into any page on your website within a text block. 

Simply copy and paste one of the following options into your text editor and a login form will appear on your page:

  • Standard login form mergecode:
  • Login form mergecode with AJAX error message:
    [wlm_loginform ajax_login=1]

No matter which of these options you choose, this is how your login form will appear on your page:

Member Login Options - WishList Member

The standard login form merge code will redirect failed login attempts to the WordPress login page (or your customized login page if you followed option 2)

Error message above login

The login form mergecode with AJAX error message will keep users on the same page if their login attempt fails, and display the error message above the login form:

Member Login Options - WishList Member

Whichever option your choose, using a mergecode to add a login form within pages on your site is a great way to optimize the user experience for your existing members, and make casual visitors aware of your membership program.


Creating a website with member login functionality opens the door to a ton of benefits such as access control, personalized user experiences, community building, and monetization opportunities. 

In this guide, we walked you through the process of using WordPress and the powerful WishList Member plugin to create your own membership site without coding. 

From understanding how login pages work in WordPress to installing WishList Member and customizing your login page, we covered all you need to get started. 

Ready to provide an exclusive and engaging experience for your community? Sign up for WishList Member today and transform your online presence.

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