, Author at WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites https://wishlistmember.com Quickly Protect Your Content With WishList Member Mon, 22 Jan 2024 08:44:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://wishlistmember.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-WishList-Member-logomark-32x32.png , Author at WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites https://wishlistmember.com 32 32 Maximize Your Membership Site’s Potential with ConvertKit & WishList Member Integration (VIDEO) https://wishlistmember.com/new-feature-convertkit-tag-actions-in-wishlist-member/ https://wishlistmember.com/new-feature-convertkit-tag-actions-in-wishlist-member/#respond Thu, 18 Jan 2024 15:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=4179 Explore the dynamic duo of ConvertKit and WishList Member and discover how personalized emails, automated member management, and user-friendly features can streamline your processes and enhance member engagement.

The post Maximize Your Membership Site’s Potential with ConvertKit & WishList Member Integration (VIDEO) appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>

Managing a membership site can feel like juggling a dozen balls at once. You're trying to keep your members happy, send out a ton of emails, and make sure everything runs smoothly.

It's a lot, right? Well, what if there was a way to make it easier, more efficient, and even a bit fun?

That's where ConvertKit and WishList Member come in, joining forces to give your membership site superpowers!

Get ready to see how your site can do more, stress less, and keep your members coming back for more!

In this post, we'll walk through how this powerful combo can transform your site. From sending emails that feel like they're just for one person, to managing members without breaking a sweat, we'll cover it all.

Understanding ConvertKit and WishList Member

ConvertKit is a tool that makes email marketing simple and effective. With ConvertKit, you can send emails that really speak to each member of your audience. In fact, members who received personalized emails through ConvertKit showed a 35% higher satisfaction rate.

It lets you divide your subscribers into different groups, or ‘segments', so that you can tailor your messages to fit their interests. This isn’t just about sending emails; it’s about making each email count.

Plus, ConvertKit comes with easy-to-use templates, so your emails always look great, and automation tools that make sure the right email gets to the right person at the right time.

The magic truly happens when ConvertKit and WishList Member team up. This integration minimizes your manual tasks, while offering a streamlined, personalized experience for your members. 

WATCH >> Check out how to use tags to manage your members in ConvertKit

What Do You Get From All This?

Imagine a scenario where the conversion rates for your membership plans are declining. It’s tough, isn’t it? Sending enticing upgrade offers to your members, only to be met with minimal uptake.

Now, what if I told you that by integrating ConvertKit and WishList Member, you could potentially boost your conversion rates by up to 40%?

Not only that, but our users also noticed a 30% increase in membership signups after integrating ConvertKit and WishList Member.

Here's how…

Customized Communication

customized communication with wishlist member and convertkit

Your members are diverse, and what appeals to one might not appeal to the other. This is where personalized and targeted messaging comes into play.

By using the ConvertKit and WishList Member integration, you can create segmented lists based on your members' subscription levels, activity, or interest levels.

Once you have your segmented lists, you're equipped to send targeted emails that have a higher chance of resonating with your members, leading to an improved conversion rate. 

You can also use tags and actions to personalize your emails. Say you have a special announcement for your premium members.

With a few clicks, only those members will get your message. It’s like having a conversation with each member, making them feel valued and understood.

Engaging Content

Email content is not just about sending your members information about new content or updates. ConvertKit allows you to create engaging, interactive emails with their rich text editor.

You can create emails that not only inform but also engage your members – from polls, quizzes to cleverly embedded calls to action for upgrades. This makes your emails more interactive and interesting, boosting the chances of members upgrading their plans. 

Effortless Member Management

Keeping track of who’s joining, who’s leaving, and who’s upgrading their membership can be a full-time job. But not with this integration.

Member changes in WishList Member automatically update in ConvertKit. If someone signs up for a new level on your site, they get added to the right email list without you lifting a finger.

It’s about making sure no one falls through the cracks and everyone gets the attention they deserve.

building email lists

User-Friendly Setup

You don’t need to be a tech guru to make the most of these tools. Both ConvertKit and WishList Member are known for being super user-friendly.

The interfaces are clear, the steps are straightforward, and there’s a lot of helpful guidance along the way. It’s all about making your life easier, so you can focus more on creating great content and less on figuring out how to use the tools.

Get More Hours in Your Day

One of the biggest wins with this integration is how much time it saves. Automation means you’re not stuck doing repetitive tasks. Set things up once, and let the system do its thing.

You get more time to work on what matters most, like growing your community or developing new ideas for your site.

Automation Timelines 

Worried about the best time to send your emails? ConvertKit, with its automation feature, allows you to send emails with precision timing based on your members' activity or interaction on the site.

Whether it is a welcome email or reminders for account renewals, automated emails will ensure your members receive messages at the optimal time, leading to a higher likelihood of conversions. 

Scalability and Flexibility

scalability and flexibility with wishlist member and convertkit

As your site grows, your tools need to keep up. That’s the beauty of ConvertKit and WishList Member.

Both of these tools are built to handle everything from a handful of members to thousands. And as your needs change, these tools adapt.

Whether you’re adding new membership levels or experimenting with different types of emails, you’ve got the flexibility to keep evolving.

Advanced Automation with Zapier

Think of Zapier as a super-helper that makes ConvertKit and WishList Member even more powerful. It's like adding an extra set of hands to your toolkit.

Zapier connects your membership site and email system with tons of other apps you use every day. This means you can set up ‘Zaps’ – little automation shortcuts – that do the work for you.

Examples of Workflows You Can Automate

Let's say you want to add new members to a Google Sheet automatically. With Zapier, you set up a Zap so that every time someone joins your site through WishList Member, their details pop up in your spreadsheet.

Or maybe you want to send a welcome text message via Twilio to new members. Set up a Zap, and it happens like magic. The possibilities are pretty much endless.

Connecting with Other Apps

Zapier isn’t just about connecting ConvertKit and WishList Member. It links them to over 2,000 other apps. Imagine connecting your site to tools like Slack, Salesforce, or even your calendar.

It means you can create a web of automation that handles all sorts of tasks, from simple to complex. This takes your membership site to a whole new level of efficiency and creativity.

Practical Application Scenarios

small business setup

Small Business: Boutique Yoga Studio

Imagine you run a small yoga studio. Your goal is to keep your members engaged and informed about classes, workshops, and special events.

With ConvertKit and WishList Member, you set up different member levels for various class packages.

When a member signs up for a workshop, they automatically receive personalized emails about the workshop schedule, preparation tips, and follow-up resources.

This level of personalized communication makes your members feel valued and keeps them coming back.

Large Enterprise: Online Education Platform

Now, if you're running an online education platform offering various courses, this is also beneficial for you.

You have thousands of students to manage, each enrolled in different classes. ConvertKit and WishList Member work together to keep this complex system running smoothly. 

Students automatically receive emails based on the courses they're enrolled in, with resources and reminders.

The platform can also send out tailored promotional emails for other courses based on the student's interests and past enrollments, increasing enrollment and engagement.

199+ profitable course ideas

Hobbyist Community: Photography Club

Let’s take a hobbyist community like a photography club. Members range from beginners to professionals, each looking for different resources and community interactions.

With this integration, you can easily manage memberships, granting access to different levels of tutorials, forums, and events.

Beginners might get tips on basic photography, while professionals receive advanced techniques and exclusive event invites.

Automated emails keep each member informed about the resources and activities most relevant to them, ensuring everyone finds value in their membership.

In each of these scenarios, the integration of ConvertKit and WishList Member offers significant benefits:

  • For the small business, it means creating a close-knit community with personalized communication.
  • For the large enterprise, it’s about efficiently managing a vast number of users with varied interests.
  • For the hobbyist community, it provides a way to cater to diverse needs while keeping everyone engaged.

This integration isn’t just about making tasks easier; it’s about creating better experiences for every member, no matter the size or type of community or business.

People sending and receiving emails on different devices

Tips and Best Practices for ConvertKit and WishList Member Integration

Integrating ConvertKit with WishList Member can transform the way you manage your membership site. To make the most of this powerful combination, here are some tips and best practices:

Getting Started

  1. Enable ConvertKit Integration: Go to the Setup > Integrations > Email Providers section in WishList Member and select ConvertKit. This will start the integration process​​​​.
  2. Configure ConvertKit: Click the ‘Configure' button to open the ConvertKit Configuration popup. You’ll need to log into your ConvertKit account to get the API Secret, which is different from the API Key. The API Secret is found under Settings > Advanced > API in ConvertKit. Click ‘Show’ to copy it​​.
  3. Enter API Secret in WishList Member: Paste the API Secret into WishList Member and click ‘Save & Close’. This links your ConvertKit account with WishList Member​​.
  4. Understand the Caching Time: After initial setup, it might take a little time (about 10 to 15 minutes) for tags and other data to populate due to caching in the API. Be patient during this period​​.

Maximizing the Benefits

  1. Utilize Tag Actions: Use the ‘Tag Actions' in WishList Member to add or remove members from levels based on tags applied in ConvertKit. This feature offers a flexible way to manage memberships and email lists​​​​.
  2. Reverse the Process with ConvertKit: You can also control WishList Member actions from ConvertKit. By applying tags in ConvertKit, you can add or remove members from levels in WishList Member, giving ConvertKit a more commanding role in the process​​​​.

Best Practices

  1. Regularly Update Your Tags and Lists: Keep your tags and email lists updated to ensure accurate segmentation and targeting of your emails.
  2. Test Your Automations: Regularly test your automations to ensure they're working as expected. This helps in catching any issues early.
  3. Keep Your Content Aligned: Ensure that your email content aligns with the membership levels and interests of your audience for better engagement.

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

  1. Not Understanding the Difference Between API Key and API Secret: Remember, for the integration, you need the API Secret, not the API Key.
  2. Ignoring the Caching Period: After setting up the integration, give it some time for the tags and settings to sync up due to caching.
  3. Overlooking Tag Actions Functionality: Make sure to explore and understand the ‘Tag Actions' feature in WishList Member, as it’s crucial for dynamic membership management​​.

By following these steps and tips, you can set up and utilize the ConvertKit and WishList Member integration efficiently, ensuring a smooth and automated experience for managing your membership site.

The Future of Email Marketing and Membership Management

the future of email marketing and membership management

The world of email marketing and membership management is always changing, and staying ahead of the curve is key to success.

Let's explore some trends and how ConvertKit and WishList Member are keeping up, ensuring you're always equipped with the best tools.

Emerging Trends and Innovations

  • Personalization and Segmentation: The future is all about sending the right message to the right person. Tools like ConvertKit are making it easier to segment your audience, so each member feels like you're speaking directly to them.
  • Automation and AI: More and more, we're seeing automation take center stage. This means sending out emails, managing memberships, and responding to queries without manual intervention. AI is also stepping in, helping to predict member behavior and preferences.
  • Interactive and Rich Media Content: Emails and membership sites are becoming more interactive. Think videos, quizzes, and polls that engage members more deeply than plain text ever could.

ConvertKit and WishList Member: Adapting and Evolving

  • Enhanced Integration Capabilities: ConvertKit and WishList Member are constantly updating their integration, making it smoother and more powerful. This means better synchronization between your email marketing and membership management.
  • Focus on User Experience: Both platforms are honing in on user experience. Easier navigation, more intuitive interfaces, and better support are on the horizon.
  • Expanding Automation Features: As automation becomes more critical, these tools are expanding their capabilities. From smarter segmentation to automated member engagement, they’re staying on the cutting edge.

Staying Adaptable and Ahead

  • Embrace Change: The key to success in this dynamic environment is adaptability. Embracing new features and trends keeps your strategy fresh and effective.
  • Continuous Learning: Keeping up with the latest updates and best practices in ConvertKit and WishList Member ensures you’re leveraging their full potential.
  • Experimentation: Don’t be afraid to try new features or strategies. Sometimes, the biggest breakthroughs come from experimentation.

Harnessing the Power of Integration

So, we've taken a journey through the world of ConvertKit and WishList Member integration. It's clear that this powerful combo is more than just a set of tools; it's a way to transform how you connect with and manage your members.

