Site Building Archives - WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites Quickly Protect Your Content With WishList Member Mon, 22 Jan 2024 09:24:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Site Building Archives - WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites 32 32 How To Boost WordPress Website Speed: Tips and Tools for Lightning Load Times Thu, 02 Nov 2023 14:00:00 +0000 Pedal to the floor! Get the best tools, tips, and best practices to boost your WordPress website speed in a flash. Level up user experience, improve conversion rates, and add gas to your website’s search engine rankings. 

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Pedal to the floor! Get the best tools, tips, and best practices to boost your WordPress website speed in a flash. Level up user experience, improve conversion rates, and add gas to your website’s search engine rankings. 

It's no secret that speed is a major demand for online consumers. In the age of TikTok and Amazon Prime, a fast website is non-negotiable. 

For better or worse, the simple fact is our patience died with dialup and Limewire. Now if your site takes more than a couple of seconds to load, you’re in trouble. 

No one likes waiting around. Not your visitors, not search engines, and definitely not you. 

So, we’ve loaded this blog with tips and tools on how to boost your WordPress website's speed.  

We'll walk you through why WishList Member is your go-to for a speed-optimized site and pair it with some killer tools to send your site supersonic! 

Let’s go go go!

Kid dressed as Evel Knievel speeding off on his scooter

Why Site Speed is Important

Hey, welcome to the fast lane! Let's cut the chase – speed is a make-or-break factor for your website for two main reasons:

1. Fast Loading is Critical For User Engagement

You know that frustration that sets in when you click on a site and – ugh – it's taking its sweet time? You're not alone. 

53% of mobile users will abandon a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. That's over half your audience saying “thanks, but no thanks.”

Still not convinced? How about this: a one-second delay in page load time can lead to a 7% loss in conversions. Ouch! Long story short: if your website is dragging its feet, you're watching money walk out the door.

2. Speed's Impact on SEO

But it's not just your human visitors you need to worry about – search engines are picky too. Google has been using site speed as a ranking factor since 2010. If you’re late to the party, you’ll be at the end of a long line of search results. 

Think about it: faster sites create happy users, and Google is all about user experience. So, if you're wondering why your site is stuck on page 10 of search results, maybe it's time to look under the hood and get things running smoothly.


How to Measure Your WordPress Website's Speed: Know Where You Stand

Before you get to work on amping up your website's speed, you've got to know where you're starting from. It's like timing your first 5k run – you need a baseline to measure your progress.

Remember, 3 seconds is the tipping point when mobile users will abandon your site. But Google sets the number a little lower, at 2.5 seconds. 

Whatever your current speed, there’s always room for improvement. For every 100 milliseconds cut off a site’s loading time, bounce rates drop and conversion rates rise. 

So where does your site currently stand?

Here are a couple of free, go-to tools to help you figure out if your site is a hare or a tortoise:

Google PageSpeed Insights

Straight from the horse's mouth. Google's tool gives you a detailed analysis of your site's speed on both desktop and mobile. It even offers suggestions for improvement.

Google PageSpeed Insights Screenshot


 This is another excellent tool that goes beyond just loading time. It gives you a complete performance report and tips on things like optimizing images and leveraging browser caching.

GTmetrix screenshot

Run these tests to get an idea of what's slowing you down. Armed with this knowledge, you can target your speed-boosting efforts where they'll have the most impact.

Basic Tips for Speeding Up WordPress – No Rocket Science Required

Before we dig deeper into how WishList Member can rev up your website, let's cover some foundational speed-boosting hacks. Consider these the low-hanging fruit – easy to implement but with an undeniable impact on your website's speed.

1. Image Optimization

Let's start simple: those pretty pictures? They're heavy. 

Use tools like ShortPixel or Smush to compress and optimize your images without sacrificing quality. 

You could cut your image size in half, making them load faster and keeping your visitors happy.

ShortPixel image optimization homepage screenshot

2. Caching

Browser caching stores static files locally, so returning visitors don’t have to reload the entire page. Plugins like WP Super Cache can automate this for you. 

WP Super Cache WordPress Download

3. Minification

Ever look at a website's code? It’s like a foreign language with extra spaces and characters. Minification strips out all the unnecessary stuff, making your site lighter and faster. 

There are several great free plugins can do this for you, so no excuses! Autoptimize is a popular option.

Autoptimize WordPress

4. Reduce Server Requests – Choose a Sleek Theme

The more elements on a page – like scripts, images, and CSS files – the more server requests are needed to load it. 

One immediate action you can take? Choose a sleek and streamlined theme for your website. 

Many themes come packed with widgets, sliders, and flashy elements that are server request hogs. 

Opt for a theme that gives you just what you need, and nothing more. This will not only improve your site speed but also make for a cleaner, more user-friendly design. After all, when speed is the goal, less really is more.

5. Leverage Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

Want to go global? Use a CDN like Cloudflare to distribute your content around the world. This way, a user in Australia isn’t waiting for your server in the U.S. to wake up.

CloudFlare CDN

6. Opt for Optimized Hosting

Think of hosting as the home of your website. Would you rather live in a sluggish, crowded apartment or a zippy, well-maintained mansion? Services like WP Engine offer specialized hosting that’s tailored for WordPress speed.

And there you have it! These are some straightforward steps you can take today to see an immediate improvement in your WordPress site's speed. 

Why WishList Member is a Speed-Savvy Choice for Membership Sites

So you've tuned up your website with some basic speed fixes. You’ve trimmed it of the unnecessary bloat. 

But running a membership site or an online course often means grappling with plugins that can put a drag on your site speed. 

Not so with WishList Member. 

WishList Member Homepage

For those who want to keep things zippy, WishList Member is the MVP of plugins. Let's get into it.

Regular Updates for Speed Optimization

In the dynamic world of WordPress and website performance, standing still is falling behind. That’s why WishList Member is frequently updated. 

This helps ensure that your membership site remains optimized for speed and security.

Compatibility With Speed-Optimizing Plugins

Have a favorite speed-boosting plugin or two? No problem. WishList Member gets along with your existing speed-optimizing plugins.

Whether you’re using caching solutions or image optimization tools, WishList Member aims to slide right into your existing ecosystem without throwing a wrench in the works.

Tailored Caching for Your Membership Site

WishList Member doesn't just lean on WordPress’s built-in caching; it takes it up a notch. With compatibility for persistent caching plugins like WP Super Cache, it adds another layer of speed to your site.

But while caching is great news for loading speeds, it can be a double-edged sword for membership platforms.

WishList Member has a smart solution. Caching for logged-in users can serve stale or incorrect content, disrupt personalized experiences, and even pose security risks. WishList Member has a Cookie Prefix setting which you can use to bypass caching for logged-in members.

This ensures your members get real-time, personalized content without compromising on speed or security.

Streamlining Content Creation and Membership Management

Running a membership site involves a lot of moving parts, and each additional task – whether it's content creation or member management – can potentially slow down your website. 

That’s why you need a plugin that streamlines these tasks without compromising on speed. Enter WishList Member.

WishList Member's intuitive dashboard doesn't just simplify content creation; it also minimizes the clicks and time needed for administrative tasks, contributing to a more efficient – and therefore faster – website. 

When you spend less time toggling between settings and screens, you reduce server load and increase your site’s responsiveness.

On the management side, the speed and ease of use continue to shine. Whether you're looking to add new member levels or shift existing members from one level to another, WishList Member makes it a breeze. 

The user interface is snappy, ensuring that you don't have to wait around while making these critical changes. 

Plus, the capability to perform multiple membership functions en masse means you’re not bogged down with one-by-one adjustments.

This reduces the time and server resources spent on admin tasks, indirectly contributing to a faster, more efficient website.

In Conclusion: 

So now you’re up to speed on all you need to know! From grasping the essential role of a speed-optimized site in both user engagement and SEO, to implementing basic yet impactful fixes, we've covered it all. 

And for those running membership sites or online courses, WishList Member stands out as an invaluable ally for maintaining a brisk and seamless user experience.

Speed isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have. A faster website doesn't just please your visitors; it also offers you a competitive edge in search engine rankings. 

Every second counts, and now you're armed with the knowledge and tools to make each one work in your favor.

Ready to shift into high gear? Get WishList Member today and supercharge your WordPress membership site's speed and performance!

Apply these tips and tricks, invest in WishList Member, and watch your site transition from laggy to lightning-fast. Happy speeding! 

Got any tips to share with the WishList Member community? Let us know in the comments section below.

Found this blog useful? Follow us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn for more tips and best practices to make the most of your membership site.

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How to Create a Member Dashboard Page For Your Membership Site | Elevate User Experience Thu, 12 Oct 2023 21:24:00 +0000 It's a critical part of your membership site and key to member satisfaction and retention! Discover how to create a personalized member dashboard for a seamless and engaging member experience on your site.

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It's a critical part of your membership site and key to member satisfaction and retention! Discover how to create a personalized member dashboard for a seamless and engaging member experience on your site.

Imagine logging into a platform and immediately finding everything you need, right at your fingertips. It's a great strategy for boosting member engagement and retention on your membership site. Your Member Dashboard page is a powerful tool that can transform the member experience from ‘meh' to ‘marvelous.'

But what if you could go a step further? What if you could offer a personalized dashboard that feels like it was crafted just for each member?

