WordPress Membership Plugin – Membership Sites https://wishlistmember.com Quickly Protect Your Content With WishList Member Mon, 22 Jan 2024 09:33:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://wishlistmember.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-WishList-Member-logomark-32x32.png WordPress Membership Plugin – Membership Sites https://wishlistmember.com 32 32 Maximize Your Membership Site’s Potential with ConvertKit & WishList Member Integration (VIDEO) https://wishlistmember.com/new-feature-convertkit-tag-actions-in-wishlist-member/ https://wishlistmember.com/new-feature-convertkit-tag-actions-in-wishlist-member/#respond Thu, 18 Jan 2024 15:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=4179 Explore the dynamic duo of ConvertKit and WishList Member and discover how personalized emails, automated member management, and user-friendly features can streamline your processes and enhance member engagement.

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Managing a membership site can feel like juggling a dozen balls at once. You're trying to keep your members happy, send out a ton of emails, and make sure everything runs smoothly.

It's a lot, right? Well, what if there was a way to make it easier, more efficient, and even a bit fun?

That's where ConvertKit and WishList Member come in, joining forces to give your membership site superpowers!

Get ready to see how your site can do more, stress less, and keep your members coming back for more!

In this post, we'll walk through how this powerful combo can transform your site. From sending emails that feel like they're just for one person, to managing members without breaking a sweat, we'll cover it all.

Understanding ConvertKit and WishList Member

ConvertKit is a tool that makes email marketing simple and effective. With ConvertKit, you can send emails that really speak to each member of your audience. In fact, members who received personalized emails through ConvertKit showed a 35% higher satisfaction rate.

It lets you divide your subscribers into different groups, or ‘segments', so that you can tailor your messages to fit their interests. This isn’t just about sending emails; it’s about making each email count.

Plus, ConvertKit comes with easy-to-use templates, so your emails always look great, and automation tools that make sure the right email gets to the right person at the right time.

The magic truly happens when ConvertKit and WishList Member team up. This integration minimizes your manual tasks, while offering a streamlined, personalized experience for your members. 

WATCH >> Check out how to use tags to manage your members in ConvertKit

What Do You Get From All This?

Imagine a scenario where the conversion rates for your membership plans are declining. It’s tough, isn’t it? Sending enticing upgrade offers to your members, only to be met with minimal uptake.

Now, what if I told you that by integrating ConvertKit and WishList Member, you could potentially boost your conversion rates by up to 40%?

Not only that, but our users also noticed a 30% increase in membership signups after integrating ConvertKit and WishList Member.

Here's how…

Customized Communication

customized communication with wishlist member and convertkit

Your members are diverse, and what appeals to one might not appeal to the other. This is where personalized and targeted messaging comes into play.

By using the ConvertKit and WishList Member integration, you can create segmented lists based on your members' subscription levels, activity, or interest levels.

Once you have your segmented lists, you're equipped to send targeted emails that have a higher chance of resonating with your members, leading to an improved conversion rate. 

You can also use tags and actions to personalize your emails. Say you have a special announcement for your premium members.

With a few clicks, only those members will get your message. It’s like having a conversation with each member, making them feel valued and understood.

Engaging Content

Email content is not just about sending your members information about new content or updates. ConvertKit allows you to create engaging, interactive emails with their rich text editor.

You can create emails that not only inform but also engage your members – from polls, quizzes to cleverly embedded calls to action for upgrades. This makes your emails more interactive and interesting, boosting the chances of members upgrading their plans. 

Effortless Member Management

Keeping track of who’s joining, who’s leaving, and who’s upgrading their membership can be a full-time job. But not with this integration.

Member changes in WishList Member automatically update in ConvertKit. If someone signs up for a new level on your site, they get added to the right email list without you lifting a finger.

It’s about making sure no one falls through the cracks and everyone gets the attention they deserve.

building email lists

User-Friendly Setup

You don’t need to be a tech guru to make the most of these tools. Both ConvertKit and WishList Member are known for being super user-friendly.

The interfaces are clear, the steps are straightforward, and there’s a lot of helpful guidance along the way. It’s all about making your life easier, so you can focus more on creating great content and less on figuring out how to use the tools.

Get More Hours in Your Day

One of the biggest wins with this integration is how much time it saves. Automation means you’re not stuck doing repetitive tasks. Set things up once, and let the system do its thing.

You get more time to work on what matters most, like growing your community or developing new ideas for your site.

Automation Timelines 

Worried about the best time to send your emails? ConvertKit, with its automation feature, allows you to send emails with precision timing based on your members' activity or interaction on the site.

Whether it is a welcome email or reminders for account renewals, automated emails will ensure your members receive messages at the optimal time, leading to a higher likelihood of conversions. 

Scalability and Flexibility

scalability and flexibility with wishlist member and convertkit

As your site grows, your tools need to keep up. That’s the beauty of ConvertKit and WishList Member.

Both of these tools are built to handle everything from a handful of members to thousands. And as your needs change, these tools adapt.

Whether you’re adding new membership levels or experimenting with different types of emails, you’ve got the flexibility to keep evolving.

Advanced Automation with Zapier

Think of Zapier as a super-helper that makes ConvertKit and WishList Member even more powerful. It's like adding an extra set of hands to your toolkit.

Zapier connects your membership site and email system with tons of other apps you use every day. This means you can set up ‘Zaps’ – little automation shortcuts – that do the work for you.

Examples of Workflows You Can Automate

Let's say you want to add new members to a Google Sheet automatically. With Zapier, you set up a Zap so that every time someone joins your site through WishList Member, their details pop up in your spreadsheet.

Or maybe you want to send a welcome text message via Twilio to new members. Set up a Zap, and it happens like magic. The possibilities are pretty much endless.

Connecting with Other Apps

Zapier isn’t just about connecting ConvertKit and WishList Member. It links them to over 2,000 other apps. Imagine connecting your site to tools like Slack, Salesforce, or even your calendar.

It means you can create a web of automation that handles all sorts of tasks, from simple to complex. This takes your membership site to a whole new level of efficiency and creativity.

Practical Application Scenarios

small business setup

Small Business: Boutique Yoga Studio

Imagine you run a small yoga studio. Your goal is to keep your members engaged and informed about classes, workshops, and special events.

With ConvertKit and WishList Member, you set up different member levels for various class packages.

When a member signs up for a workshop, they automatically receive personalized emails about the workshop schedule, preparation tips, and follow-up resources.

This level of personalized communication makes your members feel valued and keeps them coming back.

Large Enterprise: Online Education Platform

Now, if you're running an online education platform offering various courses, this is also beneficial for you.

You have thousands of students to manage, each enrolled in different classes. ConvertKit and WishList Member work together to keep this complex system running smoothly. 

Students automatically receive emails based on the courses they're enrolled in, with resources and reminders.

The platform can also send out tailored promotional emails for other courses based on the student's interests and past enrollments, increasing enrollment and engagement.

199+ profitable course ideas

Hobbyist Community: Photography Club

Let’s take a hobbyist community like a photography club. Members range from beginners to professionals, each looking for different resources and community interactions.

With this integration, you can easily manage memberships, granting access to different levels of tutorials, forums, and events.

Beginners might get tips on basic photography, while professionals receive advanced techniques and exclusive event invites.

Automated emails keep each member informed about the resources and activities most relevant to them, ensuring everyone finds value in their membership.

In each of these scenarios, the integration of ConvertKit and WishList Member offers significant benefits:

  • For the small business, it means creating a close-knit community with personalized communication.
  • For the large enterprise, it’s about efficiently managing a vast number of users with varied interests.
  • For the hobbyist community, it provides a way to cater to diverse needs while keeping everyone engaged.