From personalized emails that hit the right note to seamless member management that takes the load off your shoulders, this integration is all about making your life easier and your membership site more engaging.

Now, it's your turn to see what this integration can do for you. Whether you're running a small hobby group or a large online platform, these tools are designed to meet your needs. 

The right tools can make all the difference in managing a successful membership site. They're not just about saving time; they're about creating better experiences for you and your members. 

Take the first step and explore how ConvertKit and WishList Member can work together for your site. It's time to make your membership management smoother and your communication more impactful.

Found this blog useful? Follow us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn for more tips and best practices to make the most of your membership site.

The post Maximize Your Membership Site’s Potential with ConvertKit & WishList Member Integration (VIDEO) appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
https://wishlistmember.com/new-feature-convertkit-tag-actions-in-wishlist-member/feed/ 0
UNMISSABLE Black Friday WordPress Deals for 2023 – LIVE NOW! https://wishlistmember.com/black-friday-deals-wordpress/ https://wishlistmember.com/black-friday-deals-wordpress/#comments Mon, 20 Nov 2023 15:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=20010 The last of the pumpkin pie may have been scoffed, but there's a whole buffet of sensational Black Friday & Cyber Monday deals just waiting for you to grab a slice! Step into a winter wonderland of exclusive offers and giveaways, perfect for elevating your online presence this holiday season!

The post UNMISSABLE Black Friday WordPress Deals for 2023 – LIVE NOW! appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
The last of the pumpkin pie may have been scoffed, but there's a whole buffet of sensational Black Friday & Cyber Monday deals just waiting for you to grab a slice! Step into a winter wonderland of WordPress Black Friday deals and giveaways, perfect for boosting your online biz this holiday season! ??❄

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Get ultimate flexibility with WishList Member, the WordPress membership plugin for established online businesses and creators that plays nice with almost anything you throw at it.

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Good From: Now thru Nov 24

Pretty Links: Up To 70% Off!

Pretty Links takes the cake as the easiest and most straightforward way to shorten URLs and cloak links out there. This plugin is an affiliate's dream, making it a breeze to cut down, keep tabs on, and spread affiliate links around.

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Good From: Now thru Nov 24

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Easy Affiliate is your comprehensive affiliate program plugin for WordPress. Outsource your sales team and pay zero transaction fees with a fully hosted, all-in-one tool for affiliate merchants.

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Giveaway: iPad Air
Good From: Now thru Nov 24

ThirstyAffiliates: Up To 70% Off

ThirstyAffiliates is the Swiss Army knife of link cloaking, packed with specialized bells and whistles aimed at helping affiliates and bloggers rake in the cash.

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Giveaway: iPad Air
Good From: Now thru Nov 24

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Semrush: 30% Off Pro and Guru Plans

Unleash the might of data-backed choices with Semrush! Kick guesswork to the curb and give a warm welcome to SEO victories.

This comprehensive toolkit does more than just boost your rankings – it reveals money-making keywords and lets you keep tabs on the competition, all in real-time.

Ideal for WishList Member aficionados aiming to skyrocket their online presence. Keep an eye out for their Black Friday offer – it's a total game-changer every time!

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Coupon Code: Automatic
Good From: Now thru Dec 1, 2023

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WPForms: Up To 70% Off!

Say goodbye to boring forms and get smitten with WPForms – the drag-and-drop form wizard that's as simple as A-B-C.

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Come this Black Friday, opt for the clever form solution and watch your conversion rates take flight!

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Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Giveaway: 15″ MacBook Air
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

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AffiliateWP: Up To 70% Off

Why go solo when you can rally the troops? AffiliateWP simplifies the process of launching and running your own affiliate initiative.

Turn your devoted customers and members into your very own brand champions, earning a little cash while boosting your bottom line.

It's a mutual victory you'll definitely want to be a part of, especially with their Black Friday extravaganza looming on the horizon!

AffiliateWP Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Giveaway: Apple Watch Ultra 2
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

Business Directory Plugin: Up To $175 Off

Recognized as the most dependable directory plugin for WordPress, Business Directory Plugin is your go-to for crafting anything from a member directory to a Yelp-like platform. This versatile plugin offers a comprehensive solution for all your directory needs.

Mark your calendars for the can't-miss Business Directory Plugin Black Friday event!

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Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Giveaway: 13-inch MacBook Air
Good From: Nov 13 thru Nov 28

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Smash Balloon: Up To 70% Off!

Elevate your website by importing the social media magic directly with Smash Balloon.

From Instagram snapshots to Twitter chatter and Facebook news, this plugin simplifies it all. It's the go-to for anyone aiming to keep their audience engaged without ever having to exit your site.

This Black Friday, streamline your social game and grab that deal!

Smash Balloon Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Giveaway: MacBook Air M1
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

Formidable Forms: Up to 65% OFF

Formidable Forms takes your WordPress form data and turns it into interactive web applications effortlessly.

From designing polls and surveys to creating calculators and job boards, this plugin offers a comprehensive solution for those wanting to boost their website's capabilities beyond mere forms.

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Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Giveaway: 13-inch MacBook Air
Good From: Nov 13 thru Nov 29

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AdSanity: 30% OFF!

Looking to make your WordPress site an ad-hosting hero without cluttering your content? Look no further than AdSanity. This plugin lets you effortlessly show Google AdSense, banner ads, and affiliate links on your site. Quick and simple!

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Coupon Code: ADJINGLE30
Valid From: Nov 24 to Dec 1

Don't miss the chance to save—mark your calendar for AdSanity's Black Friday deals!

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MonsterInsights: Up To 70% Off!

Eliminate the uncertainty from your expansion plans with MonsterInsights. This isn't just another analytics plugin – it's your own data sleuth, digging up the key insights you need to elevate your platform's prowess.

From tracking visitor actions to identifying content hotspots, get the complete scoop right from your WordPress dashboard.

This Black Friday, turbocharge your analytics and pave the way for unparalleled growth!

Monster Insights Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 20 to Dec 1

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WP Dark Mode: Up To 50% Off!

Fed up with screen glare messing with your mojo? WP Dark Mode by WP Pool swoops in to rescue both your day and your vision.

Automatically flipping each web page to a calming dark mode, it's your go-to gadget for a more relaxed and efficient digital workday.

This Black Friday, treat your eyes to some well-deserved relief and make screen time a walk in the park!

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Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Now thru Nov 27

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WP Live Table Sync: Up To 83% Off!

Tired of bouncing back and forth between Google Sheets and your WordPress site? Meet your new best friend: Google Sheets to WordPress Table Live Sync by WP Pool.

This plugin takes the hassle out of data management by auto-updating your WordPress tables whenever you tweak something in Google Sheets. Imagine having a round-the-clock data aide, streamlining your online tasks and boosting your efficiency.

Keep an eye out for their Black Friday deal and make managing your data as easy as pie!

WP Live Table Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Now thru Nov 27

Jitsi Meet Black Friday

Jitsi Meet: Up To 83% Off!

Skip the third-party apps and bring the conversation directly to your community with the Jitsi Meet Plugin.

Perfect for membership hubs and small digital enterprises, this plugin embeds secure, top-notch video conferencing right into your platform. Whether you're running webinars, hosting member-only gatherings, or providing virtual consults, do it all without ever exiting your site.

This Black Friday, transform your platform into the ultimate destination for meaningful connections!

Jitsi Meet Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Now thru Nov 27

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Easy Video Reviews: Up To 76% Off!

Boost your member and customer journey with Easy Video Reviews.

This plugin is a total game-changer for membership sites and small online ventures, letting your users drop video testimonials directly on your platform.

Leverage these genuine reviews to foster trust, enhance your offerings, and ramp up conversions. This Black Friday, put your money where the feedback is and supercharge your growth!

Easy Video Reviews Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Now thru Nov 27

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MemberPress: Up To 65% Off

MemberPress is the all-in-one solution for monetizing your content and generating recurring revenue. Around the world, small businesses to 7-figure creators use MemberPress to galvanize subscribers, build and sell online courses, protect content, sell digital downloads and more.

Start getting paid for the content you create with MemberPress this Black Friday.

MemberPress Black Friday

Coupon Code: BF2023
Giveaway: 14″ MacBook Pro
Good From: Now thru Nov 24

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Divi: Up To 60% Off!

Unleash endless potential and creative liberty for digital trailblazers with Divi by Elegant Themes – the undisputed champ of WordPress page builders.

Custom-crafted for all types of online enterprises, Divi delivers unmatched design versatility without the coding headaches.

Craft eye-catching landing pages, exclusive member zones, or even a full-fledged ecommerce shop with the simplicity of drag-and-drop. This Black Friday, put your resources into a tool that turns your dream into a digital masterpiece!

Divi Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 21

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Elementor: Up to 46% Off

Construct it smarter and make it uniquely yours with Elementor. Seize the reins of your digital future by designing your site with the world's most potent page builder.

Elementor enables you to whip up everything from mesmerizing homepages to fortified member areas – and you won't have to mess with a single line of code.

This Black Friday, supercharge your platform with the ultimate design arsenal and bring your dream business to life!

Elementor Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto-applied
Good From: Nov. 21-24, 2023

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OptinMonster: Up To 62% Off!

In the world of membership sites and small online businesses, each touchpoint is a golden opportunity. OptinMonster lets you grab these moments with high-performing opt-in forms and pop-ups.

Transform fleeting visitors into committed members or devoted customers, all while sharpening your marketing game with live analytics.

This Black Friday, put your money into a tool that captures more than just emails – it captures victories!

OptinMonster Black Friday

Giveaway: 13″ Macbook Air M1
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

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Canva: Check Website For Details

In the digital landscape, visuals are your secret weapon. Canva is the design ally that allows membership site owners and small online businesses to create eye-catching graphics without needing a design degree.

From social media visuals to member-only content, make every pixel work for you. That's totally doable with Canva!

This Black Friday, boost your brand's visual game and create a lasting impact.

Canva Black Friday

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RafflePress: Up To 65% Off!

Whoever said scaling your online venture has to be a drag? With RafflePress, you can effortlessly launch and manage giveaways that not only captivate your audience but also encourage actions like sign-ups, shares, and buys.

RafflePress is your go-to gadget for generating excitement and cultivating a devoted community.

This Black Friday, spice up your engagement game and make it a win-win with RafflePress!

RafflePress Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 24 thru Dec 1

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MemberMouse: Up To 65% Off

MemberMouse is the membership plugin of choice for thousands of enterprise-level organizations. With a long-standing reputation as a robust yet flexible tool, thousands of online entrepreneurs have built successful membership sites and online courses with MemberMouse.

Whether you're looking to build an online community, protect your content or establish an educational hub for your business, MemberMouse is an intuitive, unified and extensible tool that will get you there.

MemberMouse Black Friday

Coupon Code: BF2023
Giveaway: iPad Air
Good From: Now thru Nov 24

Subscribe to the MemberMouse blog for updates about their Black Friday sales and giveaways.

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Surfshark VPN & Antivirus: Up To 86% Off!

In the world of membership sites and small online businesses, tranquility is worth its weight in gold.

Hailing from the Netherlands, Surfshark is a virtual private network (VPN) that offers exactly that—a fortress of security for you and your members or customers.

Relish in encrypted data, secure transactions, and a malware-free zone. This Black Friday, choose Surfshark as your stronghold for unshakeable security!

Surfshark VPN & Antivirus Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 17

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WooCommerce: Check Website For Details

Aiming to cash in on your membership site or expand your small online venture? WooCommerce is your all-in-one hub for everything ecommerce.

Whether you're selling digital goodies or tangible goods, create a storefront that mirrors your brand's uniqueness. Pair it with WishList Member, and you're set to elevate your online business to stratospheric heights!

This Black Friday, build the bedrock for a flourishing commerce universe with WooCommerce!

WooCommerce Black Friday


WP Mail SMTP: Up To $150 Off

When it comes to your membership site or small online business, email deliverability is a game-changer.

WP Mail SMTP makes sure your crucial emails hit the mark—right in the inbox. Whether it's member alerts or order confirmations, send out emails that get noticed, not neglected.

This Black Friday, become the inbox champion your platform needs with WP Mail SMTP!

WP Mail SMTP Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

AIOSEO: Up To 70% Off!