That's where WishList Member's Dashboard comes into play. Acting as a fully customizable dashboard, it offers you the chance to deliver an unparalleled, tailor-made experience for every user, every time they log in.

Intrigued? Stick around. In this comprehensive guide, you'll discover how to make the most of the Member Dashboard page to create a captivating dashboard that exceeds your members' expectations.

Let's dash to it!

Creating a Member Dashboard Page

Why Does Your Member Dashboard Page Matter?

Your Member Dashboard is more than just a ‘nice-to-have.' It's an absolute game-changer for both you and your members.

Here's why:

Improved User Experience

Who doesn't love an easy-peasy interface? A dashboard takes the headache out of navigating your site.

All the essentials – account settings, special articles, you name it – are right at their fingertips. Which leads to…

Increased Engagement

When people find it easy to use your site, they tend to use it more. It makes them want to dig deeper. Remove the frustrations, and they'll spend more time clicking, exploring, and interacting with your content. And the more they do, the more they feel like a part of your community.

Reduced Support Costs

Dashboards are also money-savers. Think of it as a ‘DIY Help Desk' where members find what they need without calling for backup.

This frees up time for your support team, so they can focus on the big issues. Fewer hours spent on support = more time to grow your community!

Make Sure the Support Team Has Your Back

Improved Retention

Keeping your members is important. After all, retention is between five-seven times cheaper than acquisition.

A great dashboard adds value to their experience and gives them more reasons to stick around. When renewal time comes, they're more likely to stay if they find your site helpful and engaging.

Using our Member Dashboard After Login page, you can create a dashboard that's custom-fit for each membership level. This boosts member satisfaction and sets your site apart.

The Role of WishList Member's After Login Page

The After Login Page is like your site's personal greeter. It's the first thing your members will see each time they log in. You want to make that ‘hello' count, right?

Here, you can flex your creative muscles and tailor the page to give your members a snazzier dashboard experience. Add quick links, important messages, or that secret sauce that makes your community unique.

After Login Page Overview

And don't think it's one-size-fits-all; that’s not how we roll. You can set a Global Default After Login page or – even better – craft individual pages for different membership levels.

High-rolling VIP members? Give them the five-star treatment! Newbies? Guide them through their first steps in your community. The choice is all yours!

For more in-depth details on settings and configurations, we’ve got a whole article dedicated to just that. But for now, we’re zeroing in on how you can turn this After Login Page into a dynamo Member Dashboard.

Essential Elements for a Highly Effective Member Dashboard Page

Membership Dashboard settings and configurations

What elements should you focus on to make sure it's not just functional but also member-friendly? Let's jump right into the key components you'll want to include.

Clear Links

We're talking about those crucial buttons or links that guide your members to their next adventure on your site. You know, that direct route to the latest webinar, the coolest forum discussion, or even the new merchandise shop.

Make those links crystal clear and easy to find. No one likes playing “Where's Waldo?” when they're looking for essential resources.

Account Area

Members should be able to update their profile, switch out that two-year-old profile picture, change their password, and manage their email settings all without needing a decoder ring.

Ensure that the account area is straightforward, easy-to-navigate, and offers everything they need to keep their membership details up-to-date.

Any Provided Extras

Have some bonus content like ebooks, exclusive videos, or special webinars? Don’t hide those goodies. Give them a spotlight on the dashboard. Trust us, your members will appreciate the extra value you’re packing into their experience.

Access to Support

Say a member can't access a feature or forgets how to find something. They'll need immediate help, and you want to be there for them.

Insert quick links to customer service, FAQs, or even live chat support. Make solving problems a breeze, and you'll have members singing your praises.

Personalizing Dashboards Based on Membership Level

One-size-fits-all might work for some things, but when it comes to member dashboards, personalization is key.

Especially if you're running a site with different membership tiers, you'll want to greet each member with an After Login page that's relevant to their level. So, let's look into how to customize these experiences using WishList Member.

Setting Up Custom Redirects

Alright, you've got a basic After Login page that serves all your members, and that's a great start! But you've got different membership levels, and they all deserve their special welcome.

With WishList Member, you can set different After Login pages based on membership levels, and it's not even complicated.

  1. Head to the WishList Member menu, then click on Setup.
  2. Find the membership level you want to customize and click on it.
  3. Click on the Additional Settings tab.
  4. You'll spot options for Custom After Registration Redirect and Custom After Logout Redirect. Toggle the option you wish to customize and a Configure button will appear.
  5. Click on Configure and add your desired custom message.

Attachment Details
Member Based Redirects Custom Messaging

And just like that, you're on your way to delivering a highly personalized member experience. You can direct your high-tier members to exclusive content or your mid-tier members to a selection of educational resources. It's all up to you.

Pro Tip: Need to make sure your redirects are flawless?

Mastering WordPress redirects with WishList Member can be a game-changer for boosting engagement and loyalty. Get started by reading our guide: “How to Master WordPress Redirect Pages with WishList Member.

The Best Practices & Common Pitfalls of Crafting the Ultimate Member Dashboard

By now, you should be well on your way to creating an amazing member dashboard. But, wait up! There are some super important dos and don'ts to keep in mind to make sure you really hit the mark.

Smart Moves for a Stellar Dashboard

Cool Cat
  • Make it Look Good: An eye-catching dashboard is a joy to use. Go for high-quality graphics and a polished look.
  • Embrace the White Space: Like pauses in a conversation, white space can make all the difference. It helps your members easily find what they're looking for.
  • Direct and Doable Calls-to-Action: Be explicit about what steps you want members to take. A button that says “Update Account Info” is way better than something vague like “Go Here.”
  • Thumbs Up for Mobile Users: With people logging in from their smartphones, making your dashboard mobile-friendly isn't optional; it's a must.

Mistakes to Steer Clear Of

Embarressed Dog
  • Misreading User Needs: Listen, a dashboard isn't about showing off how much information you can cram into one page. It's about what your members need. So, spend some time understanding what resources and features they're actually interested in.
  • Information Overload: A dashboard packed with too much stuff is like a messy bedroom – overwhelming and stressful. Keep things streamlined, focusing on what's most essential for the member.
  • Jargon Jumble: Technical language or jargon just adds a layer of fuzziness. Stick to words that anyone can understand, especially when labeling buttons or calls-to-action.
  • Style Whiplash: Keep your dashboard visually in line with your overall site. Consistency isn't boring; it makes things comfy and familiar.
  • Skipping the Test Drive: Before the big launch, get some of your members to take the dashboard for a spin. Collect feedback to smooth out any bumps in the road.

Sooo… What happens next?

Nailing your Member Dashboard and After Login Page is awesome, but guess what? WishList Member doesn't stop there. Let's dig into some other awesome features that'll make managing your community easier and frankly way more fun.

Get to Know Your Members Better

Who is signing up for your salsa dancing course or your mystery book club? Find out by using custom registration forms, and ask some fun questions to get to know the fabulous folk joining your community.

And oh, all that precious info? Safeguarded, thanks to GDPR compliance. Rest easy knowing you're doing right by your members and the law.

Keep Your Members Engaged through Email Notifications

Email notifications aren't just a nice touch; they're a way to keep your community engaged and informed. From new content alerts to membership renewals, keep your members in the know.

WishList Member integrates seamlessly with popular email service providers and third party CRMS so you can send targeted, relevant emails out to your members.

And remember, you're the boss here – you set the permissions and decide who sees what.

Your All-Seeing Admin Dashboard

Membership dashboard

You wouldn't drive without a speedometer, would you? The admin dashboard gives you a panoramic view of all the action.

Real-time stats are just a click away, giving you insights into membership trends, content popularity, and more.

Quick & Easy Course Creation with CourseCure

Online courses can be a game-changer for your membership site. CourseCure makes it a breeze to get your courses up and running.

No tech wizardry needed – just a few simple steps and you're good to go! Add quizzes, interactive content, and even gamification elements to keep your learners hooked till the very end.


A well-designed member dashboard can truly be the heart of your membership site, making members feel at home while giving them quick access to all the good stuff. With WishList Member, crafting this crucial page is easier than tying your shoes.

Well-organized links, user-friendly settings, and a whole bunch of personalization options make it the go-to tool for boosting member satisfaction and engagement.

So get started with WishList Member today and you'll be able to confidently control your members' experience on your site. WishList Member is designed to make it easy to customize and configure your site to your exact needs. And if you need help along the way, our customer success team is on hand to help you make the most of our extensive features.

Got any questions about creating a membership dashboard? Want to share your tips and best practices with the WishList Member community? Leave a comment below!

And if you want more revenue-boosting tips and best practices for your membership site, don't forget to follow us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn.

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How to Create a Website With Member Login Thu, 03 Aug 2023 09:00:00 +0000 Want to provide an exclusive experience for members of your WordPress website? The key (quite literally) is a user login feature. No membership or subscription site is possible without one.  We’ll show you the easiest way to create a website with membership login. Building a website with a member login feature can seem daunting, especially […]

The post How to Create a Website With Member Login appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
Want to provide an exclusive experience for members of your WordPress website? The key (quite literally) is a user login feature. No membership or subscription site is possible without one. 

We’ll show you the easiest way to create a website with membership login.

Building a website with a member login feature can seem daunting, especially if you're not well-versed in coding.

