There may be a time when you decide to change your site domain. You might want to keep all the site content, members, settings, etc. active. But you need to move it all to another URL.
This is definitely possible, there are just a few things to keep in mind when it comes to WishList Member to ensure a smooth transition for you and your members.
Create a Full and Complete Back Up
You can start by creating a full and complete back up of the WordPress database.
There are WordPress plugins that have been developed specifically to duplicate entire sites. One of these plugins can create a duplicate/copy of your WordPress/WishList Member site. This includes all WishList Member settings, members, etc. because they are stored in the WordPress database.
So, if you use a plugin that creates a complete copy of the WordPress site/database, it should also include all the WishList Member settings, members, etc.
This is explained in more detail (including Plugin suggestions) in this Knowledge Base article.
Once you create a full and complete back up of your WordPress site/database, you're heading in the right direction. You can then install that back up on your new site URL. That will bring over all the WishList Member settings, members, etc.
Points to Consider
Lets touch on some points to consider when moving a WordPress/WishList Member site from one URL to another URL:
- You will need to use your license key to activate WishList Member on the new site URL. This means you can deactivate your license key from the previous URL and then activate WishList Member using your license key on the new URL.
You can get more details on deactivating or activating a license key Right Here (including where to find your WishList Member license key in the Customer Center).
- You will need to update any internal links on your site since the URL is changing. This includes any links that used to direct to other pages/posts within the site using the previous site URL. This is more of a general WordPress related task since the site URL is changing.
- With that being said, you'll also want to update the URL(s) for any integrations you may have set up in WishList Member. This includes any Payment Provider, Email Provider, or Other Services you may have configured in the Setup > Integrations section of WishList Member.
As an example, if you have an integration with a Payment Provider set up, you will need to update any of the URLs that reference the previous site. This could include Thank You URLs, Webhooks, etc. in the Integrations you use. It is recommended to look into the settings of any active integrations you have configured and check to see if any links need to be updated with the new URL once you move to the new URL.