SEO is more than just industry jargon—it's a vital cog in your business machine. All in One SEO (AIOSEO) is the toolkit that hands you the keys to your site's search engine destiny.

Perfect for digital enterprises of all kinds, AIOSEO provides a full suite of features, from keyword fine-tuning to schema markup.

This Black Friday, eliminate the mystery from SEO and prime your platform for search engine stardom!

AIOSEO Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Giveaway: iPhone 15 Pro Max + Apple Watch Ultra 2
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

ExactMetrics: Up To 70% Off

Tap into the untapped power of your membership site or small online venture with ExactMetrics.

This beefy analytics tool gives you a crystal-clear snapshot of what's fueling your wins, from user involvement to sales turnarounds.

Make choices backed by solid data and guide your platform to soaring success. Keep an eye out for their Black Friday offer—it's your gateway to intelligent expansion!

ExactMetrics Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

TrustPulse: Up To 60% Off!

In the digital marketplace, trust is as good as gold, and TrustPulse helps you rake it in.

This social proof plugin displays real-time actions and glowing testimonials, injecting a dose of confidence (and a dash of FOMO!) into your prospective members or customers.

The payoff? A boost in trust and a spike in conversions. This Black Friday, turn to TrustPulse for that credibility factor and see your sales take off!

TrustPulse Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

Jasper.ai : Check Website For Details

Wave farewell to writer's block and greet a world of limitless content options with Jasper.ai.

This AI-driven writing wizard is your go-to for churning out everything from compelling blog articles to captivating email blasts.

Conserve time, uphold your brand's voice, and captivate your members or customers like you've never done before. This Black Friday, put your money on Jasper.ai and let your language do the lifting!

Jasper.ai Black Friday

GoTo Meeting: Up to 16% Off

Elevate your remote pow-wows to pro status with GoToMeeting.

This video conferencing dynamo is a total game-changer for membership sites and small online enterprises, packing perks like screen sharing, live chat, and crystal-clear HD video.

Keep your squad in sync and your members or customers hooked, all within a single secure environment. This Black Friday, choose GoToMeeting as your epicenter for flawless virtual teamwork!

GoTo Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto-applied
Good From: Now thru Nov. 24, 2023


PushEngage: Up To 60% Off!

Keep yourself front and center in the minds of your members or customers with PushEngage. This nifty push notification plugin lets you shoot real-time updates, special deals, and news straight to user gadgets.

It's a savvy strategy to amp up engagement, funnel traffic, and bump up sales, all without bombarding your audience. This Black Friday, opt for smarter engagement with PushEngage!

PushEngage Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 20 – Dec 1

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Adobe Creative Cloud: Save 50% Off

Boost your creative chops with Adobe Creative Cloud. From Photoshop wizardry to Premiere Pro expertise, it's all just a click away in the cloud.

Ideal for membership site owners and small online businesses who want to take their visual content and brand look to the next level.

This Black Friday, make Adobe Creative Cloud your go-to for all things creative!

Adobe Creative Cloud Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto-applied
Good From: 
Now thru Nov. 24, 2023

Gravity Forms: 50% Off!

Revolutionize your approach to data collection and management with Gravity Forms. This robust form builder is an essential tool for any online enterprise.

Craft anything from straightforward contact forms to intricate surveys. Simplify your data gathering, boost user interaction, and make informed choices—all without touching a line of code!

This Black Friday, up your forms ante with Gravity Forms!

Gravity Forms Black Friday

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Good From: Nov 21 – Nov 28

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myCred: Save 23%

Ready to turn your WordPress site into an engagement hotspot? With myCred points, you're not just making sign-ups and renewals a sweet deal—you're also rolling out a custom loyalty program that keeps your members hooked.

From points and ranks to badges, you're crafting more than just rewards; you're building a community experience that's too good to resist. And the cherry on top? Customize your own myCred point types to vibe seamlessly with your brand.

myCred Black Friday

Coupon Code: BFCM23
Good From:
Nov 20 thru Dec 4

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Visual Composer: Save 40%

Visual Composer is making this Black Friday/Cyber Monday a real treat—up to 40% off all premium plans! It's your golden ticket to a world of premium features that make web design a breeze. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, you'll be crafting websites that look like a million bucks, no coding needed.

Visual Composer Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Good From:
Nov 20 thru Nov 29

Wholesale Suite: Save 60%

Take your WooCommerce store to new heights with Wholesale Suite, now featuring an unmissable Black Friday deal! Trusted by more than 25,000 store owners, this suite simplifies your wholesale order management like never before.

Experience the power of the Starter Bundle, which includes the essential Wholesale Prices and Lead Capture plugins. Now at a remarkable 60% discount, the bundle has dropped from $198/year to only $79.20. Effortlessly manage wholesale pricing, set minimum purchase requirements, and apply tiered discounts with just a few clicks.

And there's more – enter their biggest giveaway of the year for a chance to win a top-notch 15-inch MacBook Air with an M2 chip. Elevate your WooCommerce operations with Wholesale Suite this Black Friday!

Wholesale Suite Black Friday

Giveaway: 15-inch MacBook Air
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Validity: Nov 1, 2023 – Nov 30, 2023

Advanced Coupons: Save 60%

Power up your WooCommerce store with Advanced Coupons, now offering an incredible 60% discount on its Starter Bundle. Loved by more than 15,000 store owners, Advanced Coupons enhances your coupon capabilities like never before.

For just $95.20, down from $238, you get the Starter Bundle, which includes Advanced Coupons Premium and Loyalty Program, plus over 85 extra gift card designs at no extra cost. This is ideal for driving sales and increasing customer interaction with creative coupon tactics.

And there's an exciting opportunity: enter their grand giveaway to win a high-performance 15-inch MacBook Air with an M2 chip. Boost your marketing strategies with Advanced Coupons this Black Friday!

Advanced Coupons Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Good From:
Nov 20 thru Nov 24
Giveaway: MacBook Air w M2 Chip

WC Vendors: Save 60%

Boost your online marketplace to new levels with WC Vendors, the top choice for over 10,000 stores. This Black Friday, grab the chance to get their Business Plan, tailored for marketplace success, at an incredible 60% off.

Previously at $599/year, it's now just $239.60, offering you the opportunity to enhance your marketplace with top-notch tools and features at a fraction of the cost. WC Vendors equips you to expand and refine your marketplace with ease and confidence.

Additionally, take part in their exciting giveaway to possibly win a cutting-edge 15-inch MacBook Air, equipped with the M2 chip for unparalleled speed and a vibrant Liquid Retina display. Make this Black Friday count by revolutionizing your marketplace with WC Vendors!

WC Vendors Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Good From:
Nov 20 thru Nov 24
Giveaway: MacBook Air w M2 Chip

Visser Labs: Save 60%

Optimize your data management effortlessly with Visser Labs, a favorite among over 10,000 stores for their exceptional importer and exporter plugins. This Black Friday, seize the opportunity with up to 60% off on their flagship offerings.

Get the Store Exporter Deluxe, originally priced at $199, now for just $79. It simplifies the process of exporting orders, subscriptions, and products to Excel or Google Sheets, making your workflow more efficient.

Also available at a significant discount is the Product Importer Deluxe, perfect for bulk importing a vast array of WooCommerce products, complete with comprehensive support for custom fields and extensions. Enhance your store's data handling capabilities and make the most of significant savings with Visser Labs this Black Friday!

Visser Labs Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Good From:
Nov 20 thru Nov 24
Giveaway: MacBook Air w M2 Chip

Don't forget to bookmark this and check back… new deals come in daily! ?

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Boosting Engagement and Conversions: 5 Exciting Ways to Use Divi and WishList Member https://wishlistmember.com/5-creative-ways-of-using-divi-and-wishlist-member/ https://wishlistmember.com/5-creative-ways-of-using-divi-and-wishlist-member/#comments Thu, 26 Oct 2023 14:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=3381 Elevate your website to new heights by combining Divi's unmatched design flexibility with WishList Member's robust membership features! This guide reveals exciting, actionable ways to boost member engagement, customize user experiences, and grow your online community like never before.

The post Boosting Engagement and Conversions: 5 Exciting Ways to Use Divi and WishList Member appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
Elevate your website to new heights by combining Divi's unmatched design flexibility with WishList Member's robust membership features! This guide reveals exciting, actionable ways to boost member engagement, customize user experiences, and grow your online community like never before.

Imagine a pairing so powerful, so efficient, it takes your website to a whole new level. That's what you get from the Divi and WishList Member integration.

This combination brings together the standout design brilliance of Divi with the formidable membership mastery of WishList Member.

This software integration is your toolkit to making membership sites that are both glamorous and seamlessly functional.

Ready to discover this digital dynamo? Then, let's go!

Integrate Divi with Your WishList Member Site

Haven't integrated Divi into your WishList Member site yet? No worries – getting started is a breeze!

Follow these steps to bring the dynamic features of Divi right into your membership ecosystem.

Step 1: Download the Divi Builder Plugin

Divi Homepage

First off, make sure you download the Divi builder plugin to your computer.

Step 2: Install Divi Builder on WordPress

Navigate to the WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin. Click the Upload Plugin button and then browse your computer to find and select the Divi Builder plugin file you downloaded earlier.

Hit the Install Now button, and once the installation is complete, click Activate.

Step 3: Enable Divi in WishList Member

After successfully installing the Divi Builder plugin, head to the WishList Member dashboard.

From there, go to Setup > Integrations > Other Services. You'll find Divi listed among the options. Simply select it and enable the integration.

You'll be greeted with a message indicating that no additional configuration within WishList Member is necessary for this integration – it's that simple!

The integration is now either enabled or disabled based on your preference.

Step 4: Explore Advanced Settings in Divi

Now, with the integration active, you'll find WishList Member has introduced a new setting inside the Divi Builder. Specifically, this setting appears in the Advanced Options tab when you’re working on Divi Sections, Rows, and so forth.

This incredible feature enables you to set access restrictions on Divi’s Sections and Rows. This allows you to really fine-tune your member experience.

Want to allow only logged-in users to see a particular part of a page? Or maybe you'd like to grant access only to users with specific membership levels?

All of this becomes possible with the integrated powers of Divi and WishList Member.

5 Creative Ways of Using Divi and WishList Member

1. Boost Your Member’s Area with Show-Stopping Style

If you ever wanted your membership site to look like a million bucks, Divi's got your back. When you use Divi's rich design features, you can make your members' area visually appealing and incredibly functional.

This isn't just about slapping on some premium images and fonts; it's about employing Divi's range of modules like the Gallery Module for showcasing community photos or the Video Slider for tutorials.

With thoughtful design, you can improve the user journey, making it easier for members to find what they're looking for, be it forums, new courses, or downloadable resources.

2. Craft Tailored Pages for Each Member for A VIP Experience

One-size-fits-all is so last decade. With WishList Member, you can give each member their own tailored space through our detailed profile fields and tag-based classification system that lets you segment your members.

You can display content based on a member's level, preferences, or even their activity. For instance, you can highlight resources for beginners in one section while offering advanced tutorials in another.

When members log in, they're greeted with content tailored to their status or preferences. The goal is to make every member feel like the VIP of their own experience, which encourages longer subscription periods and higher engagement.

3. Elevate Learning With Unique Course Layouts

With Divi and CourseCure's layout packs and A/B testing capabilities, you can continually refine your course experience. You can use collapsible modules for course outlines and add interactive FAQs.

But the key is data-driven design: use the split testing feature to test different layout elements and get concrete data on what engages your users most effectively. This makes courses not just aesthetically pleasing but also functionally effective.

199+ profitable course ideas

4. Organizing Member-Only Menus

Exclusive menus aren't just a cosmetic upgrade; they're a functional one. WishList Member allows you to create multi-level menus based on membership level or categories.

This means you can have a specific menu for free members, another for paid members, and even specialized menus for different course categories.

By doing so, you guide your members toward the content they value most, making your platform easier to use and reducing the bounce rate.

5. Engage Members With Interactive Content

Quizzes and interactive polls aren’t just gimmicks; they're effective educational tools.