But thanks to the versatility of WordPress and the availability of powerful plugins like WishList Member, it’s more accessible than ever.

Whether you’re looking to create a sense of community, protect premium content, or monetize your platform, this step-by-step guide will empower you to create a fully functional membership site tailored to your needs.

No passwords or secret codes needed to create a sleek, branded login page like the one below. Just read on!

Member Login Options - WishList Member

Why Having a Login Page is Useful

Creating a website with a membership login isn’t just a neat feature—it offers a wealth of benefits that can transform your online business. Let’s delve into why it’s so beneficial:

1. Access Control: A login page helps control access to your website’s content. Only registered members can log in and view exclusive content, ensuring your premium content is protected.

2. Personalization: Membership logins allow you to offer personalized user experiences. Knowing who your users are enables you to tailor content, recommendations, and interfaces to individual users, enhancing their experience on your site.

3. Community Building: A login page can create a sense of community. Users feel more connected when they are part of a membership group, which can increase user engagement and loyalty.

4. User Data Collection: Having a login page gives you access to valuable user data. You can track user behavior, preferences, and interactions, which can inform your marketing strategies and content creation.

5. Monetization Opportunities: If you’re running a subscription-based business, a membership login is a must. It allows you to set up tiered membership levels, offer exclusive content or benefits, and generate recurring revenue.

Incorporating a login page on your website offers a strategic advantage, whether your aim is to create an engaged community, offer personalized experiences, or protect and monetize your valuable content.

How Login Pages Work in WordPress

Before we delve into the process of creating a login page, it’s helpful to understand how they operate within the WordPress ecosystem.

1. Default Login Page: WordPress comes with a default login page, typically accessed by appending ‘/wp-admin’ or ‘/wp-login.php’ to your site’s URL. This page provides access to the backend of your WordPress site for all users with the appropriate credentials, whether they’re administrators, editors, or subscribers.

2. User Roles and Capabilities: When a user logs in through the WordPress login page, they’re granted access based on their role. WordPress includes several predefined roles (such as Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber), each with its set of capabilities.

3. Custom Login Pages: While the default login page is functional, it’s often desirable to create a custom login page to provide a more seamless, branded experience for your users. 

With a custom login page, you can control the design and functionality and integrate it into your site’s theme.

4. Membership Plugins: To transform your WordPress site into a membership or subscription site with tiered access levels, you’ll need a WordPress membership plugin

These plugins work alongside the WordPress login system, restricting content access based on the user’s membership level and offering features such as payment handling, subscription management, and more.

How to Create a Site With Member Login

The easiest way to create a login page for paying subscribers on your WordPress website is with a membership site plugin.

Best of all, you don’t need to know any code to create a beautiful, branded login page for your members.

We’ll show you how it’s done with WishList Member.

WishList Member Homepage

WishList Member is a powerful membership plugin for WordPress, allowing you to create a membership site with ease. 

With its user-friendly interface, you can set up various membership levels, protect content, and provide exclusive access, all without any coding knowledge. 

WishList Member also Seamlessly integrates with popular payment gateways. It’s an ideal solution for those looking to build a professional membership site quickly and effortlessly.

Step 1: Install WishList Member 

Purchase and Download

Visit the official WishList Member website, choose your desired plan, and purchase it. Once completed, download the plugin's zip file.

Upload the Plugin to WordPress

 Navigate to your WordPress dashboard, then go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin. Select the downloaded zip file and click Install Now.

Activate the Plugin

After installation, click the Activate Plugin button to make WishList Member functional on your site.

Step 2: Follow the Setup Wizard

Getting Started Wizard

Go to WishList Member > Setup > Getting Started. From there you’ll be guided through a simple setup process that will walk you through the key configurations of your new membership site including:

The process is designed to be as quick and easy as possible, setting you up with a configured membership site in minutes.

Step 3: Create Your Login Page

Now you have everything you need to create a login page for your members!

Option 1: Classic WordPress Login

At this stage, the default login page for your membership site is a simple, functional, WordPress branded form. Like this:

Member Login Options - WishList Member

You can view the WordPress login form for your site by adding /wp-admin or /wp-login.php to the end of your site's URL.

But if you want a sleek, branded login page that’s in keeping with the rest of your site you’ll want to punt for option 2. 

Option 2: Customize Your Login Page

With WishList Member, creating a beautiful, branded login for your site is a cin

From your WordPress dashboard, go to WishList Member > Advanced Options > Logins and click the Styling tab.

Click the WordPress Login Page Styling slider to enable customization.

WordPress login page styling - WishList Member

Below, you'll find various templates that make tailoring the WordPress login form swift and effortless. Choose a template that best matches your brand to get started.

Login templates

Keep in mind, if you make modifications in this area, the system will also update the WordPress “Lost your Password” page to ensure a consistent look and feel.

Then click the Login Form tab. There you can …

  • Upload your logo
  • Change the alignment, width, background color of the box on your login form
  • Adjust the text color, size and border thickness of the fields in your login form
  • Change the color and dimensions of the login button.

If you don't have a logo yet, give Fiverr's try-before-you-buy logo generator a shot. In just a few clicks, you can get a professional looking logo that communicates your brand message.

Here is an example of a customized WordPress login page, complete with logo.

WordPress login page styling - WishList Member

Not happy with any of the backgrounds from the template selection? No problem! Select a color to appear in your background image or upload an entirely new image of your own under the Background tab. 

You can use a site like Unsplash to source high-quality royalty-free images. If you want to get more fancy with your design,

Option 3: Use the WishList Member Login Form Mergecode

Don’t worry! There is no coding necessary with this option. The Wishlist Member login form mergecode can be inserted into any page on your website within a text block. 

Simply copy and paste one of the following options into your text editor and a login form will appear on your page:

  • Standard login form mergecode:
  • Login form mergecode with AJAX error message:
    [wlm_loginform ajax_login=1]

No matter which of these options you choose, this is how your login form will appear on your page:

Member Login Options - WishList Member

The standard login form merge code will redirect failed login attempts to the WordPress login page (or your customized login page if you followed option 2)

Error message above login

The login form mergecode with AJAX error message will keep users on the same page if their login attempt fails, and display the error message above the login form:

Member Login Options - WishList Member

Whichever option your choose, using a mergecode to add a login form within pages on your site is a great way to optimize the user experience for your existing members, and make casual visitors aware of your membership program.


Creating a website with member login functionality opens the door to a ton of benefits such as access control, personalized user experiences, community building, and monetization opportunities. 

In this guide, we walked you through the process of using WordPress and the powerful WishList Member plugin to create your own membership site without coding. 

From understanding how login pages work in WordPress to installing WishList Member and customizing your login page, we covered all you need to get started. 

Ready to provide an exclusive and engaging experience for your community? Sign up for WishList Member today and transform your online presence.

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Starting a Dog Walking Website on WordPress Thu, 06 Jul 2023 09:00:00 +0000 If your idea of a perfect day is spending time in the great outdoors with your 4-legged friends, you probably aren’t so keen on the idea of spending hours and hours setting up a dog walking website.  But a well-structured website is essential if you aspire to run a successful dog-walking business independently. Well, do […]

The post Starting a Dog Walking Website on WordPress appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
If your idea of a perfect day is spending time in the great outdoors with your 4-legged friends, you probably aren’t so keen on the idea of spending hours and hours setting up a dog walking website. 

But a well-structured website is essential if you aspire to run a successful dog-walking business independently.

Well, do we have some good news for you!

The world’s most commonly used content management system, WordPress, when paired with a cost-effective and user-friendly tool like WishList Member, can help you realize your dog-walking business dreams.

In this blog post, we'll guide you on transforming a basic WordPress website into a fully fledged, professional platform for your dog-walking business. 

So, fasten your shoelaces, and let's embark on this exciting journey!

What You Need

If you're new to building websites, you’re probably getting tangled up in research about what’s the best way to go about it. 

Well, we’ve got the low down on exactly what you need to build a professional website where your clients can manage their bookings and payments.

And all you need are four primary tools:


This robust and intuitive platform will form the backbone of your online presence. 

WordPress offers a vast selection of themes and plugins, equipping you with all the necessary tools to craft a visually appealing and highly functional website.

WishList Member

WishList Member Homepage

If you're considering a tool to streamline your membership site, look no further than WishList Member

This comprehensive and user-friendly plugin integrates seamlessly with WordPress. It provides all the necessary features to create a members-only section on your page, and manage membership tiers and subscriptions effectively. 


Zapier homepage

When it comes to automating tasks and streamlining your workflows, Zapier is a game-changer. 

This powerful and intelligent tool connects with a multitude of apps, facilitating smooth and efficient processes. 

Whether you're looking to synchronize data between different platforms or automate repetitive tasks, Zapier is your go-to solution. 

Later, we’ll show you one specific way to use Zapier for your dog-walking business. 


Calendly excels as the perfect assistant for your dog-walking business, managing appointments with precision and convenience. 

This accessible and adaptable tool takes the stress out of scheduling, allowing you to focus more on your furry clients. 

With real-time availability tracking, it ensures you never double-book or miss an appointment.

Its automatic reminders keep you and your human clients on the same page, and its effortless rescheduling feature handles any unexpected changes with ease. 