This integration isn’t just about making tasks easier; it’s about creating better experiences for every member, no matter the size or type of community or business.

People sending and receiving emails on different devices

Tips and Best Practices for ConvertKit and WishList Member Integration

Integrating ConvertKit with WishList Member can transform the way you manage your membership site. To make the most of this powerful combination, here are some tips and best practices:

Getting Started

  1. Enable ConvertKit Integration: Go to the Setup > Integrations > Email Providers section in WishList Member and select ConvertKit. This will start the integration process​​​​.
  2. Configure ConvertKit: Click the ‘Configure' button to open the ConvertKit Configuration popup. You’ll need to log into your ConvertKit account to get the API Secret, which is different from the API Key. The API Secret is found under Settings > Advanced > API in ConvertKit. Click ‘Show’ to copy it​​.
  3. Enter API Secret in WishList Member: Paste the API Secret into WishList Member and click ‘Save & Close’. This links your ConvertKit account with WishList Member​​.
  4. Understand the Caching Time: After initial setup, it might take a little time (about 10 to 15 minutes) for tags and other data to populate due to caching in the API. Be patient during this period​​.

Maximizing the Benefits

  1. Utilize Tag Actions: Use the ‘Tag Actions' in WishList Member to add or remove members from levels based on tags applied in ConvertKit. This feature offers a flexible way to manage memberships and email lists​​​​.
  2. Reverse the Process with ConvertKit: You can also control WishList Member actions from ConvertKit. By applying tags in ConvertKit, you can add or remove members from levels in WishList Member, giving ConvertKit a more commanding role in the process​​​​.

Best Practices

  1. Regularly Update Your Tags and Lists: Keep your tags and email lists updated to ensure accurate segmentation and targeting of your emails.
  2. Test Your Automations: Regularly test your automations to ensure they're working as expected. This helps in catching any issues early.
  3. Keep Your Content Aligned: Ensure that your email content aligns with the membership levels and interests of your audience for better engagement.

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

  1. Not Understanding the Difference Between API Key and API Secret: Remember, for the integration, you need the API Secret, not the API Key.
  2. Ignoring the Caching Period: After setting up the integration, give it some time for the tags and settings to sync up due to caching.
  3. Overlooking Tag Actions Functionality: Make sure to explore and understand the ‘Tag Actions' feature in WishList Member, as it’s crucial for dynamic membership management​​.

By following these steps and tips, you can set up and utilize the ConvertKit and WishList Member integration efficiently, ensuring a smooth and automated experience for managing your membership site.

The Future of Email Marketing and Membership Management

the future of email marketing and membership management

The world of email marketing and membership management is always changing, and staying ahead of the curve is key to success.

Let's explore some trends and how ConvertKit and WishList Member are keeping up, ensuring you're always equipped with the best tools.

Emerging Trends and Innovations

  • Personalization and Segmentation: The future is all about sending the right message to the right person. Tools like ConvertKit are making it easier to segment your audience, so each member feels like you're speaking directly to them.
  • Automation and AI: More and more, we're seeing automation take center stage. This means sending out emails, managing memberships, and responding to queries without manual intervention. AI is also stepping in, helping to predict member behavior and preferences.
  • Interactive and Rich Media Content: Emails and membership sites are becoming more interactive. Think videos, quizzes, and polls that engage members more deeply than plain text ever could.

ConvertKit and WishList Member: Adapting and Evolving

  • Enhanced Integration Capabilities: ConvertKit and WishList Member are constantly updating their integration, making it smoother and more powerful. This means better synchronization between your email marketing and membership management.
  • Focus on User Experience: Both platforms are honing in on user experience. Easier navigation, more intuitive interfaces, and better support are on the horizon.
  • Expanding Automation Features: As automation becomes more critical, these tools are expanding their capabilities. From smarter segmentation to automated member engagement, they’re staying on the cutting edge.

Staying Adaptable and Ahead

  • Embrace Change: The key to success in this dynamic environment is adaptability. Embracing new features and trends keeps your strategy fresh and effective.
  • Continuous Learning: Keeping up with the latest updates and best practices in ConvertKit and WishList Member ensures you’re leveraging their full potential.
  • Experimentation: Don’t be afraid to try new features or strategies. Sometimes, the biggest breakthroughs come from experimentation.

Harnessing the Power of Integration

So, we've taken a journey through the world of ConvertKit and WishList Member integration. It's clear that this powerful combo is more than just a set of tools; it's a way to transform how you connect with and manage your members.

From personalized emails that hit the right note to seamless member management that takes the load off your shoulders, this integration is all about making your life easier and your membership site more engaging.

Now, it's your turn to see what this integration can do for you. Whether you're running a small hobby group or a large online platform, these tools are designed to meet your needs. 

The right tools can make all the difference in managing a successful membership site. They're not just about saving time; they're about creating better experiences for you and your members. 

Take the first step and explore how ConvertKit and WishList Member can work together for your site. It's time to make your membership management smoother and your communication more impactful.

Found this blog useful? Follow us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn for more tips and best practices to make the most of your membership site.

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Subscription Business Ideas (And Real-World Examples) To Rake In Recurring Revenue From Your Hobby or Business https://wishlistmember.com/subscription-business-ideas/ https://wishlistmember.com/subscription-business-ideas/#respond Thu, 04 Jan 2024 15:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=22280 Want to start a new business and earn passive income? Want to add a new dimension to your existing business and build customer loyalty? Then read on, friend, because we're about to blow open the possibilities with our mega list of subscription business ideas.

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Want to start a new business and earn passive income? Want to add a new dimension to your existing business and build customer loyalty? Then read on, friend, because we're about to blow open the possibilities with our mega list of subscription business ideas.

Whether your resolution is to turn your hobby into a money maker, or rev up your brick and mortar business with a recurring revenue program, there's something in this list for you.

We'll also walk you through your first steps to making your chosen subscription business idea a reality.

Whether you're reading this in January, or some time in the future (assuming the cyborgs haven't won) this is the first day of the rest of your life, so make it count and unlock the potential of recurring revenue today.

Let's roll!

Subscription Business Ideas to Monetize Your Hobby

It's the ultimate dream – making money off of what you love best – and it's easier to do than ever with a subscription website and some marketing know-how.

No matter how niche your hobby, there are people out there that share your interests. Not only are they your ideal customers, they also provide an incredible opportunity to build a thriving, loyal online community.

If you're not sure how to turn your passion into a profit-making machine, here are a few subscription business ideas to spark some inspiration.

Books piled up

Curated Genre-Specific or Themed Book Club

You know the feeling – you've just finished an incredible read, and you a) desperately want to share your enthusiasm with someone and b) are immediately on the hunt for the next book to take its place.

Fantasy sci-fi, crime thriller, historical fiction, whatever floats your literary boat, there's a community of like-minded folk out there looking for a home for their hobby. And you could be the one to build it!

Subscribers to your book club can get the following:

  • Curated Monthly Book Selections: Handpicked books each month focusing on a specific genre or theme, like fantasy sci-fi, crime thriller, or historical fiction.

  • Reader-Driven Community Forum: An online space for subscribers to discuss the book of the month, share insights, and connect with fellow book lovers.

  • Personalized Book Recommendations: Based on subscribers' reading preferences and feedback, provide tailored suggestions for their next read.
Tailored Book Recommendations Subscription Box Screenshot
TBR offers personalized book recommendations. Subscribers fill out a survey about their reading preferences and receive a tailored book list from a bibliologist.
  • Thematic Extras: Include additional content related to the book's theme, such as related articles, mini-guides, or trivia related to the book's setting or genre.