With Divi and CourseCure's interactive elements, you can add real-time quizzes at the end of each course section or interactive polls to gather feedback.

These features serve dual purposes: they keep members engaged and give you valuable data to improve your content.

Remember, these are just the highlights! If you want to see these strategies in action, be sure to watch the video below. Trust us, the visual guide will give you all the ‘aha' moments you need.

How Divi and WishList Member Elevate Your Website

The fusion of Divi's cutting-edge design tools with WishList Member's robust membership capabilities produces a truly optimized user experience.

You design your website with Divi’s intuitive interface, and WishList Member effortlessly manages the membership aspects.

This integration streamlines your operations, saving you both time and effort. Here are only some of the best ways this power duo elevates your membership site:

Personalized Dynamic Content Display

You can offer personalized experiences to different members, thanks to the dynamic content feature. For example, let's say you want to greet new members with a welcome message.

Or maybe you want to show exclusive offers only to VIP members. You can do all that and more.

With Divi and WishList Member, you're able to display content based on what type of member is logged in. This keeps people engaged because they feel like you're speaking directly to them.

Seamless Sign-Ups and Logins

The last thing anyone wants is a tedious registration process. This will cause you to lose potential members before they even join!

The good news is, integrating Divi and WishList Member eliminates any friction when new users sign up. The entire registration process happens within the environment of a Divi landing page.

Once they're in, WishList Member takes the reins, setting up their membership profile without a hitch. And it doesn't stop there.

Logging in is also a breeze with Divi’s specialized login module. It's this kind of seamless experience that keeps your members happy and engaged.

Create a WordPress website with membership login

Boost Your Marketing Strategy With Data-Driven Information

Divi's powerful analytics tools paired with WishList Member's reporting features mean you're never in the dark about how your site is performing. You'll get insights into member behavior, popular content, and even dropout rates.

This invaluable information can be your guiding star for future content planning and marketing strategies.

Strong Community Support You Can Count On

Don't underestimate the power of a strong support network. Both Divi and WishList Member boast thriving communities and resourceful documentation.

Whether you're looking for quick fixes or looking to explore advanced features, there’s an army of fellow users and experts ready to help you out. It's this kind of community backup that turns even the most daunting challenges into manageable tasks.

The Freedom of Flexibility

Ever wish you could move walls and change colors in your home just by dragging and dropping? Well, Divi sort of lets you do that with your membership site.

With an array of design customization options and templates, you can easily craft a unique space that aligns with your brand and captivates your members.

Power-Packed Features for Functionality

But there's more to a great site than just aesthetics. Divi offers advanced features like split testing, so you can find out which designs or content actually resonate with your audience.

On the other hand, WishList Member makes it easy to release content over time with its drip content feature. This keeps members coming back for more and reduces overwhelm. It's like having a secret recipe for keeping folks engaged and satisfied!

Adapt as Your Community Grows

Starting small? No worries. Both Divi and WishList Member are designed to scale with you.

As your membership base grows, you can easily add more features, create additional content, or even launch new courses without breaking a sweat. It's like starting with a cozy café and having the blueprint to expand into a bustling franchise.

So, what's the takeaway here? Combining Divi's design wizardry with WishList Member's member management magic sets you up for a win.

You get to create a visually stunning site that also offers functional features to engage and retain your members. Talk about a power combo!

Whether you're just starting out or you've got a seasoned membership site, this dynamic duo adapts and scales right along with you.

And should you ever hit a bump, a helping hand is always just a click away thanks to the amazing community and support resources.

Excited to experience this for yourself? We encourage you to play around with integrating Divi and WishList Member.

Seriously, the sky's the limit when you combine these two!

And hey, once you've had a chance to try it out, we'd love to hear your thoughts and see your masterpieces.

So go ahead, mix and match, experiment and innovate – and don't forget to share your success stories with us in the comments below!

Found this blog useful? Follow us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn for more tips and best practices to make the most of your membership site.

The post Boosting Engagement and Conversions: 5 Exciting Ways to Use Divi and WishList Member appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
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How to Master WordPress Redirect Pages with WishList Member: Boost Engagement and Loyalty https://wishlistmember.com/create-redirects-wishlist-member/ https://wishlistmember.com/create-redirects-wishlist-member/#respond Thu, 14 Sep 2023 17:04:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=2747 Pssst…there’s an exciting feature of your membership website that you’re probably not taking full advantage of. Setting up WordPress page redirects. Read our guide to discover the benefits of redirects, and how to set them up with WishList Member. When new and existing members interact with your site, you want… no you need their journey […]

The post How to Master WordPress Redirect Pages with WishList Member: Boost Engagement and Loyalty appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
Pssst…there’s an exciting feature of your membership website that you’re probably not taking full advantage of. Setting up WordPress page redirects. Read our guide to discover the benefits of redirects, and how to set them up with WishList Member.

When new and existing members interact with your site, you want… no you need their journey to be as pleasant and as smooth as possible.

Membership sites face a unique challenge when it comes to user experience. Logins and registrations can disrupt the user journey and make for a frustrating experience for users of your site.

When used effectively, WordPress page redirects not only offer a seamless experience for your members, they can also enhance user engagement with personalized experiences, increase member retention, and even boost average customer value.

With WishList Member, setting up page redirects a cinch, you just need to know how to do it.

Let's unpack this process and explore its potential benefits for you.

Redirects work like helpful signs guiding your members to where they want to be.
Redirects work like helpful signs guiding your members to where they want to be.

WishList Member – Your Magic Wand for Better User Experience

Click here for step-by-step instructions on building your membership site using WordPress.

WishList Member offers a wonderland of different redirect pages. Each one pops up under specific conditions, turning your users' navigation into an interactive journey.

For example:

  • An ‘After Registration' page to make your members feel special right after they've registered.
  • An ‘After Login' page to show them you're glad they're back.
  • An ‘After Logout' page to leave a lasting impression even after they've left your site.

These tailored interactions increase user satisfaction and make them feel valued. Additionally, you can personalize the preset messages on each redirect page to resonate better with your users.

You can find these settings under Advanced Options > Global Defaults > Error Pages in WishList Member.

In here, you'll find different types of redirect pages you can configure. Let's discuss what each of them means one by one below.

Global Default Redirect Pages

After Registration

So your member just joined a membership level? Sweet! They'll see a special After Registration page. Heads up, it's a one-time deal, so they won't see it again. Next time they log in, they'll land on the After Login page.

Membership Requires Approval

Some memberships need a thumbs-up from the site admin, or you. In these cases, your members will see a Membership Requires Approval page.

You can find the setting for this under Setup > Levels > Edit Level > Requirements in WishList Member.

Membership Requires Confirmation

This will be shown to members after they've successfully registered to a membership level that requires them to confirm using the email they used. This setting is also in the Requirements section.

After Login

Every time a user logs in, they'll see this page. If a user is in multiple membership levels the page they'll see will depend on the Level Order. We’ll go into what level order is and how to change it later.

After Logout

This will be the page your users will see after they log out.

Unsubscribe Confirmation

If a member opts out of your email list, they'll see an Unsubscribe Confirmation page.

Resubscribe Confirmation

This will show up when a user decides to resubscribe to the Email Broadcast list in WishList Member.

How to Set Up Custom Redirects for Different Membership Levels

You've got your global redirects sorted. Awesome! But what if you've got multiple membership levels? You'll probably want different After Registration and After Login pages for each. Good news: it's doable, and here's how.

  1. Go to the WishList Member menu and click Setup.
  2. You'll see the level you made. Click on it.
  3. Then hit Additional Settings. Voila! A Redirects section appears.

Inside this section, you'll see Custom options for After Registration and After Logout. Toggle the one you want to change. A Configure button pops up.

Who Gets What Redirect?

If you're wondering which redirect happens when a member belongs to multiple levels, meet Level Order.

How to Sort Level Order

  • On the Levels screen, you'll see your list of levels.
  • Want to change the order? Just hover over the level name.
  • An icon with two arrows will appear. Click and drag to rearrange.

For example, if you have Silver and Gold levels and want Gold members to get priority, just drag Gold to the top. Now, anyone who's both Silver and Gold will get the Gold redirect. Cool, right?

Why Steering Members to Certain Pages is a Game-Changer

Let's face it—no one sticks around a dull party. Your membership site is no different. A fun, engaging experience is like the life of the party; it keeps people coming back for more. 

Oh, and guess who's more open to those nifty add-ons or new courses you offer? Yep, engaged members.

Here are some of the benefits of using redirects, and how they enhance the user experience.

Keep Members Cool and Coming Back with a Smooth User Journey

Ever think a road sign is trivial until you're lost? That's what redirects do—they're your member's “road signs” to a smooth ride on your site. It's not just a time-saver, but a life-saver for anyone who hates detours and roundabouts on the web.

Smooth Sailing Ahead Road Sign
Smooth Sailing Ahead Road Sign

If you’ve ever felt frustrated navigating a website, you know full well how it impacts the likelihood of returning to that site or buying from that brand. 

For a membership site, these small changes have a huge impact on your bottom line.

Optimize Content Delivery

Roll out the red carpet for your members and lead them right to the most relevant content for them. Send new members to a hearty welcome page, guide the seasoned folks to exclusive content, or even treat different membership levels to their own personalized experiences. The sky's the limit here!

By guiding members to specific content, you ensure they're not overwhelmed and can easily find what they're looking for, leading to a smoother user experience.

Reduce Bounce Rate By Letting Users Resume Their Journey

Imagine you're in the middle of a cliffhanger episode, and boom, an ad break! Annoying, right? Same goes for logging into a site and losing your place. 

Redirects can take you back, letting you pick up where you left off. That's user experience at its best!

The Art of Redirecting Members

So we've talked about how redirects make life peachy for your members. But let's spill the tea—redirects are also your secret weapon for steering folks where you want 'em. It's like playing tour guide in your own digital theme park!

Increase Average Customer Value with Upselling and Cross-selling
Got a shiny new feature or a killer upgrade deal? Lead the way! With redirects, you can put up a neon sign that says, “Hey, check this out!” Point them to your pricing page for an upgrade or take them window shopping through your latest offerings.

Maximize Product Value with Onboarding Redirects
One of the biggest challenges businesses face after acquiring new members is ensuring they fully understand and utilize the product or service. 

This is where onboarding comes into play, and redirects can play a key role in this process.

Not all features of a product are immediately apparent or intuitive to new users. Redirects can lead members to underutilized but valuable features, ensuring they get the most out of their membership or subscription.

Enhanced Data Insights for Better Decision Making

Every time you redirect a member, you're also gathering valuable data on their preferences, behaviors, and journey through your site. 

This data is gold when it comes to refining your content strategy, understanding what truly resonates with your audience. With some hard stats under your belt, you can make informed decisions to further enhance the member experience. 

In essence, redirects not only improve the user experience but also provide you with actionable insights to continuously evolve and adapt.

Best Practices for Redirects

Ok, so you’re all clued up on what redirects are, how they work in WishList Member, and why they’ve a big deal. Now it’s time to give you the skinny on tips and best practices to really amp up your site’s functionality and member satisfaction:

1. Understand Your Audience's Needs

User Behavior Analysis
Make the most of analytics tools to gain insights into which pages your members visit, their common drop-off points, and the content they engage with the most. This data can guide your redirect strategy.

Feedback and Surveys
Engage with your members by occasionally seeking feedback. Their insights on what they'd like to see more of or areas they find confusing can be invaluable in refining your redirects.

Use an intuitive form builder on your membership site like WP Forms to put together a survey. Consider offering a giveaway to incentivize participation. 

WPForms Surveys

2. Prioritize User Experience:

Avoid Overwhelming Members
While redirects can be powerful, it's essential to use them with care Overloading users with too many redirects can be counterproductive. Strive for a balance that enhances user experience.

Regular Testing
Before applying any redirect, test it thoroughly. Make sure it directs users to the right page quickly and offers the intended experience.

3. Address Potential Challenges:

Stay Vigilant for 404 Errors
Redirects can sometimes lead to non-existent pages, especially if content is moved or deleted. Regularly audit your redirects to ensure they lead to active, relevant pages. Update any that don't.