Delivers a hassle-free scheduling experience to your clients, and set the stage for their satisfaction and your business's success.

Later in the blog, we'll guide you through how to set up each of them. 

Launching Your Dog Walking Website With WordPress

Dog walking business

Now, let's delve into how to start your dog-walking business using WordPress in four simple steps.

Step 1: Set Up WordPress

WordPress is a powerful content management system (CMS) that powers over 40% of all websites worldwide

A CMS is just a platform through which you can upload and manage things like users, written copy, images, and any other content on your website. 

With a CMS you can create and control your website without having to know any code. That’s right zero coding skills necessary! 

Here's why WordPress is the go-to CMS for aspiring dog walkers planning to start an online venture:

Ease of use: If you're more familiar with dogs than digital technology, that's perfectly fine. WordPress simplifies the site creation process, making it easy for beginners to build a site using a visual editor.

Professional templates: With a pre-made theme you can create a professional-looking website in no time. Many of these themes are free, too.

Cost-effectiveness: Starting a new business often implies working within a tight budget. WordPress is free

All you need to do is buy a domain and hosting provider, which is a fraction of the cost of services like Wix and Squarespace. We’ll go over how to do that now!

Purchase a Domain Name & Hosting Service

Get set up with a web host (a web host connects your site to the internet).

Many hosting providers offer package deals, providing a domain name and taking care of the setup process for you. For a high-quality and affordable host that's beginner-friendly. Our star choice is DreamHost.

DreamHost, recommended by the WordPress team, is reliable and offers plans as low as $2.95 per month. 

This includes a free domain for the first year, added security features like a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate, and they will even install WordPress for you.

Choosing a Theme:

If you're not particularly tech-savvy, we suggest selecting a WordPress theme. You'll be surprised at the wide array of industry-specific themes available.

One example is the free WordPress theme Pet Business by Theme Palace.

Pet Business WP Theme by Theme Palace

Step 2: Install WishList Member

Once your WordPress site and theme are set up, it's time to install the WishList Member tool on your new dog walking website. 

WishList Member is a WordPress plugin that enables you to create a members area on your website. Here are just some of the things you can offer on your website with WishList Member:

  • Allow pet owners to schedule and pay for ongoing or one-off dog walking services
  • Set up recurring billing for your regular clients
  • Offer membership tiers depending on what kind of services your clients want
  • Sell online courses and consultations such as dog and puppy training tips. 
  • Offer 1:1 dog training consultations
  • Provide premium content related to pet ownership or adoption
  • And more!

Setting Up WishList Member

Here’s a video showing you exactly how to install and activate WishList Member in WordPress:

Once you’ve done that, you'll need to set up your membership tiers.

Here’s how to do that:

Schedule Walkies With Calendly & Zapier

So, you're rocking it with your dog walking website, and you've got Wishlist Member up and running. That's pawsome! 

But are you tired of the constant back-and-forth trying to schedule appointments? Wish there was a way to spend less time managing calendars and more time playing fetch? We've got just the treat for you!

Dog treat

Calendly lets your clients book their dog's next adventure with you through your website. Your clients can pick a time, pay for the service, and boom, it's walkies time! 

To integrate Calendly with WishList Member, you’ll need to use Zapier, a tool that lets different apps share data and automates processes between them.

Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Create a Zapier Account: Sign up for Zapier. The free plan should suffice for starters, but you may want to consider upgrading if you require more advanced features or higher usage.
  2. Create a Calendly Account: If you haven't already done got one, create a Calendly account!
  3. Connect Calendly to Zapier: In your Zapier account, click on Make a Zap to start a new Zap. Under Choose App & Event search for and select Calendly as your trigger app.
    Choose the trigger event, which might be Invitee Created or Invitee Canceled depending on your needs.
    Click Continue and then Sign in to Calendly to connect your Calendly account to Zapier.
  4. Set up the Calendly Trigger: Follow the prompts to set up the Calendly trigger. For example, if you want a new Wishlist Member user to be created whenever someone books an appointment, you'd choose the Invitee Created trigger.
  5. Choose Wishlist Member as your Action App: In the Do this… step of creating your Zap, search for and select Wishlist Member as your action app. You'll need to connect your Wishlist Member account to Zapier by following the prompts.
  6. Set up the Wishlist Member Action: Depending on your specific needs, you may want to create a new user in Wishlist Member or update an existing user. Follow the prompts to set up the action.
  7. Test Your Zap: Once everything is set up, it's a good idea to test your Zap to make sure it works correctly. Click the Test & Continue button. If everything works correctly, you'll see a Test Successful message.
  8. Turn On Your Zap: Finally, don't forget to turn on your Zap! It won't work unless it's turned on.

Step 4: Start Marketing Your New Dog Walking Website!

promote your dog walking business

Before you can walk the walk, you’ve got to talk the talk! Get the word out there about your new business.

Create business accounts on major social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, post about your daily walks, engage with potential clients, and network with other local businesses to extend your reach.

Focus on spreading the word in areas where dog owners hang out. It could be leaving posters at veterinary surgeries or flyering dog parks.

Given the nature of your business, it’s important to focus your marketing efforts locally. Use hashtags with your location on social media, add your business to Google Maps via Google My Business


In conclusion, if you're an animal lover looking to embark on a new career or side gig, dog walking can be a great way to profit from your passion.

Using WordPress and WishList Member, you can showcase your services and create a seamless experience for clients to subscribe to your services.

To recap, here are four steps for launching a dog walking website using WordPress:

  • Set up WordPress.
  • Install WishList Member and build your membership site.
  • Integrate WishList Member with Calendly via Zapier
  • Promote your new dog walking website.

You’re now armed with all the knowledge you need to get your dog walking business up and running online.

All that’s left is to let your love for dogs and passion for the outdoors shine through your new website. 

Remember, one of the keys to running a successful business is excellent customer service. Go the extra mile for your clients (and their furry friends) and you'll be on your way to building a successful dog walking business in no time.

So, what are you waiting for? Strap on those walking shoes, round up some pups, and start your dog walking website today!

Got any questions about starting a website for your small business? Reach out to our support team.

If you liked this article, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

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WishList Member + Thrive Themes Integrations: Apprentice, Architect, Automator Thu, 25 Aug 2022 22:49:47 +0000 The latest release of WishList Member includes some powerful integrations with the Thrive Themes suite of plugins. One of the major reasons you’ll love using Thrive Themes is that everything was built with design and sales in mind. All of their templates, user interfaces, etc. are beautifully designed and the page templates included in Thrive […]

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The latest release of WishList Member includes some powerful integrations with the Thrive Themes suite of plugins.

One of the major reasons you’ll love using Thrive Themes is that everything was built with design and sales in mind. All of their templates, user interfaces, etc. are beautifully designed and the page templates included in Thrive Architect (you get over 300+ of them) are all expertly created to convert.

WishList Member currently offers direct integration with the following:
Thrive Apprentice
Thrive Architect
Thrive Automator

Thrive Apprentice + WishList Member Integration

WishList Member works out of the box with Thrive Apprentice. Thrive Apprentice is a learning management system (LMS) similar to CourseCure, LearnDash, and LifterLMS.

Thrive Apprentice will help you deliver your digital, online courses in a stylish way.

Thrive Apprentice Example

The integration with WishList Member means that you can set protection for specific courses within Thrive Apprentice that can only be viewed if a member has been granted access using levels in WishList Member.

In other words, you can use your WishList Member memberships to protect your courses. And automatically grant access!

You can read our full documentation about using the Thrive Apprentice integration here.

Thrive Architect + WishList Member Integration

As mentioned above, Thrive Architect is a powerful, marketing oriented page builder. It works similar to other page builders like Elementor, but where Elementor is more design focused, Thrive Architect focuses around speed and conversion ability.

By default, you’ll get a range of blocks/elements that will help you with conversions. Countdowns, trust badges, and delayed content reveal options to name a few.

Of course, it also features all of the regular elements you’ll need to build your pages.

Thrive Architect Elements

With all that being said, don’t think this is ONLY for building landing or sales pages.

Thrive Architect can be used across your entire membership site to build all of your necessary pages.

Conditionally Show and Hide Thrive Architect Elements with WishList Member

And it’s even better now that there is direct integration with WishList Member. This integration allows you to easily set protection and access for elements within Thrive Architect. Content can be set to only be viewable by specific membership levels. You can also set content to only be viewed by members who are not in a selected level.

Thrive Architect WishList Member Protection

Use Cases for the Thrive Architect + WishList Member Integration

To help you jumpstart using this integration to the fullest, here are some use cases. This list is NOT exhaustive at all…

  • Targeted Upgrade Offers: Show an upsell or upgrade offer only to those members who it applies to.
  • Deliver Bonus Content: Add bonus content to your courses or lessons that only shows for those who bought a membership that included it.
  • Teaser Content: Leave your page itself unprotected so people can see some of the content, but protect the rest of the content using this feature. Entices people to sign up.
  • Dynamic Members Dashboard: Show only the content/courses they have purchased on their member homepage.
  • Booking Link: Put a calendar booking embed inside a protected element so that only your top-tier members can schedule a call with you. Or sell individually.

These are just some ideas to get you thinking in the right direction about this.

Ultimately, you will come up with more ideas and ways to use this feature that is specific to your membership site and niche.