  • DIY Discussion Questions: Create and share a list of thought-provoking questions about each book to enhance readers' understanding and discussion.

  • Monthly Book Reviews and Summaries: Write and distribute reviews or summaries of the selected books to enrich the reading experience.

  • Virtual Book Club Meetings: Organize regular online meet-ups where members can discuss the current book and share their opinions.

  • Reading Challenges and Contests: Engage members with reading challenges, quizzes, or contests related to the book or its genre.

  • Collaborative Book Lists: Compile book lists based on member suggestions, votes, or seasonal themes, encouraging a sense of community involvement.

  • Book-Themed Digital Content: Create and share book-related content like blog posts, infographics, or thematic playlists to complement the reading experience.

  • Monthly Newsletters: A newsletter featuring literary news, hobbyist tips for readers, and sneak peeks into next month's book selection.

  • Exclusive Member Discounts: Partner with local or online bookstores to offer members discounts on books and reading accessories.
Once Upon a Book Club Screenshot

Subscription Business Examples

  • Tailored Book Recommendations (TBR): TBR offers personalized book recommendations. Subscribers fill out a survey about their reading preferences and receive a tailored book list from a bibliologist. They have the option to receive the books in the mail or get recommendations only.

  • ReadHer Book Box: This subscription service focuses on romance books written by women of color. It aims to amplify diverse voices and stories, providing subscribers with thoughtfully chosen books each month along with themed extras.

  • Read It & Eat It: Ideal for culinary enthusiasts and foodies, this subscription combines the love for food and reading. Each box includes a food-related book along with a delicious snack from a small business, catering to various food-themed literary genres.

  • Once Upon A Book Club: Designed to provide an immersive reading experience, this service sends a new book each month, accompanied by small gifts and surprises that relate to specific parts of the story. This unique approach encourages readers to engage more deeply with the narrative.
Embroidery materials

DIY Crafts Subscription Service

Imagine turning your living room into a mini craft studio once a month, brimming with creativity and the joy of making something with your own hands. Whether you're into scrapbooking, knitting, or upcycling, the world of DIY crafts is vast and endlessly inspiring.

As the curator of a DIY Crafts subscription service, you can bring this creative joy directly to people's homes. Here's what subscribers can look forward to:

  • Monthly Craft Kits: Each month, members receive a kit containing all the materials and instructions needed to complete a unique craft project. These could range from home decor items, jewelry making, to seasonal decorations.

  • Skill-Level Tailored Projects: Offer different subscription tiers for various skill levels, from beginners to more experienced crafters, ensuring everyone has a project that suits their abilities.

  • Online Courses and Workshops: Complement the kits with access to exclusive video courses with tutorials or live online workshops, guiding members step-by-step through the projects.

  • Community Craft Challenges: Host monthly challenges that encourage members to try new techniques and share their creations with the community for inspiration and feedback.

  • Crafting Tool Add-Ons: Give members the option to add essential or specialized tools to their subscription box, perfect for building their crafting toolkit over time.

  • Exclusive Craft Patterns and Designs: Provide original pattern downloads, templates, or design ideas exclusively for subscribers, keeping the content fresh and unique.
Hopebroidery Box
The Hopebroidery Box offers a selection of embroidery boxes, including embroidery floss, scissors, fabric, a method to transfer designs, a needle and needle threader, and access to a full-length video tutorial​
  • Member Showcase and Feedback: Create a platform for members to showcase their completed projects and share tips and ideas, fostering a vibrant crafting community.

  • Seasonal and Thematic Projects: Align some of the monthly projects with seasons, holidays, or current trends, making the crafts timely and exciting.

  • Specialty Craft Materials: Occasionalldownloay include specialty materials that members might not find easily, such as unique beads, specialty yarns, or eco-friendly fabrics.

  • Crafting Resource Newsletter: Send out a monthly newsletter with crafting tips, spotlight on various crafting techniques, and previews of upcoming project themes.

  • Discounts on Craft Supplies: Negotiate deals with craft supply stores to offer subscribers exclusive discounts on additional materials and tools.

  • Q&A and Support: Offer direct support for any crafting questions or challenges, ensuring members have a helping hand when needed.

This DIY Crafts subscription service is an ideal way to share your passion for crafting and to help others discover the joy and satisfaction of creating something beautiful by hand.

Picture of soap making from Adults and Crafts Crate
Adults & Crafts Crate Soap Making

Subscription Business Examples

Adults & Crafts Crate: This subscription service offers a monthly craft project for adults and teenagers. It includes all the necessary tools, materials, and instructions for projects such as wood-burning, candle making, clock making, and more, making it perfect for crafty nights in, family activities, or social gatherings.

The Hopebroidery Box: Offers a selection of embroidery boxes, including full skeins of embroidery floss, scissors, fabric, a method to transfer designs, a needle and needle threader, and access to a full-length video tutorial​​.

Detective artifacts - a , a smoking pipe, an old letter.

Mystery Puzzle Subscription Service

Have you ever emerged from an escape room, heart racing with the thrill of the challenge, and thought, ‘I could create something like this'?

Imagine channeling your love for puzzles, riddles, and captivating storylines into crafting your very own mystery puzzle adventure.

As a creator of a Mystery Puzzle Games subscription, you have the power to design a world of intrigue and challenge that arrives at someone's doorstep each month.

This is your chance to turn your passion for crafting intricate puzzles and weaving engaging narratives into an exciting venture that brings joy and challenge to fellow enthusiasts. Let your creativity and love for mystery guide you in creating an unforgettable experience for others.

Here's what subscribers can expect from your Mystery Puzzle Games service:

  • Bi-Monthly Mystery Boxes: Subscribers receive a box every other month containing a stand-alone mystery. These stories could range from detective mysteries, escape room challenges, to historical adventures.

  • Monthly Mystery Challenges: Host a monthly online puzzle challenge with a small mystery to solve. Engage your community in solving it together.

  • Puzzle Variety: Puzzles include a mix of types – from logic puzzles and ciphers to physical puzzles that require assembly. This variety caters to different puzzle-solving strengths and keeps the experience fresh.
Deadbolt Mystery Society Puzzle boxes
Deadbolt Mystery Society: This service offers a stand-alone mystery case in each box, allowing subscribers to crack different cases with each delivery.
  • Interactive Online Elements: Some mysteries may include online components, such as websites to explore, virtual clues to uncover, or interactive videos that enhance the storytelling. Use online platforms to create interactive stories where users make choices to solve the mystery. You can use a tool like Twine to craft narrative games without a ton of technical knowledge.

  • Collectible Items: Include items that not only serve as clues but can also be collected over time, like unique tokens, thematic keepsakes, or character cards.

  • Difficulty Levels: Offer varying levels of difficulty, catering to both novice sleuths and seasoned puzzle veterans.

  • Family-Friendly Options: Provide some mysteries that are suitable for families or younger audiences, ensuring a broad appeal.

  • Community Engagement: Create an online forum or community board where subscribers can discuss theories, ask for hints, and connect with fellow mystery lovers.

  • Creator Q&A Sessions: Host live Q&A sessions or interviews with the creators, offering insights into the world of puzzle and game design.

  • Special Edition Mysteries: Occasionally offer special edition boxes that tie into seasonal events, popular culture, or historical anniversaries.

  • Hints and Solution Guides: Provide hints or a full solution guide for each mystery, ensuring all players can complete the story.