Avoid Multiple Redirect Chains
Chaining several redirects together can slow down the user experience and may lead to frustration. Aim for direct, one-step redirects whenever possible.

By adhering to these best practices, you can ensure that your redirects are functional and elevate the overall experience for your members.

Cultivate an Engaging Membership Experience with WordPress Page Redirects

A WordPress page redirect does a lot more than just guide traffic; when used strategically, it's an opportunity to curate exceptional member experiences.

With redirects, you can make your site more inviting, interactive, and user-friendly. Members who feel valued are more likely to stay, engage with your content, and even invest more in your offerings.

In this guide, we've unveiled the art of using WordPress redirect pages to create a VIP experience for your members every time they visit. And with WishList Member, the process of setting up redirects couldn't be easier.

Found this blog useful? Follow us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn for more tips and best practices to make the most of your WordPress membership site.

The post How to Master WordPress Redirect Pages with WishList Member: Boost Engagement and Loyalty appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
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How to Set Up WooCommerce and WishList Member for Your Membership Site https://wishlistmember.com/wishlist-member-woocommerce/ https://wishlistmember.com/wishlist-member-woocommerce/#respond Thu, 31 Aug 2023 09:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=2740 Turn up revenue and repeat custom to the max when you elevate your ecommerce experience with the WooCommerce Wishlist Member integration. Discover how easy it is to bring the power of memberships to your WooCommerce site. Hey there, future ecommerce rockstars! ? Ready to take your online store from ‘meh' to ‘mind-blowing'? We've got a […]

The post How to Set Up WooCommerce and WishList Member for Your Membership Site appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
Turn up revenue and repeat custom to the max when you elevate your ecommerce experience with the WooCommerce Wishlist Member integration. Discover how easy it is to bring the power of memberships to your WooCommerce site.

Hey there, future ecommerce rockstars! ?

Ready to take your online store from ‘meh' to ‘mind-blowing'?

We've got a game-changer for you. Imagine turning every purchase into an invitation to an exclusive club, where members enjoy juicy discounts, first dibs on new releases, and a whole lot more.

Welcome to the wish-come-true world of integrating WishList Member with WooCommerce.

Make your customers feel like VIPs while boosting your bottom line like never before.

Let's rock n roll!

Back to the Future amp scene

Click here for step-by-step instructions on building your membership site using WordPress.

The Magic Combo: WishList Member + WooCommerce

WishList Member joining forces with WooCommerce opens up a whole world of possibilities for your ecommerce store. We’re talking perks, rewards, and cool member-only deals! Open your customers up to:

Special Membership Perks

Imagine someone buys a t-shirt from your store. Now, what if buying that shirt automatically made them part of an exclusive club? A club where they get first dibs on new releases or an inside scoop on upcoming sales?

WishList lets you automatically bump customers into different membership levels based on what they buy. Talk about rolling out the red carpet!

VIP red carpet

Discounts Galore: Spice Up Your Pricing

Everyone loves a good deal. And as a store owner, you'll love how WishList lets you customize your prices for your loyal members. You can offer fixed prices, percentage-based discounts, or even a fixed-amount off the regular price.

You can even dish out discounts based on what type of stuff they're buying—like all skincare products or ebooks, for example.

How To Setup WishList Member & WooCommerce Integration

Step 1: Set Up WishList Member

First thing's first—make sure WishList Member is up and running on your WordPress site. From your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and search for WishList Member.

Can't find it? No worries! Just follow this easy-peasy tutorial we've got for you.

Step 2: Create Membership Levels

Alright, you've got WishList Member ready to roll. Now let's carve out those cool membership levels.

Go to WishList Member > Set Up > Levels. Hit that plus sign and name your new level—maybe something snazzy like “VIP Membership” or just a simple “Subscriber.”

You might also want to set up membership levels based on how you want to group your customers. For example, you might create a “skincare” level or a “homeware” level depending on which products your members buy.

Don't sweat the small stuff, like settings, for now. You can always circle back and fine-tune things later. Once you've got your level named, we're good to go for the next step!

Step 3: Install WooCommerce for Easy-Peasy Ecommerce

Next up, we need WooCommerce. It's a super popular free plugin—5 million people can't be wrong, right?

Head to Plugins > Add New and type in “WooCommerce.”

Then hit Install, and then Activate.

Oh, and if a setup wizard pops up, just give it the ol' Skip Setup click for now.

Step 4: Activate the WishList Member WooCommerce Integration

Now it's time to blend this duo together with the flick of a switch! Head to WishList Member > Setup > Integrations. In the Payment Providers tab scroll down and click on WooCommerce.

Toggle the integration so that it's switched on like so:

WishList Member WooCommerce integration setup

Click Return to Integrations to complete setup.

Step 5: Configure Payment Gateways

Alright, now let's talk about getting you paid! In your WordPress dashboard, scoot on over to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments. Follow the cues to activate PayPal, and drop in your PayPal email.

If you plan to use Stripe as well, you can install an additional plugin for that purpose. Remember to save your changes once you're done.

How to Automatically Assign Membership Levels to WooCommerce Products

Now your Wishlist Member WooCommerce integration is all set up, it's time to explore the amazing things you can do with it!

The first is automatically giving membership access to customers who buy a product in your online store. This is a great way to add value to your products and keep your existing customers engaged with your brand.

Say you're selling a recipe book on your ecommerce store; you can offer automatic access to protected content such as demonstration videos, cookalongs or an online cooking course.

With the WishListMember WooCommerce integration, it's simple to connect your products to a membership level (or multiple levels) so that customers automatically become members.

Step 1: Add Your Product

Head over to Products > Add New.

Fill in the details and click Publish such as product name, description, image, and any tags and categories.

Step 2: Change Access Settings

Staying on the product page, scroll down to the Product data section, and click on the WishList Member tab (see image above.)

Under Access, click in the box next to Membership Levels and select the level you want purchasers of this product to access. You can select multiple levels if you wish. Any time someone buys that product they get instant VIP access to your exclusive online club. ?

This is where your custom levels come in really handy. Say you run a lifestyle site that sells homeware, skincare products and fashion accessories. When a customer purchase a homeware product, they can automatically be assigned the “Homeware” membership level, and get access to special, targeted content and product discounts.

You can even integrate WishList Member with your email provider and send targeted emails specifically for people who have purchased homeware products from your site.

  • Hit Publish or Update, and voila! You're all set.

How To Set Special Member Pricing

The WishList Member WooCommerce integration also lets you set up sweet deals and discounts on your WooCommerce products for your existing members. And it couldn't be easier!

On the same Product data section you used to manage access, click on the Pricing tab. Then click on the Membership Level dropdown menu.

WooCommerce Member Pricing

Select the membership level you want to create a special member price for and hit Add.

Then a bunch of pretty self-explanatory options will come up.

Special member pricing options

You can choose to offer a special fixed price, a fixed discount (e.g. $5 off) or a percentage discount (e.g.25% off).

The text you write in the Description field will be what is displayed on your live site.

Once you're done click Save Pricing, and hey presto! It's as simple as that.

You can add another level to manage the discount for that level. If your members belong to multiple levels, they'll be shown the discount for whichever level is closest to the top of the list.

Click and drag the list icon (it looks like 3 lines) to reorder the member levels.

WooCommerce Member Pricing


In the dynamic world of ecommerce, standing out is paramount. By integrating WishList Member with WooCommerce, you're not just selling products; you're offering an experience. This powerful combination allows you to:

  • Turn Customer Loyalty To The Max
    By turning purchases into exclusive memberships, you're making your customers feel valued and special. Hello, increased repeat business and brand loyalty!

  • Boost Revenue with Special Pricing
    Offering member-exclusive discounts can incentivize purchases and increase your average order value. Whether it's a fixed discount, a percentage off, or a special price, members will appreciate the savings, and keep coming back for more. 

  • Automate Membership Assignments
    Automatically assign membership levels based on purchases, streamlining the process and enhancing the experience for your customers.

  • Pump Up Product Value
    By bundling products with exclusive content access, you're adding more value to every purchase. This can differentiate your store from competitors and justify higher price points.

  • Simplify Management
    Both WooCommerce and WishList Member are user-friendly, and their integration is designed to be intuitive. This means less time fiddling with settings and more time focusing on growing your business.

Want a bonus, biz boosting tip? Once you're all set up with WishList Member, you'll want to shout your site's new features from the rooftops. Well, there's a low-risk cost-effective solution to help you do just that:

  • Create an Affiliate Program
    Outsource your sales team with a WooCommerce affiliate plugin that can easily add a plug and play affiliate program to your WooCommerce site.

    In just a few clicks, you can set up your site to support an affiliate program, and incentivize customers and affiliate fans to drive traffic and conversions on your site! We highly recommend using this method to get the word out there and accelerate your growth.

But back to the topic at hand – the WishList Member and WooCommerce integration is, in short, a game-changer. It's about creating a holistic shopping experience, where customers don't just buy a product; they join a community. 

So, if you're looking to elevate your ecommerce game, this integration is your ticket to the big leagues. Rock on, ecommerce maestros! ??

Get Started With WishList Member Today

Transform customer experience on your WooCommerce site. It all starts with our robust membership plugin.

  1.   Get WishList Member
  2.   Use the NEW Quick-Start WIZARD, training videos and support
  3.   Launch Your Site!

If you have questions, reach out to our support team here.

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How to Migrate From A Different Membership Plugin to WishList Member https://wishlistmember.com/migrate-to-wishlist-member/ https://wishlistmember.com/migrate-to-wishlist-member/#respond Thu, 24 Aug 2023 09:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=13196 Started with a different membership plugin and want to head over to WishList Member? Here's our guide to migrating your data as smoothly as possible. “How can I move over to WishList Member?” You'll be reassured to know that we hear this question a lot. We’ve all been there. We get excited about using a […]

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Started with a different membership plugin and want to head over to WishList Member? Here's our guide to migrating your data as smoothly as possible.

“How can I move over to WishList Member?”

You'll be reassured to know that we hear this question a lot.

We’ve all been there. We get excited about using a new platform or program, put all our eggs in that basket, and then sooner or later come to realize it's just not a good fit. 

You are not alone, my friend. We're regularly get this request, and today we're sharing our advice for the smoothest transition so you can start enjoying WishList Member STAT!

So limber up and let's hop to it.

Bugs Bunny starting line meme

Can You Transfer Your Membership Site Over to WishList Member?

Yes! 100%.

Switching from one membership platform over to WishList Member totally doable. You just need to know how.

The process isn't automatic given the many variables involved with this kind of transfer. It's not as simple as transferring customer data over when you factor in your protected content and membership tiers. But don't let that put you off.

It just takes a little time and effort, but the results will pay off once you're transferred over to our robust and reliable membership plugin.

So our first piece of advice is to give yourself some time to complete everything. Especially, if you have a large site with a lot of content.

Duplicating Your WordPress Site May Help

There are WordPress plugins that can duplicate or clone entire sites. Some examples are Duplicator, BackupBuddy and Updraft. You may want to take a look into one of these plugins as an option.

If you've already started using WishList Member on your site, our plugin stores all settings, members, data, etc. within your WordPress database.

So, if a plugin creates a complete copy of the WordPress site/database, it should include all the WishList Member settings, members, etc as well.

This is explained in more detail (including Plugin suggestions) in this Knowledge Base article, Transfer, Duplicate or Clone a Site.

Checklist Of Things To Consider

When migrating to WishList Member, the road to migration isn't one-size-fits-all.

The current membership platform you're using, coupled with the unique features and functionalities you plan to use in WishList Member, will pave the migration journey ahead.

Therefore, it's necessary to tailor your approach for a seamless and effective transition.

In this checklist, we'll delve into the key considerations and steps to guide you through this process, so you can make the most of all that WishList Member has to offer.

✅ Membership Levels

Firstly, you need to recreate any membership tiers you have on your current membership site.

From your WordPress dashboard, go to WishList Member > Setup > Levels and click the green plus (+) icon to get started.

Create a Membership Level using WishList Member

Read our full knowledge base article, complete with video tutorial, for a step-by-step guide to creating membership levels.