You can learn more by checking the full documentation here.

Thrive Automator + WishList Member Integration

Finally, you can now use WishList Member inside of Thrive Automator!

Thrive Automator is a ‘secret weapon’ you can use to do an unnumbered amount of things with. That’s not very descript and you’ll see some examples below to help clarify. Essentially, we’re talking about Zapier inside of WordPress.

Here’s some things you could automate:

  • Add a customer to your mailing list after they receive a certain membership
  • Create a new WordPress account with a WishList membership level when an incoming webhook is received (opens the door to all external systems)
  • Unlock more content for your members when they complete a course
  • Display bonus content after completing certain tasks or sections of content
  • Award points when someone comments on a lesson or forum…

The surface really isn’t even being scratched with these examples.

You can check out our full documentation here for Thrive Automator + WishList Member.

So, no matter what niche you’re in, using the Thrive Suite inside your membership site is like having an unfair advantage over everyone else not using these sales-optimized tools.

There you have it, we hope you love this latest integration between Thrive Themes and WishList Member.

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Can You Create a Membership Site on Wix? Wed, 17 Aug 2022 21:17:55 +0000 Can you create a membership site with Wix? Yes, you can create a membership site on Wix. They have this feature. However, before you create your membership site on Wix you should consider the following. Do I want to commit to Wix forever? How can I move away from Wix without losing my content and […]

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Can you create a membership site with Wix? Yes, you can create a membership site on Wix. They have this feature.

However, before you create your membership site on Wix you should consider the following.

  1. Do I want to commit to Wix forever?
  2. How can I move away from Wix without losing my content and subscribers?
  3. Does Wix offer the level of customizability I need?
  4. Will I get charged more and more as my membership site and business grows?

Now, I’m completely biased since I’m the CMO at a WordPress Membership plugin company – that is usually a lot cheaper than Wix.

In fact, we’ve begun doing case studies with some of our most successful customers who have said they started on platforms like Wix and others but eventually had to move due to some limitation.

In that process, they ended up losing subscribers because it’s nearly impossible to move credit card data these days and they couldn’t get everyone to resubscribe. Let alone the confusion of having two sites for a period of time.

Needless to say, everyone we’ve spoken to says they wished they started on the right platform for them.

What Functionality Does Your Membership Site Need?

The first thing you need to do is sit down and list out all of the functionality that you want/need for your membership website. For example, here are some features our customers use:

  • Payment integration with Stripe, PayPal, or
  • Drip content delivery so members get access to new content over time
  • Membership tiers with different content or access levels
  • Access to exclusive forums or groups
  • Downloadable resources like PDFs, eBooks, etc.
  • Integration with other applications like MailChimp, Zapier, Google Analytics, etc.

Once you know all of the features you need, you can begin to research which platform will be the best fit. Wix does have some membership functionality, but it may not be as robust as you need.

For example, Wix has limited payment providers and limited storage.

So, if you need to offer a lot of content or have many members, Wix may not be the best option.

Additionally, Wix is not as flexible when it comes to customizations. So, if you need to really customize the look and feel of your membership site, Wix may not be the best platform.

How Much Do You Have to Invest Upfront in Your Membership Site?

Another important consideration is how much you have to invest upfront in your membership site. Wix does have a free plan, but it has limited storage bandwidth, and most importantly it puts ads on your website.

The free plan simply doesn't make sense.

This means you'll need to spend at least some amount of money in order to get a website without ads and with unlimited bandwidth.

Wix advertises their pricing at the annual price. Meaning, the $39/m VIP plan is actually $47/m paid month-to-month. Just a point of consideration that to get savings, you might have to pay upfront for an entire year.

Additionally, as your membership site grows you will need to upgrade your Wix plan in order to accommodate more subscribers and more content. So, there's a potential that your costs could go up over time as your membership site grows.

That however isn't any different with running a WordPress based membership site with a robust system like WishList Member. Now, we don't have “confusing” pricing like Wix (author's opinion only), but you will have to purchase web hosting which can range from $2/month to $100+/month.

Starting out, you can go with cheaper shared hosting from a company like Siteground.

The bottom line is that it's important to consider how much you have to spend upfront as well as ongoing costs when choosing a platform for your membership website.

Do You Plan to Grow Your Membership Site?

Another important consideration is whether or not you plan to grow your membership site. If you're just starting out, it's hard to know exactly how successful your membership site will be.

However, if you have big plans for your membership site, then you need to make sure the platform you choose can accommodate that growth.

A very real fact is that you may only want this to be a side source of income. Not replace your full-time income. If that's the case, having an advanced system like WishList Member may NOT be the right fit.

There's nothing wrong with that.

We don't want you to overspend on features you're not using or plan on using any time soon. That would be a waste of your money.

On the other hand, if you do have big plans and dreams for your membership site, then choosing a platform like WishList Member is probably best to start on from day 1 versus migrating down the road and potentially losing subscribers/members.

Wix vs. WishList Member

So, which platform should you choose for your membership website? Wix or WishList Member?

To answer that question, it really depends on what you need and want for your membership site.

Wix is an all-in-one platform that makes it easy to get started immediately at the cost of customizability and complete control. It is probably costlier in the long-run. Finally, it's “Online Program” feature which lets you sell courses is pretty cookie-cutter.

WishList Member on the other hand has a higher learning-curve. Lets you customize everything you want. Has recently been made easier to use in v3.0. Is a WordPress plugin which means it integrates with a lot of other WordPress plugins and can be extended.

Additionally, with WishList Member you can not only sell courses but also create a true membership site experience where people login and can access a variety of items included in the membership such as courses, live calls, recordings, downloads, forums, etc.

So, it really just depends on what is important to you for your membership website.

Related Questions:

Do membership sites make money?

Yes, membership sites can make money. In order to make money with a membership site, you will need to charge people for access to your content.

There are several ways you can do this such as charging a monthly fee, yearly fee, or per content item (such as a video, course, or PDF).

What makes a good membership site?

A good membership site is one that provides consistent, long-term value to its members and is easy to use. Additionally, a good membership site will have a mix of content types (such as video, audio, and written) to appeal to different learning styles.

How can I create my first membership site?

The best way to create your first membership site is to start with a platform like WishList Member which will give you the flexibility and control you need to build the exact site you want.

We've put together a full guide which you can check out here for step-by-step details.

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Automatically Add AWeber Subscribers to WishList Member Using Zapier Wed, 17 Mar 2021 16:03:43 +0000 Hey, John Morris with WishList Products, and in this video, I'm going to be showing you how to use Zapier to help you facilitate free registrations on your membership site. Now, one thing I want to point out before I get started is that this isn't required. You can always come into WishList Member and […]

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Hey, John Morris with WishList Products, and in this video, I'm going to be showing you how to use Zapier to help you facilitate free registrations on your membership site. Now, one thing I want to point out before I get started is that this isn't required. You can always come into WishList Member and create a free level and allow people to register for it. And you can use the shortcode creator here on the dashboard page. And if you come over short under Shortcodes, you have registration forms.

And when you create your free level, you can just select that level here, embed the shortcode into a page and that will create a registration form. But that does have a number of fields that are required. And you may want to shorten that down or you may just want it where someone subscribes to, say, your mailing list, you want them automatically added to a free level on your site. And so Zapier can help us facilitate that. OK, so first off, I want to cover a little setup here.

So we'll see here that I am on the member’s tab in WishList Member. I'm on a level I've done a search on a level called demo. I have no members in that right now. And then I'm over here on AWeber and I've created this demo subscriber over here called Demo Guy. And we're going to use this then to set up our Zap and we'll see how that then transfers through into our membership site.

OK, so that's just a little bit of setup. You don't have to do this with AWeber, it can be with any autoresponder that you have. You could use the if you're using Elementor, you could use the form element that they have and use the Webhook functionality. This could be from a payment provider. So there are lots of options. But I do want to show you this subscriber to free level setup because that is a common thing that people like to do.

All right. So there's our setup. So now, when we come in, we're going to create our Zap. And I'm going you should see something like this when you first create your Zap and you want to find whatever app you're using as your trigger. In this case, I'm going to be using AWeber. OK, so I'll select AWeber. And then under the trigger event, I'm going to select “New Subscriber” and then we’ll hit continue.

It will ask me what account I have one AWeber account, so we'll select that. Again here, select that specific account, and then we'll come in here to list. Now I may need to regenerate this because I just created that demo list here, so let's just see if that shows up here, OK? And you can see it right here. So we'll select demos and then we want to go to “Status.” So, you know, unsubscribed unconfirmed, but of course, we want subscribed here.

So we'll select that and hit continue. So basically what’s going to happen is when someone becomes fully subscribed to, in my case, this Demo's list, then that's when this Zap will be triggered. And so we can go ahead and hit test trigger here. And you'll see here that it brought in my demo guy that I set up. OK, so that shows us that we have that contact and now we can hit continue, and then the next thing we need to do is we need to connect it to our WishList Member site.

Now, one thing you may need to check here is if we come over here under “Setup” and we're going to go into the integrations section here and we're going to go under the “Other Services” tab. And under “Other Services”, you will see Zapier listed here. And if we open that up, then it's going to give us an API key specific for Zapier. So when you're over here creating the Zap and we look for WishList Member here, then you may need to initially set up your WishList Member site.