Your Mystery Puzzle Games subscription service will not only offer a unique form of entertainment but also a challenging and intellectually stimulating experience that keeps subscribers eagerly awaiting their next mystery.

Finders Seekers Facebook Image showing a Finders Seekers Subscription Box in candlelight
Finders Seekers mystery subscription box

Subscription Business Examples

  • Finders Seekers Mysteries: This self-contained mystery subscription box includes a series of clues and puzzles that allow subscribers to explore new cities and cultures from their own home while solving cryptic messages and deciphering codes​​.

  • Deadbolt Mystery Society: This service offers a stand-alone mystery case in each box, allowing subscribers to crack different cases with each delivery. It's designed for those who love suspense and detective stories but prefer not to commit to a long-term narrative​​​​.

  • Escape The Crate: This bi-monthly subscription service brings the experience of an escape room to your home. Each box contains a game that combines the thrill of an escape room with the convenience of a home-based activity​​.
Nature Journal

Nature Journaling Subscription Service

If you have a passion for the great outdoors and a flair for documenting the natural world, consider creating a Nature Journaling subscription service. This could be a wonderful avenue to share your love for nature, encouraging others to observe, appreciate, and record the beauty of the environment around them.

Here’s what subscribers can look forward to in your Nature Journaling service:

  • Monthly Nature Journaling Kits: Each month, send out a kit that includes tools and materials for nature journaling, such as a specially designed journal, watercolor or sketching supplies, and durable, portable writing tools.

  • Guided Journal Prompts: Provide prompts that guide subscribers on what to look for and document in their nature explorations, such as seasonal changes, local flora and fauna, or weather patterns.

  • Educational Content on Local Ecosystems: Include educational materials about different ecosystems, plants, wildlife, and environmental conservation efforts. This could be in the form of pamphlets, e-books, or online resources.

  • Online Courses: Host online courses on various aspects of nature journaling, such as botanical sketching, landscape drawing, or creative writing techniques.

  • Guest Expert Contributions: Collaborate with naturalists, botanists, or environmental educators to provide expert insights and content for your subscribers.

  • Community Challenges: Organize monthly journaling challenges or themes, encouraging subscribers to explore specific aspects of nature and share their journal entries with the community.
Nature Journaling
  • Subscriber Showcase: Feature subscriber journal pages in a dedicated section of your newsletter or website, celebrating their observations and artistic expressions.

  • Virtual Nature Walks and Explorations: Conduct virtual nature walks or explorations, guiding subscribers through different natural settings and pointing out interesting sights to journal.

  • Seasonal Nature Spotting Guides: Provide guides or checklists for seasonal nature spotting, helping subscribers to identify and learn more about what they might encounter in different seasons.

  • Nature Photography Tips: Include tips for nature photography, helping subscribers to capture and include photos in their journals.

  • Discounts on Outdoor Gear: Partner with outdoor gear companies to offer discounts on items that might be useful for nature journaling expeditions, like binoculars, portable seats, or water bottles.

  • Interactive Online Community: Create an online forum or social media group where subscribers can share their journal pages, experiences, and tips with each other.

  • Special Editions for Unique Ecosystems: Occasionally, offer special edition kits focused on unique ecosystems or extraordinary natural events, like a desert bloom or a great bird migration.

Your Nature Journaling subscription service will not only foster a deeper appreciation for the natural world but also create a community of like-minded individuals who find joy and peace in the act of observing and recording nature's wonders.

House plants

Plant Subscription Service

For those with a green thumb or a budding interest in botany, launching a plant subscription service can be a rewarding way to share your love for flora. This service is perfect for anyone looking to bring a bit of nature into their home, office, or garden, and for those keen to learn more about plant care and horticulture.

Here's what subscribers can look forward to in your plant subscription service:

  • Monthly Plant Deliveries: Each month, subscribers receive a new, carefully selected plant. This could include a range of indoor plants, succulents, herbs, or seasonal flowers, suited to different climates and space sizes.

  • Detailed Care Instructions: Provide easy-to-understand care guides with each plant, covering watering, light requirements, temperature preferences, and other care tips to ensure plant health and longevity.

  • Potting and Repotting Supplies: Include essential supplies like high-quality potting mix, decorative pots, or repotting tools in the subscription box, catering to both beginner and experienced plant owners.

  • Online Workshops and Webinars: Host virtual sessions on topics like indoor gardening, sustainable practices, pest control, and plant styling to educate and engage your subscribers.

  • Expert Horticulturist Q&A: Offer access to a plant expert for personalized advice and answers to subscribers’ specific plant care questions.

  • Plant Community Forum: Create a platform for subscribers to share their plant journeys, exchange tips, and showcase their green havens, fostering a community of plant enthusiasts.
  • Seasonal Plant Selections: Align your plant offerings with the seasons, providing plants that thrive during specific times of the year and offering advice on seasonal plant care.

  • Exclusive Access to Rare Plants: Occasionally offer rare or exotic plants for those subscribers interested in unique and hard-to-find species.

  • Gardening Tool Add-Ons: Give subscribers the option to add specialized gardening tools to their subscription for an enhanced gardening experience.

  • Discounts on Gardening Products: Partner with gardening supply stores or online platforms to offer discounts on additional plants, tools, or decor.

  • Themed Plant Boxes: Create themed boxes around specific types of plants, such as air-purifying plants, easy-care plants for beginners, or flowering plants.

  • Interactive Plant Care App: Develop or partner with a plant care app to provide subscribers with a digital tool for tracking watering schedules, growth progress, and other care activities.

  • Special Editions for Plant Holidays: Celebrate plant-related holidays with special edition boxes, like National Houseplant Appreciation Day or Arbor Day, featuring unique plants or planting activities.

Your plant subscription service will not only bring the joy and beauty of plants to people's spaces but also educate and inspire a deeper appreciation and understanding of the botanical world.

Succulents subscription box with examples of succulents
Succulents box is an excellent example of a plant subscription business

Subscription Business Examples

  • The Plant Club: A popular option well-suited for beginners, offering a monthly box that includes one plant along with a decorative planter and a customized potting mixture. The box often includes fun extras like stickers, candy, magnets, or pins​​.

  • Succulents Box: A great choice for novice or forgetful indoor gardeners, offering a range of options starting at a low price. Plans include up to four plants each month, focusing on succulents and air plants​​.

  • The Sill: Provides a pet-friendly subscription box, which includes either one 4-inch or 6-inch nontoxic plant with each delivery, making it safe for households with pets​​.

Subscription Ideas For Your Brick & Mortar Business

Businesses are discovering innovative ways to expand their reach and enhance customer engagement through subscription services. Whether you own a cozy café, a boutique clothing store, or a neighborhood gym, incorporating a subscription model can unlock new revenue streams and deepen connections with your customers.

This approach is all about offering unique experiences and value that extend beyond the physical storefront. Let's explore how different brick and mortar businesses can tap into the potential of subscription services, adding a new dimension to their traditional business models.

Cafe owner

Restaurants, Cafes and Bars

If you run a restaurant, bar, or cafe, you understand the value of customer loyalty. Launching a subscription service can be a fantastic strategy to encourage regular patronage and create a steady stream of revenue.

There are numerous creative approaches to implement this model, each catering to different customer preferences and dining experiences. Here's a glimpse of what a subscription to your culinary establishment could include, transforming casual visitors into loyal, recurring patrons.

  • Frequent Diner Subscriptions: Create a subscription where customers pay a regular fee for access to ongoing discounts and special deals. This incentivizes more frequent visits and maximizes savings for loyal diners.