✅ Protect Content

WishList Member makes it easy to keep your content protected and only accessible by your logged-in members.

Easily protect WordPress pages, posts, custom post types, course content, quizzes, categories and comments. This includes access to downloading files and folders that are uploaded in the WordPress database.

With your membership levels set up, you can now protect content and manage which of your members can access it.

The Difference Between ACCESS and PROTECTION

With WishList Member, you can easily mark content as Protected or Unprotected.

Once content is marked as protected, it can be assigned one or multiple membership levels – in other words, you can manage access to your protected pages.

To PROTECT content:

  • From your WordPress Dashboard, head to WishList Member > Content Protection.

  • There you will see a list of content types that can be protected. In the example in the photo below, we've selected a page.

  • Click on the name of the content item you want to protect, and a pop up window will appear with the content's current Protection Status.

  • Click on the down arrow and select Protected from the dropdown menu.
Manage content protection and access

To manage ACCESS:

  • Once content is marked as Protected, an Add Membership Level option will appear.
  • Click Add Level, and select from the membership levels you created earlier. All members within the membership level will have access to the set content.

You can also set Bulk Protection in the Content Protection section of WishList Member.

This way you do not have to go through each individual piece of content. You can select multiple posts, protect them and set the access all at one time.

Learn more in our Bulk Protection article.

✅ Import Your Members On Over

Your current members can be imported into WishList Member as long as there is an option to export the data from the other membership software.

Please understand though that importing data from one system to another can sometimes lead to unexpected results. This depends on the type of data being transferred. 

It is always recommended to create a full and complete backup of the WordPress database before you start any import/export process.

WishList Member provides a Sample Import CSV File that can be downloaded from the Members > Import section.

This is explained in more detail in our Import Members A Different Membership Software Option article. 

✅ Give Access to Current Members & Connect Payments

So far, so smooth!

The next step, will take a bit of time but it's super easy once you know what you're doing.

You need to ensure that your members are assigned the membership level they paid for or are currently subscribed to.

You also need to make sure you connect your current members with their recurring payments.

There are no payment links between your current members in the previous membership site software and WishList Member.

The payment link is created in WishList Member when the member pays and then completes the registration form.

If you want to connect a current member with their recurring payments, you would need to manually update each member's Transaction ID in WishList Member.

Connect the Transaction ID

  • From your WordPress dashboard, go to WishList Member > Members.

  • Click on the username of the member you want to edit.

  • Head to the Levels tab.

  • Paste the Transaction ID of the member payment in the corresponding field.
Transaction IDs members

(Now, just so you know… The Transaction IDs in the above image are just examples.)

The Transaction ID may look different depending on the payment processor that you are currently using.

If you paste the Transaction ID from the payment processor into that field it will connect the WishList Member account with the payment in the payment processor.

If the payment is stopped the membership level access will be canceled for your member.

A list of all of our full payment integration options can be viewed in Setup > Integrations > Payment Providers.

  • Hit save and repeat with your other existing members!

See? Not difficult. To make the time pass faster, we recommend putting on some music, and allowing yourself to get into a state of flow.

✅ Reach Out If You Get Stuck

Cat stuck in a sleeve asking for help.

We have a super friendly customer success team on hand to help make the transition as easy as possible for you.

Migrating over to WishList Member is simple once you know what to do, so if at any point you feel stuck, we'll be on hand to set you in the right direction.

Need help understanding how to format your data? We're here. Confused about integrating payments? We'll sort you out. We're happy to have you join us, and we're committed to demonstrating that you made the right choice choosing WishList Member. Just get in touch.

Wrapping Up

Switching to a new membership platform might feel daunting, but armed with the right tools and knowledge, it's a breeze.

Whether it's setting up membership levels, protecting your content, or ensuring that member payments seamlessly transition, every step is manageable. And remember, at the heart of this move is your ambition to offer your members the best experience possible.

WishList Member is built to be user-friendly and versatile, designed to handle the complexities of a membership site with ease.

But, if ever you feel overwhelmed, just know that our team is ready and eager to assist. We're here to ensure that your transition is as smooth as Idris Elba reading a bedtime story.

With the right guidance and a bit of patience, you'll soon realize the benefits of using WishList Member. And once everything is set up, you can sit back, relax, and watch your community thrive.

Get Started With WishList Member Today

  1.   Get WishList Member
  2.   Use the NEW Quick-Start WIZARD, training videos and support
  3.   Launch Your Site!

And… Welcome Aboard! We look forward to you joining our family. 

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Best WordPress Membership Plugins: Find The Right Fit For You https://wishlistmember.com/best-wordpress-membership-plugins/ https://wishlistmember.com/best-wordpress-membership-plugins/#respond Thu, 17 Aug 2023 09:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=13551 The difference between creating an engaging membership experience and getting tangled in a web of technical woes boils down to one key decision: choosing the right plugin. Let's demystify the world of WordPress membership plugins and guide you to your perfect match. Choose the right WordPress membership plugin for you, and creating a membership site […]

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The difference between creating an engaging membership experience and getting tangled in a web of technical woes boils down to one key decision: choosing the right plugin. Let's demystify the world of WordPress membership plugins and guide you to your perfect match.

Choose the right WordPress membership plugin for you, and creating a membership site with all the functionalities you need is a breeze. That said, some membership plugins don’t seem to make things all that simple and easy on you, with steep learning curves and involved setup processes.

We’re here to change that as we share some tips to find how you can find the best WordPress membership plugin.

Below are some of the things we’ll cover in today’s article:

Deciding which direction to go in

Why It's Important To Research Your Membership Plugin

Choosing the best WordPress membership plugin for your site might seem daunting. After all, your chosen plugin will power your membership site for years to come.

Not to mention that switching from one plugin to another can lead to a bigger headache and can consume a lot of resources. So making the right choice when starting out can save you both time and effort.

In our interview with Shelly Agam from RevitPros, she explained how difficult it was for her to switch from one WordPress plugin to another. She ultimately decided to use WishList Member for its robust functionality and easy customization.

By the end of this blog, you should feel much more confident about the decision-making process. We'll cover everything you need to consider before selecting your membership plugin.

Can You Create a Membership Site on Wix?

Wix Membership Site

Before we delve into choosing the right plugin for your WordPress site, you might be wondering, can't I just use Wix to build my membership site?

This is one of the most-asked and searched questions online these days, and understandably so, as not everyone uses WordPress and some might actually prefer Wix.

The short answer is yes, you can create a membership site on Wix.

However, while Wix is a popular platform, it may not offer the same level of functionality, flexibility, and integration capabilities as WordPress.

We go more in-depth through the pros and cons of using Wix compared to using WordPress in this post.

With that in mind, let's explore how to optimize your WordPress site with the best membership plugins available.

Best WordPress Membership Plugins: Find The Right Fit For You

Here is a checklist of things to consider while researching your options.

Define What You Want Your Membership Site to Do

Find the Best Membership Plugin for Your Needs

There are many reasons why you might want to use a membership plugin on your WordPress site. Here are just a few:

  • Run Online Courses: Design, manage, and monetize e-learning platforms.

  • Create an Employee Hub: Create a centralized space for company resources, updates, and internal communications.

  • Build an Online Community: Foster a dedicated space for like-minded individuals to discuss, share, and collaborate.

  • Offer Subscription Content: Offer exclusive articles, videos, or podcasts to paying subscribers.

  • Sell Digital Products: Sell e-books, software, or other digital downloads to registered members.

  • Manage Events: Organize, promote, and manage events, workshops, or webinars.

  • Create Networking Platforms: Allow professionals to connect, share portfolios, and collaborate on projects.

  • Offer Private Forums: Offer a space for members to ask questions, share experiences, and provide support.

Of course, your website can incorporate more than one of these functionalities. For example, you might want to release exclusive content and have a forum for your users to discuss it.

You might also research similar sites that you admire to inspire you.

Have a clear understanding of what you want to be able to do with your website and it'll make the next step (deciding what features you need) a lot easier.

With the right plugin, you can get all the functionality you need to help build your ideal WordPress membership site.

Write a Checklist of Features and Functionalities


Most membership plugins have the following features as standard

  • Membership Tiers: Offering different levels of membership, each with its own set of benefits and pricing.

  • Content Protection: Safeguarding premium content, ensuring it's accessible only to authorized members.

But depending on what you want your membership site to do, you might also want more specific or advanced features like:

  • An Easy-To-Use Course Builder: This feature allows you to design and structure your online courses with ease, incorporating multimedia elements, quizzes, and assignments without needing advanced technical knowledge.

  • Gamification Elements: These are interactive components, such as badges, points, and leaderboards, that motivate and engage users by turning learning or participation into a game-like experience.

  • Drip and Schedule Content: This functionality lets you release content to your members over time, rather than all at once. It's especially useful for online courses where you want students to progress at a certain pace.

  • CRM Integrations: With this feature, you can seamlessly connect your membership site to Customer Relationship Management tools. This helps in tracking member interactions, segmenting users for targeted communications, and automating certain tasks like email notifications.

  • Email Integrations: With email integrations, you can automatically add new members to mailing lists, segment users based on their membership levels or activity, and automate communication processes like welcome emails, reminders, and newsletters.It simplifies the task of managing member communications and ensures that you can deliver personalized content directly to their inboxes.
  • Unlimited Membership Levels: This feature allows you to create as many membership tiers as you need, catering to different user needs and price points.Whether you want to offer basic, premium, or VIP memberships, or even more nuanced levels, you have the flexibility to customize your offerings without any restrictions.

Shop Around and Compare Plugins

Shop Around and Compare Plugins

So you've got your list of desired features and functionalities, it's time to research your options!

If you're struggling to find a list of features for a plugin, head to the pricing page of their website. There you'll find a bulleted list of key features for each of their pricing plans.

When looking at this list, remember that more isn't necessarily better. Why pay a premium for a site with lots of features that you'll never touch? However, it's also important to consider your future.

If your business rapidly scales, you need to make sure you chose a plugin with unlimited memberships and the right functionalities to support your growth.

Of course, features aren't the only things to consider. Here are a few other points to keep in mind when browsing around for a WordPress membership plugin:

  • Ease of Use: Can you easily get done what you need to do?

  • Integrations With Your Other Tools and Software: We've mentioned integrations as a feature, but does the memership plugin integrate with tools you already use? That's the cherry on the top!

  • Pricing That Fits Your Budget: Do you get value for the price you are paying?

  • Great User Experience on the Back-End and Front-End: Is it a positive experience for you and your members?

  • Customizability: Are you able to make changes and tailor it to fit your needs?

  • Security Features for You and Your Members: Is your information and your member information safe and secure?

  • Support Docs: Does the plugin have extensive and easy-to-follow step-by-step support documents?

Naturally, your priorities for each of these points will differ based on what you need for your membership site and your level of experience. But it’s important to have a general idea of what you should look for before making a purchase. 

Many options offer a money-back guarantee, and it is highly recommended to try the plugin first to see if you like the experience.

That will give you a general overview of what the plugin looks like from the backend, and if it’s easy enough to use. You will also find out pretty quickly if it provides all the features you need.

Make Sure the Support Team Has Your Back

Make Sure the Support Team Has Your Back

No matter how great a membership plugin is, a time will likely come when you need help. That's why when shopping around for your WordPress membership plugin, it's just as important to check into the available support options as it is to look into their features.

Some plugins offer email support, chat support, and phone support options. Others even go that extra mile to provide additional support through online Q and A sessions. An online knowledge base is also a popular method to provide support. 

Try contacting the support team and asking some questions. This allows you to get more information about the plugin and also experience how their support team provides assistance.

Ideally, you will want to choose a membership plugin with a great customer support team that truly cares for you and your site. The key is having a team that shows they are willing to assist you and support you.

Take a Look at the Integrations

Take a Look at the Integrations

A membership plugin isn’t always the only thing you’ll need to create a successful membership site when using WordPress. You might also need different tools, apps, plugins, and software to complement your membership plugin.

This is part of what makes WordPress such an effective starting point when building a membership site. It has been developed to work with a wide variety of other systems.