Now, I have mine already set up, so it's showing in here, but you may need to walk through a little bit of setup and what you need in order to do that, as I said, is in this section right here, the WishList Member URL and the Zapier API Key. So Zapier will walk you through that and getting that setup. But again, in this case, I just want to make sure that this is set up here.

All right. So now we have our WishList Member account or WishList Member site that we're going to connect to. Click “Choose an event” in here. Then we want to do “Add or Update member,” because we are going to assume that this is someone who doesn't already exist on our site. And so if we just go straight in adding a member to the level, we're not going be able to do that because they're not a member yet on our sites, we'll do “Add or Update member,” and hit continue and then we'll choose an account.

And so I have a number of them in here. I'm just going to use my student portal and that will check to make sure that that is connected. Once it's connected, we can go ahead and hit continue. And that will take us to this setup action piece. Now, this is the part where Zapier comes into play because, again, as I mentioned, you can always use the WishList Member registration form, the Shortcodes that I showed you, but there's a number of required fields on there that you're not able to remove because we do need that data.

Here with Zapier. We can sort we can help to fill in that data with some of the existing data that we get from the subscription. So, for example, username, instead of having the user create their own username, we can just come in here and use their email address if we want. And then, of course, under email address, we would use email address as well. Now, “Update user if existing.” What this is going to do is if the email address already exists on the WishList Member site that we're adding them to is just going to update their information with the information that we receive here instead of returning an error and not allowing them to be registered.

Now, the main thing is the Membership Level. It'll add the Membership Level that we're going to select later, but it will also update their other information, like their name and so forth. So just keep that in mind. If they're entering that information, you probably always want the latest information anyway. So that's probably just fine. Under password, you can either, if you want to specify a common password, you sure can. But anybody who goes to the Zap is going to get that same password.

Instead, it's probably best to leave this blank. And it says, “If not specified, WishList Member will auto-generate generate a random password.” That's probably what you want. Next, we can come here under full name, and again we can use our data from AWeber. So there's the name and then we can split first name and last name and AWeber already does that for us. So we'll see first name here and then last name, if we come under show options, we'll see last name there as well.

Next is the level. So this is where we'll come in here and we'll scroll down a little bit and we'll find our demo level again, whatever level you want to add them to, we'll go ahead and select that. Transaction ID, in this particular case, that really doesn't apply. But if you were using this with a payment provider, you'd probably want to pass through the transaction ID here and then send an auto-generated email. So this is whether or not to send an email to the user that comes through this.

The new member, send them a welcome email, the one that is that you have set up already in WishList Member for the particular Membership Level that you're adding them to. Now, if you're generating passwords, if you're auto-generating the password back up here, then you're going to want to send this email. Otherwise, they're not going to know what their password is. So we'll set that to true.

Here's some other information you can add if you have it. So phone numbers, address, etc. and that's pretty much it, that will get all the information over.

And all you've actually collected from the user is their name and their email address. But you're able to come in here and pass all the information you need to WishList Member to create a full registration. So we'll go ahead and continue here now and that will load. And it's basically showing us what it's going to do. And then we'll hit “Test and Review” and that's going to actually send it over and it will tell us if it was created or not.

And so it says a member was set to WishList Member right now. So we'll come back over here under our demo level here, will redo the search. And now you can see Demo Guy exists here under this Membership Level has access to the demo level that we wanted.

And so, again, that's how you can use Zapier to help you facilitate free registrations on your site. In this case from an autoresponder, it could be on Elementor, Divi, or whatever form, anything that allows you to send a Webhook, etc. You can run that through Zapier and allow you to do this kind of thing. So that's the setup. Once you're all done, you would just you would just come in here, turn on your Zap. And now anybody who subscribes to that mailing list that I selected will be automatically added to that level over in WishList Member and you're all set to go.

So hopefully that spark some ideas for you. That's the fun with Zapier. There are all sorts of fun things that you can do with this, and it makes it really useful to be able to do some creative things with your marketing and how you run your site and so forth. And of course, as always, if you don't have a copy of WishList Member, you can head over to WishList in order to learn more about the product. All right.

That's it. Thanks for watching. We'll talk to you next time.

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Landing Page Design Wed, 17 Mar 2021 15:58:58 +0000 Hello everyone, and welcome. In today's video, I'm going to show you how to create a landing page using Divi's premade layouts.  So let's dove in and let me show you how to do that. So over here, I'm in my WordPress admin dashboard. So the first thing we need to do is to download […]

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Hello everyone, and welcome. In today's video, I'm going to show you how to create a landing page using Divi's premade layouts. 

So let's dove in and let me show you how to do that. So over here, I'm in my WordPress admin dashboard. So the first thing we need to do is to download the images that we need for our website. So, of course, the different types of membership websites. So you need to decide what your membership website is and then download the images that you need.

So I use a few relative free websites. So let's head over here and take a look at some of the sites that I use. So the first one here is Pixabay, this is really good. All the images here are royalty-free, which means you can use them as much as you want without any licensing issues. All right. So let's say our membership website is about cooking so we can just search for cooking images here and then choose the image that works with this design.

So I want to go with this one here, because I like the fact that over here I have a space where I can add my call to action and a brief description of what my website is about. So this is what you need to do to choose the right images for your website. So I'm going to go ahead and click this and download the right size. So I'm going to come over here. You can see it says Free Download. Now, the size that I normally go with for my hero images is 1920×1280.

So I'm going to go ahead and download it and then just click download, OK? I also need to look for other images that complement this. So I'm just going to come over here and see what else I can use so I may want to use some of these for my background. So I'm going to go with it, see what works here. All right. Let's go with this one here. So I've downloaded. OK, so these are the two main images that I'm going to use for my site.

So now back over here to our main website, we need to go to “Media” and click on “Add New”. So now we just need to add those two images to come over here to “Choose file”. And in my downloads, these are the two images from the open that upload and I'm going to add the other one. OK, so these are the two images that I need for my website. Now let's go ahead and create the landing page for our membership site.

OK, so now it's a matter of just adding a brand new page. I'm going to click here and “Add New.” Now I'm just gonna call my page “Landing one.” But of course, this could work as your main landing page. So it's up to you how you're going to have this. You can have people point to a specific landing page or you can have it as the main page of your website. So let's just call this “Landing One”. All right. So now I'm going to go ahead and click on “Use Divi Builder.”

All right. So for this design, I'm not going to build from scratch because I need to save a lot of time. So I'm going to click here where it says, “Choose a premade layout.” And we have a lot of premade layouts here. So you can see here all these designs are amazing. Now, I want to tell you something very important here. A lot of times when people look at these premade layouts, they're looking at them for that specific function.

But what people don't realize is you can pretty much use any premade layout here. All you have to do is to change the content. And this will work fine. So that's what we're going to do here. So as you can see here, we have all these different layouts. So I will just go ahead and choose whatever layout that I need for my landing page and then use that as the main page. So I'm going to browse through here and see if something catches my eye.

I like this one here. In fact, this is food recipes. This could actually work very well. So, in fact, let's just go ahead and use this one here. So I'm going to click on “Use This Layout.” So what's going to happen now is all the elements of this page are going to be loaded onto my page. And then all I have to do is to go in, and change the design, change the colors and change the contents that's on this page.

So it's very, very easy to use and very easy to set up. Now, when it comes to the loading time here, it depends with the internet connection, but usually it's pretty fast. OK, so it looks like everything is going well. And I have this checkmark now. So the page will refresh and show you everything on this page. So as you can see here, we have different elements for our page. So now let's start working on our site.

All right. So the first thing we need to do here is to go into my section settings here, go to background so we can see here. This is where they added the image. So we want to add our own image. So what you need to do is to click on the image tab, delete this one here, and then click on the plus button. And now we need to find our image that we added earlier on. So I'm going to scroll down here and this is the one, “Upload an image.”

And now you can see our image has been added and it looks beautiful. All right. So now that we have this, I'm going to save that. Next, we need to go in and customize this information here and make it ours. So let's start here with this top part. OK, so this we're going to rename this to our website. So I'm going to say “Cooking School.” There we go. And then here, I'm just gonna leave this text as it is.

But I want to show you something quickly here in case you want to use different fonts for your design. So I want to go to the to the design tab and making sure I click here on this brush tool. It's gonna take me to my Heading 1 here so I can change this font now to something that I, you know, that I really like. And I'm going to go with Montserrat and there you go. You can see that this now has changed and this is how you update your landing page element.

All right. So with that, I'm going to save I'm going to also come here to the paragraph text, click on design text, and then I'm going to go ahead and change this as well. Now, I can see here the size is a bit too big, I can just, you know, drag it down a bit to about 22 and save now a featured recipe here. I really don't need this. So another way to work with this is to go ahead and delete what you don't need so much and highlight over here and then delete it like that.

Now you can see it's gone and this is how you customize an already created premade layout with Divi. All right. So now I'm going to work on this button here. So I'm going to click here on this gear icon and let's work on the colors. So here on the button, you can see “Use custom styles for button” is already activated. So all I have to do now is to come over here and change my colors. So I've changed my color here.

And I also need to do the same to the border. And now you can see my color has changed. But you know a way to make this. I don't really like that color. So I'm going to change my text color here to white. And I'm also going to make it bold because I really want to stand out. So I'm going to come over here. And now you can see it's bold and I'm also going to increase the size and scroll back to the top here and adjust our size.