  • Beverage Subscription Clubs: Focus on beverages like specialty coffees or curated wines. Subscribers can enjoy exclusive varieties or receive discounts on their favorite drinks, making your cafe or restaurant their preferred choice.

  • VIP Experience Subscriptions: Offer a premium subscription that includes access to exclusive events, priority service, and other luxury experiences, catering to those who seek a more upscale dining experience.

  • Community-Supported Restaurant (CSR) Subscriptions: Introduce a model where customers pay an upfront fee in exchange for a credit towards future meals and services. This can provide immediate funds for your business while offering great value to your customers.

  • Culinary Content Hub Subscriptions: For establishments with a unique culinary identity, offer a subscription that provides access to exclusive digital content such as cooking tutorials, recipe shares, and behind-the-scenes insights into your restaurant's culinary processes.
Dark, luxurious restaurant interior

Subscription Business Examples

  • Waverly Stone Gastropub Subscription: Their “Stone Club” subscription service includes attractive perks such as exclusive discounts on food and beverages, larger draft servings, and early access to special events and promotions.

  • Cooper’s Hawk Wine Subscription: This monthly subscription showcases a select “wine of the month” from the restaurant, complete with detailed tasting notes and suggested pairing recipes, enhancing the wine enthusiast's experience.

  • Boris and Horton Coffee Subscription: Catering to the community and pet lovers, this dog-friendly cafe offers a monthly coffee subscription, providing regular beverage delights to its patrons.
Hairdresser cutting hair

Hair and Beauty Businesses

In the world of personal care, where customer loyalty and consistent quality are key, introducing a subscription model in your hairdressing, barber, or beautician business can be a game-changer. It's not just about frequent services; it's about creating an exclusive, tailored experience for your clients, making their self-care routine something to look forward to every month.

  • Regular Appointment Subscriptions: Offer a subscription for regular haircuts, styling, or beauty treatments. Clients can pay monthly and book their sessions in advance, ensuring they always look their best.

  • Exclusive Product Boxes: Curate a selection of hair care or beauty products tailored to each client’s needs and preferences, delivered monthly.

  • VIP Beauty Experiences: Create a premium subscription offering exclusive services like personalized consultations, advanced treatments, or luxury products.

  • Tutorial and Tips Access: Provide subscribers with exclusive access to online tutorials, tips, and guides on hair and beauty care, keeping them engaged and informed.
Keep It Cut Salon Subscription Service Screenshot showing different offers
Keep It Cut Salon Subscription Service

Subscription Business Examples

  1. B.O.B Salons All Inclusive Membership: Membership to this generous subscription service gives B.O.B salon's clients access to unlimited cuts and colors, conditioning treatments and blow dries for just $177 (£139) per month.

  2. Sleeping Beauty Salon Membership: Staying on the other side of the pond, Scotland's Sleeping Beauty Salon franchise offers 6 and 12 month Platinum memberships. Members enjoy special VIP treatment in salon, discounts on all treatments and products, members only gifts, access to an exclusive online community and waiting list priority.

  3. Keep It Cut Unlimited Hair Cuts: Men's salon Keep It Cut offers a range of memberships. Clients can opt for just unlimited haircuts for $38/month, or add unlimited washed and grooming for $64/month.
Fitness and wellness influencers

Gyms & Fitness Centers

Gyms and fitness center already function on a memberhship model – clients pay regularly for access to your equipment, classes and personal training programs. But if the fitness influencer movement has taught us anything it's that your business has borders far beyond your local community.

With an online subscription program, you can tap into the market of people who prefer working out at home or cannot regularly visit your gym. Here are several ways your gym or fitness center can leverage this growing trend:

  • Virtual Class Subscriptions: Offer a range of online classes that members can join from anywhere. This could include live-streamed sessions or pre-recorded classes in yoga, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), Pilates, and more.

  • Digital Personal Training: Create personalized training programs that can be delivered virtually. Create a personalized VIP experience with one-on-one video sessions, customized workout plans, and regular check-ins, or generate passive income by creating pre-made courses for different fitness goals.

  • Health and Wellness Webinars: Host online seminars and webinars focusing on topics like nutrition, mental wellness, fitness trends, and holistic health practices.

  • On-Demand Workout Libraries: Build a library of on-demand workout videos that subscribers can access anytime, catering to all fitness levels and preferences.

  • Nutritional Planning and Coaching: Include diet and nutritional guidance as part of your subscription, offering meal plans, recipes, and consultations.

  • Community Support Groups: Foster a sense of community with online support groups where members can share experiences, tips, and encouragement.
Base Body Babes Websie screenshot
Base Body Babes offer their subscribers an online program to complement their Sydney-based fitness studio.

Subscription Business Examples

  1. Base Body Babes: Specializes in female strength training with online sessions. Their subscription includes home and gym training courses, tutorials, and a recipe library.

  2. Gymtime PT: Offers customized online fitness programs. Subscribers choose from plans like “Ultimate Weight Loss” or “Tone Up Extreme” and receive tailored workout and nutrition plans.

  3. Pilatesology: Provides online Pilates workouts taught by nearly 70 professionals. They offer digital downloads of Pilates programs and host a community for students to share their experiences.

Pet Stores & Services

Pet stores and pet service providers can greatly benefit from the subscription model, connecting pet owners with products and services that cater to their pets' needs while ensuring steady business growth. An online subscription program can extend your reach to pet owners seeking convenience, variety, and consistent quality for their furry friends.

Here are ways a pet store or service can utilize a subscription model:

  • Pet Care Boxes: Curate monthly boxes filled with toys, treats, grooming tools, and health products tailored to different types of pets.
  • Routine Grooming Subscriptions: Offer a subscription for regular grooming sessions, ensuring pets are always well-cared for.
  • Pet Health and Wellness Webinars: Conduct online seminars on pet care, health tips, and behavioral training.
  • Specialized Pet Diet Plans: Provide tailored monthly meal plans and nutritional products, catering to pets' specific dietary needs.
  • Pet Activity and Training Subscriptions: Offer online training sessions and activity guides to keep pets engaged and well-behaved.
Just4Dogs offers a monthly subscription for dog grooming and bathing.

Subscription Business Examples

Just4Dogs: Just4Dogs Pet Salon and Spa offers grooming and bath memberships starting from $27.99/month ensuring their clients' pooches stay pampered no matter what adventures they go on!

Pet Evolution: Pet store franchise offers unlimited self-serve dog washes, a free treat or dog toy and 10% off retail and grooming as part of their VIP membership program.

Petco: Petco offers a variety of subscription services, including auto-deliveries of pet food, a monthly PupBox with treats and toys, insurance, and a Vital Care membership for checkups, vaccinations, grooming, and discounts. Their focus on fresh pet food and healthcare services demonstrates the potential of subscriptions in providing comprehensive pet care.

Subscription Business Ideas for Online Services

Online subscription services are flourishing. They're revolutionizing how we access information, entertainment, and services. As a business owner, tapping into this wave opens up a realm of possibilities. Connect with customers globally, and offer them valuable, on-demand services that cater to their unique needs and interests, all from the comfort of…well…wherever they are!

Let's look at some subscription-based business ideas and examples that are thriving. From educational platforms and streaming services to exclusive online communities and digital tools, the potential to create a lucrative and impactful online subscription service is vast.

Student taking an online course

Online Courses

Whatever field you specialize in, monetize your expertise by building an online course. With WishList Member, you can build a course easily with CourseCure and engage and retain your audience with interactive gamification features.

This setup is ideal for experts in any domain seeking to share their knowledge and build a community of eager learners. Your course can range from professional development to personal hobbies, offering value through a mix of video lessons, quizzes, and interactive content.