These include email providers, payment providers, CRMs, and more. So you will want a membership plugin that seamlessly and almost effortlessly connects to whatever other tools you’re using. Quick and easy integrations save you so much time and effort when setting everything up.

When shopping around for the best WordPress membership plugin, make sure to look at all the integrations they offer. Make a list of the tools you need and check if your chosen membership plugin can integrate with them. 

Make Sure Your Chosen Plugin Works Best for Your Skills

Make Sure Your Chosen Plugin Works Best for Your Skills

Every membership plugin advertises itself as the “best,” the “easiest,” and the “most powerful” solution. But the reality is that no matter what they’re advertising, if it’s not the right fit for your skills, it's not a good match.

That is another reason why refund periods are important, as they allow you to use the plugin firsthand. If the membership plugin you’re interested in doesn’t offer a grace period, you can look at their tutorial videos and their knowledge base articles to get a feel for how it works.

Sure, there are plugins out there made for beginners, but do they provide all the advanced features and functionality you need? Or you may find one that seems like the best plugin for you with all the options you’re looking for, but is cumbersome and difficult to set up and manage. 

It’s all about finding the right fit for you. Or, if you’re hiring a web developer to help manage or run your site, make sure the plugin you choose lines up with their skill set.

Find the Right Plugin with the Best User Experience

Your needs aside for a moment, you also want to consider which membership plugin will provide your members with the best experience.

Granted, part of their user experience and how your website will look on the front end will depend on your WordPress theme and how you design the site. But your chosen plugin should still make it easy for you to handle the membership aspects of your site.

This includes how simple it should be for members to log in and access protected content. You want a membership site that provides a smooth experience for members at all times.

Login screen example

This includes a quick registration process and a well laid-out members area. Members want to feel comfortable when they visit your site. That feeling can also contribute to encouraging members to return. Comfortable members tend to come back. 

How Do I Set up a Membership Site on WordPress?

Once you have chosen and installed your ideal plugin, it is time to begin configuring your WordPress site and putting the appropriate content in place. 

Create Paid and Non-Paid Content

Use WordPress to generate your content, and then define which portions of the site and content should be protected using your membership plugin.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that your protected content is more important and requires more time and investment than your public-facing content.

The main area of your website and the member section will each play an important part in your overall success:

  • The area that is visible to the public must be intriguing and interesting enough to pique people's curiosity and encourage them to sign up.
  • The members-only, restricted content must provide enough value to warrant the membership fee if it’s a paid membership.

These two areas work hand in hand to both generate interest in what you’re offering and then deliver on that offer once members decide to join.

Choose a WordPress Theme

The WordPress theme you choose is also an important decision. There are plenty of choices out there, so you’ll have your pick from the wide selection available.

It's important to choose a design that is clean and clear, especially on the sales page. A simple theme helps members navigate the site, a major factor in the overall user experience. You might want to consider a WordPress theme that is tailored specifically for membership sites. 

If you use a theme that offers different templates or designs, it can be useful to use different templates that complement one another. You can use one template for your public content, and another template for members-only content. This helps create a visual separation between protected and public content.

If you want complete design control, Divi by Elegant Themes is a theme that functions as a page builder.

Divi Homepage

Alternatively you can install the Elementor plugin to customize any WordPress theme. But be advised, Elementor takes a little time to learn and get used to, so only use it if design control is important to you.

Elementor homepage

Learn how you can make a WordPress page visible only to paying users here.

So, Which Membership Plugin is the Best for You?

There are plenty of different options to choose from when it comes to finding the best WordPress membership plugins. So, which one is right for you?

The answer will ultimately come down to what you need, what your budget is, and what you want to achieve. Your membership plugin is out there and ready for you. 

Consider the tips we mentioned above to make an informed buying decision and you will find your ideal membership plugin. One that fits your needs and provides the best user experience for you and your members.

Good luck on finding your perfect match, and we hope this helps!

If you have questions, reach out to our support team here.

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How to Integrate WishList Member and ThriveCart – Streamline Your Membership Management https://wishlistmember.com/wishlist-member-thrivecart/ https://wishlistmember.com/wishlist-member-thrivecart/#respond Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=2744 There are many payment systems that are compatible with WishList Member enabling you to accept different types of payments on your membership website. Watch or read on and we'll show you step by step how to connect WishList Member to one highly popular payment system: ThriveCart. By following these steps, you'll be able to streamline […]

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There are many payment systems that are compatible with WishList Member enabling you to accept different types of payments on your membership website.

Watch or read on and we'll show you step by step how to connect WishList Member to one highly popular payment system: ThriveCart.

By following these steps, you'll be able to streamline your membership site and automate the process of adding members when they make purchases.

Explore the powerful ThriveCart and WishList Member integration and unlock the potential to effortlessly streamline your membership site.

Discover how this integration can revolutionize the way you manage and automate member access.

What is ThriveCart and Why Integrate It With WishList Member?

Before we dive in with the “how to” of the ThriveCart WishList Member Integration, let's ease in by explaining what ThriveCart is and the benefits of linking it to your membership site. Let's break it down!

ThriveCart is a powerful shopping cart platform designed to make selling digital products and services online a breeze.

With its user-friendly interface and robust features, it allows you to create beautiful checkout pages, manage affiliate programs, and even handle subscriptions.

Whether you're selling an eBook, online course, or membership access, ThriveCart has got you covered.

Now, you might be thinking, “That's great, but why should I integrate ThriveCart with WishList Member?” Well, here's why:

  1. Streamlined Experience: When a customer makes a purchase through ThriveCart, they are automatically added to the appropriate membership level in WishList Member. No manual work required!

  2. Save Time: This automation saves you valuable time and reduces the risk of errors. It's like having a virtual assistant working behind the scenes!

  3. Unified Management: With ThriveCart and WishList Member working together, you can manage everything from payments to memberships in one place. This unified approach simplifies your workflow and helps you stay organized.

  4. Improved Member Experience: Your members will appreciate the smooth and professional sign-up process. They'll be able to access their membership content right after purchase, enhancing their experience and satisfaction.

  5. Scalability: As your membership site grows, this integration ensures that you can handle an increasing number of transactions and members without a hitch. It's a scalable solution that grows with you.

In a nutshell, integrating ThriveCart with WishList Member is all about efficiency, automation, and providing an exceptional experience for both you and your members.

It's a win-win situation that can take your membership site to the next level.

How To Set Up ThriveCart On Your Membership Site

Step 1: Locate ThriveCart in the Setup Menu

Integrating ThriveCart to WishList Member

Let's get started by heading to your WordPress admin dashboard. From there, navigate to WishList Member > Dashboard > Setup.

In the setup menu, find the Integrations option, and make sure you've selected the Payment Providers tab. Here you'll see a whole load of payment system integrations. For this tutorial, we'll focus on integrating WishList Member with ThriveCart.

Step 2: Activate ThriveCart

Activating ThriveCart inside WishList Member

Click on ThriveCart and Activate the integration by clicking on the slider. You'll notice an API key and a WordPress URL field. These details will be essential for connecting ThriveCart to WishList Member.

To get these details, you'll need to sign up for ThriveCart if you haven't already, as it's a paid platform.

Step 3: Configure ThriveCart

Login to your ThriveCart account by visiting their website. Access your ThriveCart Dashboard, click on the dropdown menu at the top right, and select Settings.

Adding WishList Member Inside ThriveCart

In the settings menu, navigate to Integrations and locate WishList Member.

Adding WishList Member Inside ThriveCart1

Click on View Settings > Edit. Here, you'll need to paste the WordPress URL and API key obtained from WishList Member. Save the settings to complete the integration.

WishList Member API Inside ThriveCart

Step 4: Link Membership Levels and Products

We're going to assume you've already set up your membership levels in WishList Member, but if you haven't yet, now's the time to do it.

Here's a handy guide to setting up levels. Or if you need more help setting up WishList Member, click here for step-by-step instructions for building your membership site in WordPress.

Once that's done, return to ThriveCart and create a product. Let's say you want to create a test product. Head to the Products tab and click on Create New Product.

Adding Products Inside WishList Member ThriveCart

Fill in the details, such as the product name and pricing. Specify the payment processor, like Stripe, and ensure your Stripe or other accounts are set up and linked with ThriveCart.

Next, you can define what happens after the purchase by selecting WishList Member from the dropdown menu.

Choose the membership level to apply to the purchase, specify a login URL if desired, and save the settings.

Step 5: Congratulate Yourself!

Give yourself a pat on the back! You have successfully integrated ThriveCart and WishList Member for your membership site.

Now, when customers make purchases using ThriveCart, they will be automatically added to the corresponding membership levels in WishList Member. This straightforward setup ensures a smooth experience for both you and your members.

Remember to test the integration to ensure everything is working as expected. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, feel free to reach out for assistance.

Ready to Transform Your Membership Site?

You've just learned how to integrate ThriveCart with WishList Member, a powerful combination that can revolutionize your membership management. Isn't it exciting to think about all the time you'll save and the seamless experience you'll provide to your members?

Now it's your turn to take action!

  1. Start the Integration: If you haven't already, follow the steps above to integrate ThriveCart with WishList Member. You've got this!
  2. Need Help?: If you have any questions or run into any issues, don't hesitate to reach out. Our friendly customer success team is here to assist you every step of the way.
  3. Stay Tuned: Want more tips and tutorials like this? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn to stay up-to-date with the latest insights and guides.

Remember, integrating ThriveCart with WishList Member is not just about streamlining your process; it's about enhancing your members' experience and growing your community.

You've got the tools and knowledge; now it's time to make it happen!

Happy integrating, and here's to your success! ?

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Turbocharge Your Content Workflow With This WordPress Editorial Calendar https://wishlistmember.com/wordpress-editorial-calendar-review/ https://wishlistmember.com/wordpress-editorial-calendar-review/#respond Thu, 13 Jul 2023 09:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=18456 Welcome to the world of WishList Member, where we proudly manage not one, not two, but six thriving blogs! Trust me, it's no small feat to handle such an abundance of content. With six distinct blogs on different websites, each catering to a unique product, staying on top of things can get pretty intense. And […]

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Welcome to the world of WishList Member, where we proudly manage not one, not two, but six thriving blogs! Trust me, it's no small feat to handle such an abundance of content.

With six distinct blogs on different websites, each catering to a unique product, staying on top of things can get pretty intense. And let's not forget about the talented group of writers who contribute their brilliance to our blogs, there are a lot of cooks in the kitchen, spinning a whole load of plates.

At least that's how it used to feel until we discovered a game-changing WordPress editorial calendar. And let me tell you, it's completely transformed our content management experience.

It's called the Strive Content Calendar, and I couldn't wait to share its magic with fellow content creators and blog managers like you.

After using Strive for the past few months, I've come to realize just how invaluable it is for streamlining the content management process.

Ready to rev up your content game? Let's go!

Here's why you probably need Strive

If you're immersed in the world of content creation or blog management, you understand the vital role played by blog content calendars. These invaluable tools serve as the backbone of your operations, enabling you to:

  • Track and organize topics
  • Structure ideas
  • Assign tasks
  • Schedule posts
  • …and so much more!

Now, if you're as organized as we are, you know that your blog content calendar is just a piece of the puzzle. Enter the mighty main content calendar, where you manage not only blog posts but also a myriad of other content types, such as guides, infographics, ads, and PDFs, all neatly organized by topic.

At WishList Member, we rely on Asana to construct and maintain our colossal main content calendar, which effectively captures the bigger picture. However, we encountered a couple of challenges along the way:

  1. The sheer size of our main calendar made it too cumbersome for a practical working blog content calendar.
  2. Not all our esteemed writers are housed in our office premises, granting them easy access to Asana. This led to a time-consuming cycle of back-and-forth emails and Google Docs exchanges when assigning topics to external writers.

Thankfully, our salvation arrived in the form of the Strive Content Calendar, which swiftly resolved these hurdles and presented us with a seamless solution. Allow us to shed light on how Strive effectively transformed our content management woes.

Now onto the best part: the Strive Content Calendar

The Strive Content Calendar is a remarkable WordPress plugin, just like WishList Member. This means it seamlessly integrates into the WordPress backend, creating your very own blog content calendar right where you need it most.