So we want our button nice and big. So we're going to go with 20 here. So I really like the way it's looking now. And these are minor tweaks that we can do to our design to make it look like our own design. So as you can see, I've saved a lot of time. I didn't have to come up with a layout that I need for this page. This is working really well for me. All right. So now I can save this.

Oh, in fact, you know what, I've said make this so we can change this text here to “Memberships. OK, so this call to action will take them to the memberships page. And over here on the link, this is where you can add your button URL to that main landing page, which has all the pricing options. All right. So now I'm going to save this. Now, moving on. You can see we have training recipes.

Now, to be honest, I don't really like this training recipes thing because this is a membership website. So it's nothing to do with training memberships. So what we need to do here is to talk about perhaps maybe the benefits of signing up for this membership. So let's transform this into the benefits. OK, so I'm going to come over here to the main title and I'm just going to rename this and call this “Benefits.” OK, let's change the font and come back over here.

And this is Heading 2 and I'm just going to choose Montserrat, and we're going to make it all caps and the size is a bit too big. Let's bring this down a little bit about, say, 24, and we're going to make this bold. And let's change the color as well, and we're going to add a bit of letter spacing too. There we go. So I really like sometimes when I'm deciding to use letter spacing. Right. So now that I have this, I'm going to change to bold.

And now that's looking really, really nice. OK, so I'm going to save that. And now it's time to change this content over here. So I'm going to replace this with blurbs. So let's see here. So here this is a blurb. But of course, the way it's structured is not how ideally I would like to have this. So let's not use our Lorem text. So I want to search for Lorem 2. So I really like using this because this gives me my dummy text that I need to use for my site.

So now I'm going to replace this like that. And so this is where your benefit one would go. OK. And for our text here, we might need to go in and customize a little bit. Now, over here you can either have an image or you can have an icon. So it's up to you how you want to design this. But normally I would go with icons. So I'm going to come over here to image an icon and “Activate” use icon.

So here now I can choose the icon that I need for benefit one. So maybe. I can go with that. Now, let me stylize this and make it look the way I want, so I'm going to start here with benefit one and this is heading three, as you can see. Let's change our font here to keep everything consistent. We're going to make it all caps. Actually, no. Right. Let's leave it like that. Change our color here and let's make it bold because we really want this to stand out.

OK, so benefit one. Now we need to adjust the paragraph text as well. So it's fine here as Monsterrat, but we need to increase the size a little bit. So let's go with that perhaps 16. Right. So, OK, I like 16, but now as I'm looking at this, I really don't like the way the size of the icon, so I may want to go in and make it slightly smaller. All right. So let's make adjustments to our icon here.

All right. So to make adjustments to our icon, we need to come over here and then you can either use a circle on the icon here. This is also quite cool. So let's try that and see how this looks. OK, so now this is our circle, and then we can also change the color of our icon that's inside that circle. And now I need to adjust the size. So here we go, icon font size.

We can reduce that a little bit to about, say, 30, and I'm happy with that, I'm going to save this. Now, I want to also save a lot of time here, redesigning this all the time here. So I'm going to delete this, delete the other one here and then just duplicate this a few times and drag this into position like that. And like that. OK, so now we have our benefits page all sorted. So next, I'm going to come over here and work on this little line.

So I'm going to come over here to design and change that line color and save. OK, so now we have our main hero, part of our website, and then over here we have the benefits of using the site. Now, don't forget, you need to come over here and change the icons themselves because, of course, you don't want this to be the same icon. So let's go with this one here. Save that. I'm going to change the other one.

Come to “Image” and “Icon” and this one here is going to be right, let's go with this camera here, OK, and save. All right. So moving on, here is a part where we can have a bit more information about the course itself. So let's go in and make a few adjustments here as well. So I'm going to use some Lorem text here just to save me a lot of time. So I'm just going to copy the heading parts.

Then I'm going to come over here to design and I'm going to target this text here and this is H2 and I notice that I'm using this brush tool. It's very, very handy. So I'm going to come over here and change to Montserrat and look how beautiful that looks. Now, next, I'm going to come over here to paragraph text. Same, I'm going to change this to Montserrat and the size. I may want to reduce this a little bit, maybe 18 or better.

OK, and then finally, we have this button here. And for consistency sake, I'm going to change the button color here, as we did before. And now that looks much better. And all I have to do now is make this font bold. Great. So now this part here is looking, OK, I'm going to save this and let's find out where that image is. OK, so I've just deleted the image, so now we can go ahead and save. Now this stock pics we don't really need that, so all we have to do is to delete it.

And here we have a call to action. So, again, we can decide to either have it or maybe even remove it altogether. So I'm going to keep it. But let me just delete what else I don't need here. So this here can go. And the newsletter. Do we really need the newsletter? I don't think so. So let's delete the newsletter as well. OK, great. So now let's just work on this and pretty much we're almost done.

So I'm going to go in here now and change this background image. Now, remember, we downloaded two images. So now it's time to find our other image, which is this one right here, upload an image. But what are we going to do now is we're going to do something slightly different here. We don't really want this image really showing like that. So let's add an effect to this. So I'm going to come over here “Add whites” come back to the image and we are going to add a blending mode.

Which is called “Lighton,” and then all we have to do now is to go back over here to our image and drag the slider down just to reveal that image in the background just ever so slightly, just like that. Right. I think that looks great. Now I'm going to save this. And then all I have to do now is to come over here and make adjustments to this call to action. So let me start here with this title.

So next, I'm going to come over here to design and I'm going to target this and change my font to Montserrat, reduce the size a little bit because it's a bit too much. There we go, so I'll go with 26 and I'm also going to change the color here, maybe go with a much darker color like that and then save. And then next need to target this paragraph text here and also change the text to Montserrat. So go ahead and select that and reduce the size as well.

There we go. I think that's that's looking very nice now. Finally, I need to work on the button here so I can just go over here to the button and click here on my module settings and I can leave it as “Learn More” but you can change it to whatever you want. And also you have your link here. I'm just gonna add a blank one. And now it's time to go to “Design Button” and let's change our colors one more time.

So our button text is going to be white, so it stands out on the background. And then over here I just need to change. The colors of the button and make it bold, so over here, I'm going to change this to Bold and now you can see that this is looking really, really nice. OK, so all I have to do now is to save and pretty much we all have our landing page for our cooking membership website.

So as you can see, this was a really straightforward to do. I know this could take a bit of time, but surely if you were to start this from scratch, you would spend even more time. So as you can see, I didn't need to worry about all the mobile views, because if we take a look at this website, everything is all optimized because of the premade layout. So let's switch over here and see what it looks like on a mobile device.

As you can see here, everything is in place, it's laid out correctly. And this works beautifully on pretty much any type of screen. So let's go over here to the phone. And again, if I scroll back here to the phone, you can see everything is nice. It's easy to read and it is great on all mobile devices. So this layout design here can be used pretty much on any type of website. So I'm going to have this available for you to download and use.

But be aware that this only works with Divi, so it only works with Divi. You do need to have Divi installed for you to use this premade layout. All right, guys, that's all I have for you in today's video. Thank you very much for watching. And I'll see you in the next video. Take care.

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How to Add Login and Logout Links to Your Menu Mon, 01 Mar 2021 15:00:00 +0000 In today's video, I'm going to show you how to add login and logout links on your membership website. Coming up. Hello, everyone, and welcome. My name is Mak now, previously, when I wanted to add a login and logout link on a website, I used to use a separate plugin. And to be honest, […]

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In today's video, I'm going to show you how to add login and logout links on your membership website.

Coming up.

Hello, everyone, and welcome. My name is Mak now, previously, when I wanted to add a login and logout link on a website, I used to use a separate plugin. And to be honest, I'm one of those guys that don't want to use a lot of plugins. So fortunately or in fact, I found this by mistake, actually. I was taking a look at the menu system and I noticed that there was an option for WishList Member that allowed us to add login and log out links for your URL.

So how this works is when a user is logged in, they're going to see the logged out notice and then when they are logged out, they're going to see the login notice. It's a very basic concept, but it works really, really well. So let's dive in and let me show you how to set it up. All right. I'm going to switch over here to my website. And what I'm going to do right away is to show you what this looks like so far.

So when I take a look here at my page, you can see I don't have the log in and log out links. And this is very, very important for a membership website. Now, this also works with any page builder. By the way, the menu system in WordPress is the same. So what I want to do here is I'm going to come back and go to “Appearance,” click on “Menus,” and now this is going to show us our current menu system.

So you can see here we have these few pages. All right. So in order for you to add your log in and log out links, you want to scroll all the way down here to WishList Member. And now we can see these two log in, log out. So you want to add these to the menu and now you can see they're added onto the menu. But there's also other features that you can take a look here. If I click here on this dropdown, we noticed that the URL here is the default WordPress login page, but you can actually use your own.

So let's say you decide to design your own login page. You can just click on this dropdown here and then look for your login page that you've just created. And this now becomes the login page that the user sees when they log on to the website. So pretty much that's how you do it. Now, I haven't created a login page, so I'm going to leave this as it is for now. Now on the log out here. We also have the WishList Member default.