  • Interactive Video Lessons: Design comprehensive video modules on your subject matter, ensuring each lesson is both informative and engaging.

  • Quizzes and Assessments: Incorporate quizzes to reinforce learning and provide feedback, making the learning process interactive and effective.

  • Gamification Elements: Use points, badges, and leaderboards to motivate learners, making education fun and competitive.

  • Community Forums: Establish a forum or discussion board for learners to engage, discuss, and share insights, enhancing the learning experience.

  • Downloadable Resources: Offer supplementary materials like PDFs, slides, and worksheets for additional study and reference.
Chinesefor.us screenshot
Teacher and course designer, Lili Hao created ChineseFor.Us for students of Mandarin to learn in their own time from wherever.

Subscription Business Examples

  • ChineseFor.Us: This online course provides comprehensive Mandarin lessons, ranging from beginner to advanced levels. Subscribers get access to interactive video lessons, quizzes, and a community forum for enhanced learning and cultural exchange.

  • Bread Ahead Bakery School: Offers an online artisan bread baking course, complete with video tutorials, quizzes, and a community forum. Subscribers learn various baking techniques and have access to downloadable recipes and guides.

  • Marie Burke Art: Features an online art course with video tutorials on different painting techniques. The subscription includes access to a community forum for artist interaction, quizzes, and downloadable art resources.
A developer, coding

Web Design, Development and Maintenance

Tap into the demand for digital services by offering web design, development, and maintenance on a subscription basis.

This model is highly sought after by small to medium-sized businesses looking to outsource these tasks without the commitment of hiring a full-time professional.

You can provide a range of services like website updates, bug fixes, design improvements, and ongoing technical support. Tailor your packages to cater to different business needs, ensuring a steady income stream while helping businesses thrive online.

  • Monthly Website Health Checks: Regularly review and maintain website performance, including speed optimization and SEO audits.

  • Design Updates and Refreshes: Offer periodic redesigns or aesthetic improvements to keep websites looking modern and engaging.

  • Technical Support and Troubleshooting: Provide prompt support for any technical issues or glitches that may arise, ensuring minimal downtime.

  • Content Management: Assist with updating and managing website content, including blog posts, product descriptions, and multimedia elements.

  • Security Monitoring and Updates: Keep websites secure with regular security checks, updates, and backups to protect against data breaches.

  • Custom Development Work: Include options for custom coding or feature additions tailored to specific business needs.

  • Analytics and Reporting: Offer monthly analytics reports to help businesses understand their website performance and user engagement.
An editor of a magazine reviewing the layou

Online Publications

Harness the power of your niche knowledge or passion by starting an online publication. Whether it's a blog, magazine, or news site, you can offer subscriptions for exclusive content.

This might include in-depth articles, video content, podcasts, or early access to new material. Utilize platforms like WordPress with WishLis Member to manage subscriptions and content distribution.

Tailor your publication to a specific interest group, providing valuable insights, updates, and perspectives that are hard to find elsewhere.

  • Exclusive Articles and Features: Provide subscribers with articles that offer deep dives into niche topics, not available to non-subscribers.
  • Early Access to Content: Allow subscribers early or exclusive access to new articles, videos, or podcast episodes.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Share insights into your content creation process or additional background information that enhances the main content.
  • Subscriber-Only Podcasts or Webinars: Create podcasts or webinars that cater to the specific interests of your audience, available only to subscribers.
  • Interactive Q&A Sessions: Host regular sessions where subscribers can interact with you or guest experts, deepening their understanding of the subject matter.
  • Downloadable Resources: Offer supplementary materials like eBooks, whitepapers, or exclusive research findings.
  • Community Forums: Foster a subscriber community through forums or discussion boards, encouraging interaction and discussion amongst your audience.
  • Regular Newsletters: Send out a curated newsletter with additional insights, summaries of recent content, or previews of upcoming material.
A business coach talking to a client

Life / Business Coaching

If you have expertise in personal development, career guidance, or business strategy, consider offering online coaching services.

Through one-on-one video sessions, personalized plans, and regular follow-ups, you can make a significant impact on someone's personal or professional growth. You can also

Offer different tiers of subscriptions based on the frequency of sessions and level of personalized support.

  • Resource Library Access: Provide subscribers with exclusive access to a library of resources like worksheets, guides, and motivational content.

  • Tailored Coaching Sessions: Offer individualized sessions that focus on specific personal or professional development goals.

  • Customized Action Plans: Develop action plans tailored to each client’s needs, helping them navigate challenges and achieve their objectives.

  • Email Support: Offer ongoing email support, allowing clients to seek guidance or feedback between scheduled sessions.

  • Webinars and Workshops: Host exclusive webinars or workshops on relevant topics that add value to the coaching experience.

  • Flexible Subscription Levels: Create different subscription tiers, offering varying levels of interaction, resources, and support to suit diverse needs and budgets.
A library of varied colorful books

Online Resource Libraries

Online resource libraries are a treasure trove of knowledge and tools. If you have a wealth of content in a specific niche, consider compiling it into a subscription-based online library. This can include articles, guides, video tutorials, templates, and more. It's an excellent way for experts in any field to provide immense value to their audience, offering a centralized hub of information that's regularly updated and expanded.

  • Curated Content Collections: Organize your content into themed collections or categories, making it easy for subscribers to find what they need.

  • Regular Updates and Additions: Continuously add new resources to keep the library fresh and relevant, encouraging ongoing subscriptions.

  • Downloadable Tools and Templates: Include practical tools, templates, or worksheets that subscribers can use in their personal or professional projects.

  • Video Tutorials and Webinars: Complement written content with video resources, offering in-depth explanations or live interactive sessions.

  • Member-Exclusive Articles and Insights: Provide articles or insights that are exclusive to subscribers, adding unique value to the membership.

  • Interactive Features: Incorporate features like quizzes, calculators, or interactive guides to enhance the learning experience.

  • Community Access: Offer a forum or discussion area where subscribers can discuss content, share ideas, and ask questions.
Teach Beside Me Homepage Screenshot
Teach Beside Me is an online resource library for homeschooling. Complete with lesson plans, downloadable templates and project ideas.

Subscription Business Examples

Mrs. D's Corner: Mrs. D's Corner offers an extensive online library dedicated to special education resources. This subscription-based platform provides teachers and parents with a wealth of materials, including customizable lesson plans, interactive activities, and educational games specifically designed for special needs education.

Worship Drum Samples: Worship Drum Samples presents a comprehensive online library for drum enthusiasts and worship musicians. This subscription service offers an extensive range of high-quality drum samples, loops, and sound kits tailored for worship music. Subscribers can elevate their music production with access to exclusive drum sounds, mixing tips, and tutorials, all curated to enhance the worship music experience.

Teach Beside Me: Teach Beside Me introduces an innovative online resource library catering to homeschooling families. This subscription-based platform is a treasure trove of creative educational materials, including hands-on activities, STEM project guides, and unique learning games. Subscribers receive access to a wide array of downloadable resources that make learning fun and engaging, along with practical homeschooling tips and a supportive community of like-minded parents and educators.

Bring Your Subscription Business Idea to Life with WishList Member

So there you go! There are limitless possibilities when it comes to starting your own subscription business. We hope this list has sparked a vision for your future.

Whether you're starting a subscription business from scratch, or adding subscriptions to your existing WordPress website, WishList Member is an incredibly versatile tool to help you achieve your vision.