Strive menu easy to access from WordPress dashboard

This ingenious solution directly tackles my two primary concerns:

  1. By housing the blog content calendar within the WordPress backend, each of our six blogs has its own dedicated calendar, distinct from our main calendar. This streamlined approach simplifies the management and organization of topics, ensuring an efficient workflow. (Curious about how we amalgamate all the blog calendars into our Asana main calendar? Keep reading, we'll reveal our secret!)
  2. Each of our writers has access to the WordPress backend. With Strive, our blog content calendars are now nestled within WordPress itself. As a result, it's now a cinch to assign, review, and process posts for all involved! No more back-and-forth Google Doc sharing. (We'll delve into more details about this later on!)

Plus, Strive's drag-and-drop functionality just adds to its overall incredible ease of use:

Strive drag and drop feature

Want to change the date of your post? No problemo! Strive lets you effortlessly rearrange posts to your heart's content, swiftly moving them between scheduled slots and the unscheduled drafts sidebar. Each relocation instantly triggers automatic scheduling within the WordPress editor for seamless organization.

This feature stands out as a personal favorite, but the Strive plugin boasts a whole array of other impressive offerings. Let's take a look at some more.

More of Strive's great features

In addition to its user-friendly setup and seamless integration, Strive is tooled up with impressive features designed to save you valuable time. Such as…

Effortless content revisions

Getting your blog to rank highly and stay there requires regular content revisions. However, the revision process can be a real headache. You certainly don't want to disrupt the SEO performance of a live post that already has substantial value.

Strive create a revision from the WordPress admin bar

Enter Strive's Revisions feature, the ultimate solution to streamline your revision workflow. Upon installing the plugin, you'll notice a “revision” option linked to each published post. Accessible via the frontend admin bar in WordPress or your list of posts in the backend.

Strive create a revision in the back end of WordPress

This feature works its magic in two simple steps:

  • Clicking the “revision” link generates a new draft of the post, separate from the published version.
  • As you make updates and hit “Publish,” Strive seamlessly merges the revised version with the original. The result? An optimized article without the hassle of confusing redirects. Your SEO juice remains intact, while you save precious time.

Notably, the Strive calendar view prominently labels revisions, allowing you to easily track the ratio of new-to-updated content.

Alternative Pipeline view

While the Calendar view serves as my primary workspace, the Pipeline view gives you a big-picture perspective. By clicking the Pipeline tab, you get visibility into the statuses of all your posts in a single, organized space.

This prevents any posts from slipping through the cracks, providing a holistic snapshot of their progress. Whether they are scheduled, in progress, ready for editing, or not yet started, you can easily identify and manage each post's status. Additionally, you have the flexibility to toggle between row and column layouts based on your preferred workflow.

Customizable Checklists

Crafting a well-structured blog post involves juggling numerous details, from grammar and style to meta-data and image settings. This challenge becomes even more pronounced when working with new writers.

Strive's Checklists feature comes to the rescue, eliminating any guesswork and ensuring consistency. Simply compile your list of essential details under the Checklist tab, and you're ready to go.

Strive style checklist

Whenever someone works on a post, they can access the checklist directly from the WordPress editor, and check off items as they progress. This not only streamlines practical writing tasks but also serves as a valuable tool for your process.

Clear Post Statuses

Post statuses play a vital role in organizing your content workflow. How do you know if a post is in progress, ready to edit, or edited and ready to go? Strive's Post Statuses feature offers unparalleled clarity in this regard.

Unlike the default WordPress setup, where it's challenging to differentiate between posts requiring edits and those ready for publication, Strive introduces a crystal-clear solution.

Strive status

The Strive plugin enriches your WordPress environment with the following intuitive post statuses:

  • Not Started
  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Complete
  • Published

Each status is associated with a distinct color, providing a visual cue throughout the Strive Calendar. Updating a status in the WordPress editor triggers an immediate reflection in Strive, and vice versa. This feature enables efficient organization, ensuring that you never lose track of your posts' progress.

These are just a few of the remarkable features that make Strive an indispensable asset for optimizing your content process. Now, let's delve deeper into how Strive can revolutionize your blog workflow management.

Streamlining Your Blog Workflow with Strive

In this section, I'll walk you through how the WishList Member Content Team effectively uses Strive to manage our blog post workflow. With several writers contributing to our six distinct blogs, maintaining an organized and controlled workflow is super important.

Thankfully, Strive provides two great features that simplify the process and ensure seamless organization. Let's explore how we leverage these features:

New Drafts

Located on the right side of the Content Calendar page, the “Add New Draft” is your launchpad for your next blog.


Strive Add New Draft

When clicked, it opens a pop-up window where you can effortlessly input all the essential details required for a post.

We make use of the Title field to indicate the assigned writer by including their name before the post title.

Strive New Draft Popup


The magic happens when you click the Add New Draft button at the bottom of the window.

Strive automatically creates a new draft in WordPress, populating all the entered information into the WordPress Editor. This integration between Strive and WordPress eliminates the need for time-consuming data transfer, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.


New Draft Blog Strive

When you create a new draft, Strive auto-generates a dedicated box in the Unscheduled Drafts column, conveniently displaying all pending assignments for our writers. This feature enables clear visibility and easy access to ongoing tasks.

Streamlined Workflow with Color-Coded Progress

Strive's vibrant color system not only adds visual appeal but also serves as a powerful tool in our blog post process.

Each color represents a specific stage in the workflow, allowing us to effectively communicate the next steps and responsible individuals. Here's how we utilize these colors:

  1. Not Started (Red): When I create a New Draft, it automatically adopts the Not Started status with a striking red color. This signals to the assigned writer that the blog post is ready to be written.
  2. Writing (Orange): Once the writer begins working on the draft, they transition the post status to Writing, accompanied by an eye-catching orange hue. This change lets me know that the post is in progress.
  3. Editing (Yellow): When the draft is completed and ready for review, the writer updates the post status to Editing, represented by a vibrant yellow shade. This notifies me that the post requires my attention for further review and revisions.
  4. Complete (Green): After I finish the edits and consider the post ready for publication, I switch the status to Complete. The post box promptly transforms into a reassuring green color.


Green plays a vital role for us, as Strive offers an optional setting that automatically publishes any Complete (green) post according to its scheduled date and time in the WordPress Editor. This feature significantly saves time. However, it necessitates diligent checking of dates and times whenever we “go green.”

Finally, once a post is successfully published, it transitions to black, indicating that the entire process is complete.

By employing this color-coded system, we maintain an organized workflow, ensuring clear communication and seamless progression throughout the content creation process. Let's explore more valuable features and benefits that Strive brings to the table.

Seamless Integration with Your Main Content Calendar

Strive's individual blog content calendars simplify our blog workflow tremendously. However, what about our main Asana calendar, where we track all the deliverables associated with our topics?

Transcribing each WordPress post into Asana would be a tedious and time-consuming task. Luckily, our remarkable Dev Team devised an ingenious solution using Zapier.

Through a custom Zap, triggered whenever a new draft is created in WordPress, the draft seamlessly transfers into our Asana content calendar, specifically the “New Blogs” section I established.

The Zap automatically assigns the corresponding task to me, ensuring I receive an alert about the presence of the draft. From there, I simply navigate to Asana and effortlessly drag the post into the appropriate topic section.

It's an absolute triumph, streamlining our workflow and eliminating the need for duplicate efforts.

The Takeaway

The Strive Content Calendar is an invaluable asset for creators. It offers a wealth of features and benefits that can revolutionize your content management process all at a very reasonable price.

For only $7 per month, you gain access to all the remarkable features we've discussed and more. Not to mention, the first two weeks come free of charge.

Consider the value of your time, which is estimated at around $100 per hour. With Strive, you'll be paying less than half a cent per hour, making it an incredibly cost-effective solution. Factor in the time-saving advantages it provides, and it's an absolute steal.

Ready to experience the power of Strive firsthand? Click the button below and embark on a test drive that will transform the way you manage and organize your content.

Start optimizing your content process with Strive today!


We value your feedback and would love to hear about your experience with Strive. If you decide to give it a try, please share your thoughts and insights in the comments section.

If you liked this article, follow us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn.

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How Do I Sell Access To A Post On My WordPress Site? https://wishlistmember.com/how-do-i-sell-access-to-a-post-on-my-wordpress-site/ https://wishlistmember.com/how-do-i-sell-access-to-a-post-on-my-wordpress-site/#respond Wed, 21 Sep 2022 23:49:19 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=13069 For entrepreneurs, like yourself, you may be contemplating what to focus on next with your online business. You may be wondering how you can sell access to a post? If you’re already using WordPress you probably have a lot of pages and posts already created. Here’s an idea… Sell a Few! There are benefits, not […]

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For entrepreneurs, like yourself, you may be contemplating what to focus on next with your online business. You may be wondering how you can sell access to a post?

If you’re already using WordPress you probably have a lot of pages and posts already created.

Here’s an idea… Sell a Few!

There are benefits, not only of writing posts and pages on your WordPress website, but also of selling access to those posts and pages individually.

So, how do you sell access to a post on your WordPress website? You can sell access to a page or a post using a membership plugin like WishList Member. 

Get a Membership Plugin that Supports Selling Individual Posts

WishList Member gives you the ability to not only create and sell memberships, but to also sell access to your pages and your posts individually.

You can sell access to all of your posts or just those certain ones. We call this feature “Pay Per Post”.

A Pay Per Post isn’t just to pay a blogger per post nor is it just for writers or freelancers anymore!

You can create your OWN PayPerPost on your site and sell it. 

You can reap the benefits from all of your hard work per page and per post without having to pay for an extra plugin or other software.

Use WishList Member to Sell Access to Individual WordPress Posts and Pages

Not quite sure of how to add a payment for your page or post?

WishList Member actually integrates with all of the favorite payment processors which makes it really easy to add a payment to a post or page. You can even sell access to a custom post type.

Connect a Payment Provider in WishList Member

You’ll need to integrate or connect with one of the payment providers we work with. 

Every page or post that is set as a Pay Per Post will have a SKU, which is its very own product number.

Setup Your SKU in WishList Member

The SKU is used to integrate it to the payment. The payment will need to be set up before you can connect the two.

This is completed within the page or post itself down in the WishList Member protection settings as shown in the image below.


You can learn about the complete setup in the Pay Per Post Training.

Protect Your Post with WishList Member

There are several different ways you can protect your paid for content. 

You may also want to think about teasing your audience…

What I mean by that is writing out your page or post and adding the More Tag. That way your readers will be able to view only a portion of your content. 

The rest will be hidden… Until they purchase the access. 

We’ll go over teasing content in another post.

Use Cases for WishList Member’s Pay-Per-Post Feature

The possibilities are virtually endless with what you can use the pay-per-post feature for. 

Here are just some ideas of how you can use a post or page to add extra content and income for your business.

News Sites

  • Include pertinent information regarding your local businesses
  • Give the neighboring audiences up-to-date happenings

Magazine Sites

  • Short Stories per Chapter 
  • You could even add a video or audio with you telling the story
  • Add a slide or picture presentation so they can visualize the story as it’s being told

Sell Individual Recipes

  • Recipe of Your World Famous Pie
  • Daily recipes 
  • Seasonal meal planning

Sell Access to Individual Templates or Downloads

  • Create a Mini or Micro training
  • Makeup Tutorial with images and/or a video
  • eBook template
  • Mapped business download

Virtually any niche, whether strictly online or local, can and should have content that the public can gain access to. This can be free or paid for content. 

How to Get Started with WishList Member

It’s never been easier than it is right now to start your own business online. If you sell per content you are opening up many doors for you and your business. 

Getting started with WishList Member has also never been easier.

With our frequently updated documentation, getting started wizard, and dedicated support team – you’ll have your membership site up and running in no time.

Most membership plugins are either EASY or POWERFUL. Not both!

WishList Member actually is both. We’re one of the easiest to use plugins available and we have the features that give you power when you need it.

This is the result of 14 years of implementing customer driven feedback into the product.

Easy + Powerful

You can get started, risk free, with WishList Member here today.

Remember… It’s time to put FUN back into Business.

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