Now, if you want to have a specific log out, I mean, you can also choose a page here. But I'm just gonna leave this as it is. I'm going to come all the way here to save menu. Now, let's take a look and see what happens when we refresh our page now. So if I refresh you now, we can see that we have a notice saying log out. And that is because I'm actually logged in here.

You can see I have my bar here. Now, if you don't if you don't believe me, let me show you in incognito mode what this looks like. So in incognito mode, obviously, I'm going to be logged out. So I'm going to click here on New Incognito Window, and now I'm going to add my URL. And now when we take a look at our site, this now has log in. So if I click here, this is going to take us to our normal WordPress page.

But as I mentioned, you can really customize your login pages. Now, I also have a bonus for you for this tip. And that is what page do you want to show when someone logs in? So this is where you can go on to your redirects and set this up. So I'm going to come over here to WishList Member, click on Advanced Options and then over here on redirect. This is where you want to say, OK, after registration, where do you want your visitors to go?

But in this case, we want a page that people are redirected to after login. So this is where you would come in and add, you know, the page. So far we have this message here, but you can also specify a page that they see now. Normally, I would highly recommend adding a dashboard because this is where you want your users to go. And this dashboard page is the page which has all the main links to the different parts of your membership website.

So it's very important that you do it that way. Now, on the log off page, what I do is I add a link to my main blog page, so I want them to take a look at the blog page. But you can be a bit fancy and say, OK, after you log out, you can show them a promo or show them what's coming up next on your membership website. So it just depends what message you want to have on the log out page.

I mean, pretty much it's up to your creativity. All right, guys, that's all I have for you in today's video. Thank you very much for watching. And I'll see you in the next video. Don't forget to subscribe. Take care.

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New Divi Builder and WishList Member Integration Wed, 10 Feb 2021 15:00:00 +0000 In today's video, I'm going to be talking about the latest WishList Member feature that allows us to integrate with a Divi Builder. Coming up. Hello, everyone, and welcome. In today's video, I'm going to be showing you how to integrate and use Divi with WishList Member. So without wasting a lot of time, let's […]

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In today's video, I'm going to be talking about the latest WishList Member feature that allows us to integrate with a Divi Builder. Coming up.

Hello, everyone, and welcome. In today's video, I'm going to be showing you how to integrate and use Divi with WishList Member. So without wasting a lot of time, let's dive in and let's get everything all set up.

All right. So over here, I'm on my website. So what I've done ahead of time is I went in and installed a WishList Member and I'm also running the Divi Builder. So this is also installed, as you can see here on the bottom.

Right. So the next step now is to set up a few Membership Level in order for us to utilize this feature. However, you don't really have to have Membership Level set up to use this feature, as you shall see in a moment. All right. So over here, I've gone ahead and I've set up some Membership Level. So you can see here I have level one and level two to set up a Membership Level. It's very straightforward, all you have to do is to come over here to set up.

Click on this + button and then you can add your Membership Level by just naming it over here. Now, the next step I'm going to be talking about is the actual integration. So once you set up your Membership Level or you have them already. That's really cool. You can come over here now to integrations. And in order for you to integrate Divi with WishList Member, you need to come over here to “Other Services”. OK, and you can see here we have Divi.

You can see I have a smile on my face because I'm a Divi user and this update means a lot to me. All right. So I'm going to come over here. Click on the logo and all we have to do is to click here to “Activate,” and that's pretty much it. Now it's time to go onto the builder and see where this integration is and how we can use it. All right. So I'm going to now come over here to “Pages” and then click on “Add New.”

So I'm just going to create a new page. And I'm going to call this test used a Divi Builder, and for this example, I'm going to build everything from scratch on the go ahead and select that right. So I'm just going to add a few elements here on my page. So I've added a single column, and I'm also going to add a text module like that and then “Save”. So it's time now to show you where this integration is.

So if you come over here now to your section, I want to click here on “Section Settings.” You want to come over here to “Advance.” this is where we have this edition of WishList Member now. Right now, it looks like, you know, it's a pretty much a basic entry over here, but this is very powerful. When you click on this dropdown, this section shows to everybody. So this is what we have by default, which is a good thing because we don't want any permissions as we're building our website.

Otherwise it's going to be very, very confusing. So WishList Member has been integrated in a very, very good way because by default, everybody sees all your content until you start changing it. So now let's click on this dropdown and see what other options we have. So if I click on this dropdown now, we can display this section based on users who are not logged in. So that's an option. We also have logged in and we also have members in.

This is where you would click to choose the Membership Level. So let's click here and see if our Membership Levels show. Now, remember, in the beginning of the video I showed you that I'd already created level one and level two. So if I click here, it's going to show me those two options. And if we add more Membership Levels, they are going to be shown here. OK, so that's our Membership Levels here. We also have another option which says “Members Not in Membership Levels.”

So I can show this to members, not in either Membership Level one or Membership Level two. So as you can see, this is a very, very, very powerful. Not only are we using WishList Member as a Membership Plugin, but we are also doing content access and this is brilliant. OK, now I'm just not close out of this because I already have a page that I created which we are going to demonstrate these levels of permissions based on Membership Levels or when members are logged in or logged out.

OK, so I have the first one here. So at the moment I'm just working with sections.

However, this Plugin,  WishList Member also works on the several other layers which are the rows. So I can come over here to the rows, click on “Advanced” and I also have this option so I can show that row based on these options over here. Now, not only can we do that, we can also go onto these “Modules” so we can show a module based on this Membership Level. Let me show you. So I'm going to come over here, WishList Member.

And there we go. So we have our levels again. All right. So what I'm going to do now is to set everything up based on sections. So I'm going to start off with the first one. I'm going to come over here to “Advanced,” “WishList Member.” And as you can see, this one here is set to “Everybody.” So I want that one to show to everyone, OK, I'm going to save that. Let's move on to the next one.

And here, click on this “Gear” icon, “Advanced.” So this one here is for “Not Logged In.” So I want that when someone who's not logged in comes to this page, they will see this content because they are not logged in. OK, so let's save that. Let's move on to the next one. So this one here is for “Logged In Members.” So I'm going to click here on “Section Settings,” “Advanced,” “WishList Member.” And as you can see, it's got the right tag.

It say “Logged In.” Great. Moving on to the next one. And this one here is for “Level One” members.

So I'm going to click here, “Advanced,” “WishList Member,” and I'm going to change this to members in choose “Level One.” Save. OK, so this one here is level two, so let's go again into the section settings, “Advanced,” “WishList Member,” and this one here is there to “Level One”. I'm going to save that. And then over here now on the final one, we are going to set this to “WishList Member” and then “Members not in Membership Levels,” “Level one.”

OK, so this is the final option, I'm going to savethat. And I'm going to come over here and just say, “Not in level one.” OK, let's save this. Now it's time to test this and see if this actually works, right. So let's save this right. So the first thing we need to do is to exit the visual builder. Right. So straight away, we noticed that a few things happened here. OK, so this page is only showing the content for everyone, OK, because this one here pretty much shows everybody.

Over here, it's showing for logged in users. And that is because I am logged in and this final one here is showing because I am not in level one. OK. So that's very exciting so far.

So what I'm going to do now is to go into Incognito Mode and Incognito Mode is going to show “Not Logged In” if this is working correctly.

So I'm going to come over here, file, “New Incognito Mode.” Paste that, and there we go. So this one here is showing for everyone, then that's the default one. But now I can see it now for “Not Logged In.” So you can see the difference here not logged in. This is because I am not logged on to the website. So that's great and very exciting. So I want to keep this because I am going to refer back to this in a moment.

All right. So moving on. So this page is showing this information based on the status of my membership. So what I'm going to do now is to come over here, go to my dashboard. Save and exit. OK, so what I'm going to do now is to come over here to WishList Member and let's go to “Members.” So as you can see, I'm the only member I am not added to any levels, so that is why I'm being shown this information here.

So I am logged in and I'm not in level one. So let's see what happens when I add myself onto level one.

I'm going to come back over here. “Add to Level”, click “Membership Level,” “Level One,” OK, “Add to Level.” OK, so I've just added myself to “Level One.” So technically we are not supposed to see this one here because now I am in “Level One.” So let's refresh this. There we go. So now it's saying “Level One Member,” so this is pretty cool. Now let's go again and see what happens when I change this and set this to “Level Two.”

“Add to Level,” “Level Two,” “Add to Level”. OK, so now I am on level two, I'm going to refresh this and there it goes. And now it's saying “Level Two Member.” And this content here is still showing because I'm logged in and this is for everyone too. Now, let's bring this back over here. This is the Incognito Mode and let's see what happens. So if I refresh. This stays the same because in order for us to access our Membership Level, we need to be logged in.

OK, so this is a really, really cool. Right.

So over here, I can see I am not in level one and level two member.

OK, so back over here, if I remove this. So now we are back to just the normal Membership Level if I come back over here and refresh. Again, my content is now showing that I'm not in level one and I am logged in and I can also view content for everyone. So as you can see, this is a very powerful feature. You can use all these options on either sections, rows and also modules. So your website now is going to become really, really powerful because you can determine who sees your content based on those levels that we've just gone through.

All right, guys, that's all I have for in today's video. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments box below and I'll do my best to respond to them. Take care and I'll see you in the next video.

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