WishList Member Homepage

Here are some of WishList Member's key features that make it ideal for starting your online subscription service:

1. Easy Integration with WordPress: WishList Member seamlessly integrates with your WordPress site, turning it into a fully-functional subscription platform. Whether you’re starting from the ground up, or adding to an existing site, the setup is straightforward.

2. Flexible Membership Levels: You can create unlimited membership levels to cater to different customer needs. This flexibility allows you to offer tiered access to content, services, or products, tailoring your offerings to diverse audience segments.

3. Controlled Content Access: Manage what your subscribers see based on their membership level. Whether it’s premium content, exclusive services, or special products, WishList Member gives you the power to restrict access to certain areas of your site, creating exclusivity and value for your subscribers.

4. Subscriptions and Payments: WishList Member supports recurring subscriptions. Integrate with popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, and more to handle payments efficiently and securely. Automated billing takes the hassle out of the process, both for you and your subscribers.

5. Drip Content Delivery: This feature allows you to release content to members at regular intervals, keeping them engaged and subscribed for longer. It’s perfect for online courses, serialized content, or any subscription model where content is delivered over time.

6. Member Management: Track and manage your members with ease. WishList Member provides insights into member activity, subscription levels, and payment history, making it easier to optimize your offerings and grow your community.

7. Build Courses with Ease with CourseCure by WishList Member: Harness the power of CourseCure to effortlessly create and manage your online courses. This tool simplifies the process of building engaging, interactive courses. Whether you're offering educational content, professional training, or hobby-related courses, CourseCure is the easiest way to make it happen.

Design comprehensive modules, organize lessons, and include multimedia elements to enhance the learning experience. CourseCure's intuitive interface ensures that you can focus on delivering quality content without worrying about technical complexities. Plus add gamification features to keep your members engaged and coming back for more.

In Conclusion: Unlocking the Potential of Recurring Revenue

There you have it – subscription business ideas galore. From transforming hobbies into lucrative ventures, to adding a subscription dimension to brick-and-mortar establishments, the opportunities are as varied as they are exciting!

Embracing the subscription model is about generating steady income, building relationships, creating value, and offering experiences that keep your customers coming back for more. The fusion of your unique ideas with the capabilities of platforms like WishList Member sets the stage for a thriving, engaging, and profitable subscription business.

So, whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, remember that the journey to recurring revenue starts with a step. Equip yourself with the right tools, engage with your audience, and watch as your subscription business flourishes into a rewarding and sustainable venture.

Let's make 2024 the year of tapping into new possibilities and unlocking the full potential of your business. Dream big, start small, and grow steadily – the world of subscription business awaits!

Got a subscription business idea and not sure how to bring it to life? Want to share your idea with us? Let us know in the comments below!

Found this blog useful? Follow us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn for more tips and best practices to make the most of your new subscription business.

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Sync Up to Level Up: Invigorate Member Communications With WishList Member + Campaign Refinery https://wishlistmember.com/member-communications/ https://wishlistmember.com/member-communications/#respond Thu, 21 Dec 2023 15:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=22148 Amp up your member communications with WishList Member and Campaign Refinery! Make every click-through resonate with your members and watch engagement grow. Read on for practical tips and best practices. 

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Amp up your member communications with WishList Member and Campaign Refinery! Make every click-through resonate with your members and watch engagement grow. Read on for practical tips and best practices. 

Every interaction counts. It's as true on your membership site as it is in your grocery store. 

How you interact with your members (and whether you interact at all) is central to their engagement, loyalty, and the likelihood that they'll invest in more of your products and services. 

Once a member signs up with their email address, you have a direct line of communication, with immense potential to grow that relationship and ensure a higher lifetime customer value

With the WishList Member, Campaign Refinery integration, you can realize that potential with personalized, targeted messaging.

Read on to find out how segmented email marketing helped one brand achieve a 300% increase in sales during their Black Friday campaign. 

I'll also provide other scenarios where you can use an email integration with WishList Member for precise and effective member communications. 

By the end of this blog, you'll be able to use email segments to boost sales, upgrades, and engagement among your members. 

From first click to lasting impact, orchestrate a journey of engagement and growth with every member. Let's tune up and get started!

Introducing the WishList Member Campaign Refinery Integration

WishList Member Campaign Refinery integration

This integration (available with WishList Member Pro and Elite plans) is all about automating interactions based on member behaviors. Turn their every action into an opportunity for tailored communication.

The Mechanics: Seamless Synchronization

At its core, this integration allows you to apply or remove tags in Campaign Refinery based on a variety of member actions in WishList Member. 

Here is the full list of actions that can trigger an add or remove tag automation in Campaign Refinery:

  • Added: When a member joins a membership level or is added to a membership level.
  • Removed: When a member is removed from a membership level. Members can be removed from a level via admin, level actions, sequential upgrades, and LMS Integrations Actions (eg. via the LearnDash integration)
  • Cancelled: When a member stops or cancels payments to their membership level and no longer have access to protected content.
  • Uncancelled: When a member rejoins a membership level after cancelling, or after a successful rebilling payment after having been cancelled.
  • Expired: When a member's membership has expired after a trial or one-time payment.
  • Unexpired: When a member rejoins a level by renewing membership after expiration.

Each of these actions can trigger specific automations. This isn't just about tracking member movements; it’s about responding to them in the most relevant way possible.

The Benefits: Precision and Personalization

Target with dart in center

What does this mean for your member communications? Precision. Personalization. Impact.

By segmenting your email audience based on these automated tags, your messages hit closer to home. Far from just broadcasting information, you’re engaging in a conversation, tailored to the member's specific journey and needs.

Let's Get Set Up (It's Easy!)

Activate The Integration

Activating this integration is a piece of pie. From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to WishList Member > Setup > Integrations > Email Providers > Campaign Refinery

Activae Campaign Refinery Integration

In the box that appears, click the slider to enable Campaign Refinery.

Paste your Campaign Refinery API Key from your Campaign Refinery account and you’re set! Two powerful tools, now synched up and ready to roll!

For a more in-depth, step-by-step run through, check out our WishList Member, Campaign Refinery knowledge doc.

Leveraging Tags: Automated Engagement

Here’s where it gets exciting. From your Campaign Refinery account, you create tags that categorize members based on their actions within WishList Member. 

Campaign Refinery Tags

Whether they’re joining a new level, canceling their subscription, or coming back after a hiatus, each action can be assigned specific tags. This setup allows for incredibly focused and effective communication strategies.

Let’s imagine you have 3 membership levels set up in WIshList Member: Bronze, Silver and Gold. You then create 3 corresponding tags in Campaign Refinery so that you can send emails to only members tagged “Gold”, for example.

In this scenario, you can create automations to add the Bronze tag in Campaign Refinery when a member joins your Bronze level, add a Silver tag when they join your Silver level, and so on. 

Similarly, you can automatically remove these tags when a member cancels their payments and ends their membership.

In this instance, you can also add a new “Cancelled” tag in Campaign Refinery to target these former members in a re-engagement campaign. 

We’ll look at these scenarios in more depth later. 

The Outcome: Targeted Communication

With these tags in place, the communication possibilities are endless. You can reach out to members who have just canceled with messages tailored to bring them back, or nudge lower-level members with compelling reasons to upgrade. 

It's about creating a conversation that feels personal and directly relevant to each member’s experience.

The Big Picture: Beyond the Click

This integration is more than a technical setup; it's a strategy for cultivating relationships with your members. 

From the first click to the lasting impact, each interaction is an opportunity to deepen engagement, increase loyalty, and ultimately, drive growth for your platform.

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into how you can use these features to not just communicate, but connect with your members in a way that truly matters.

3 Ways to Supercharge Member Communications Using WishList Member and Campaign Refinery

Now that we've set the stage with the WishList Member and Campaign Refinery integration, let's look more specifically at how you can leverage this powerful combo to enhance your member communications. 

1. Encouraging Upgrades for Lower-Level Members


Direct Approach for Upgrades:

Use the tagging system to identify members at lower levels, like “Bronze”. Then, craft and send personalized messages highlighting the perks of higher tiers. 

You can showcase exclusive benefits, testimonials, or sneak peeks into what the “Silver” or “Gold” levels offer. It’s about painting a picture of what they're missing and making the upgrade irresistible.

Result-Driven Communication:
Focus on the results and experiences of upgrading. Share success stories or case studies of members who’ve moved up and seen tangible benefits. This approach turns abstract perks into real outcomes, making the upgrade more appealing.

2. Reengaging Members Who Cancel


Targeted Reengagement Campaigns:

When a member cancels, automatically tag them as “Cancelled” and initiate a tailored reengagement campaign. 

This campaign can address their possible reasons for leaving, offer special incentives for rejoining, or update them on new features or content that might reignite their interest.

Personalized Follow-Ups:

Follow up with personalized communication that shows understanding and value for their membership. Sometimes, a simple message asking for feedback or offering help can open the door to reengagement.

3. Cross-Selling to Product Purchasers

Cross sell

Identifying Purchasing Patterns:

Tag members based on their purchases, like tagging someone who signed up for a beginner's course as “Course-Beginner”.

Use this information to recommend advanced courses or related products, creating a natural progression in their learning journey.

Creating an Ecosystem of Complementary Products/Services:
Introduce them to other aspects of your platform that complement their purchase. For example, if they’ve bought a course, introduce them to a relevant community group or additional resources.

This strategy is about enhancing their overall experience, not just pushing more products.

Building a Community, Not Just a Customer Base

Group of people engaging with one another in conversation.

Each of these strategies goes beyond traditional member communications. They're about building a community, where each member feels heard and valued. 

Focus on providing messaging that really benefits them, builds their trust in your product, and enhances their experience. 

The Power Of Email Segmentation: A Black Friday Case Study

People sending and receiving emails on different devices

Let's take a look at how one brand hit it out of the park with their Black Friday campaign, boosting sales by an incredible 300% through smart email segmentation. This story is a great showcase of what happens when you get member communications just right.

Strategy Overview

This brand got creative and divided its audience into four groups: non-customers, past customers, existing lower-tiered customers, and top-tier customers. Each group received emails crafted just for them, fitting their unique relationship with the brand.

1. Non-Customers: Show and Tell

For folks who hadn't bought anything yet, the brand rolled out the red carpet. They shared the best parts about their products, topped with some glowing testimonials. The idea was to turn curiosity into clicks and clicks into sales.

They also ran a competition on RafflePress to enhance engagement and incentivize social sharing of their Black Friday offer.

2. Past Customers: Look What’s New

Past customers got a nudge about all the cool new features and updates. The goal was to reignite their interest and bring them back into the fold.

3. Existing Lower-Tiered Customers: Sweet Upgrade Deal

The brand made a tempting offer to their lower-tier customers: upgrade to a better plan for less than the cost of renewing the current one. It was a clever move to show the value of higher tiers for customers.

4. Top-Tier Customers: More to Love

For the loyal top-tier customers, it was all about cross-selling. The brand suggested products that complemented what they already had, making sure these suggestions added real value to their existing investments.

Results and Reflections

This targeted and thoughtful approach really paid off. Engagement, conversions, sales – everything went up. Each group felt like the brand was talking directly to them, which is a big win in the world of marketing.

This Black Friday success story is a testament to the magic of getting your email segmentation just right. By truly understanding different customer needs and speaking their language, this brand saw some amazing results.

Wrapping Up: Making the Most of WishList Member and Campaign Refinery for Awesome Member Communications

A hand reaching for a smiling face indicating a positive review.

Throughout this blog, we've seen how combining WishList Member with Campaign Refinery really steps up your member communications, bringing a fresh and effective approach to connecting with your audience.

By blending the robust functionality of WishList Member with the dynamic email capabilities of Campaign Refinery, you have the power to transform your member engagement strategies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tailored Communication: With automated tagging and segmentation, you can ensure that every message you send is relevant and personalized, deeply resonating with each member’s unique journey.
  • Enhanced Engagement: From re-engaging past members to enticing current ones to upgrade or explore new products, this integration allows you to create meaningful connections that drive loyalty and growth.
  • Measurable Results: The success stories, like the Black Friday campaign case study, demonstrate the tangible impact of well-executed, segmented communication strategies.

Now, it's your turn to experience the magic of this integration. Explore WishList Member today and see how it can elevate your platform’s communication and member engagement.

If you have any thoughts or experiences to share regarding member communications, or if you're just excited about these possibilities, drop a comment below. We love hearing from our readers!

And don’t forget, for more insightful tips and tricks on membership site management and marketing strategies, subscribe to our blog. Stay tuned, stay informed, and let's keep growing together.

Here's to your success in creating a thriving, engaged community!

Found this blog useful? Follow us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn for more tips and best practices to make the most of your membership site.

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UNMISSABLE Black Friday WordPress Deals for 2023 – LIVE NOW! https://wishlistmember.com/black-friday-deals-wordpress/ https://wishlistmember.com/black-friday-deals-wordpress/#comments Mon, 20 Nov 2023 15:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=20010 The last of the pumpkin pie may have been scoffed, but there's a whole buffet of sensational Black Friday & Cyber Monday deals just waiting for you to grab a slice! Step into a winter wonderland of exclusive offers and giveaways, perfect for elevating your online presence this holiday season!

The post UNMISSABLE Black Friday WordPress Deals for 2023 – LIVE NOW! appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
The last of the pumpkin pie may have been scoffed, but there's a whole buffet of sensational Black Friday & Cyber Monday deals just waiting for you to grab a slice! Step into a winter wonderland of WordPress Black Friday deals and giveaways, perfect for boosting your online biz this holiday season! ??❄

Feel that festive buzz? It's not just the jingle of holiday tunes or the shimmer of early snowflakes – it's the thrilling start of:


The most sparkling sales season of the year has just begun!

No need to brave the cold for these deals. They're conveniently just a click away in the warmth of your home! ?

So, light up your fireplace, settle into your comfiest chair and get ready to save hundreds on the most sought-afer WordPress tools and services. Each offer is like an early gift, ready to unwrap immense savings.

Lat's go! Black Friday WordPress deals


  • Keep an eye on those start and end dates and make sure to sync your calendar to snag all your deals!
  • We're tossing in NEW bargains daily til December 2. Keep coming back for more jaw-dropping finds.

WishList Member: Up To 65% Off

Get ultimate flexibility with WishList Member, the WordPress membership plugin for established online businesses and creators that plays nice with almost anything you throw at it.

Boost customer loyalty with an exclusive community, expand your offerings with an intuitive online course builder, paywall your content however you please, and start raking in recurring revenue. It's all made easy as a slice of pumpkin pie with WishList Member.

Packed with features like content dripping and tons of integrations, WishList Member gives you full control over how you make money from your online content.

WishList Member Black Friday

Coupon Code: BF2023
Giveaway: iPad Air
Good From: Now thru Nov 24

Pretty Links: Up To 70% Off!

Pretty Links takes the cake as the easiest and most straightforward way to shorten URLs and cloak links out there. This plugin is an affiliate's dream, making it a breeze to cut down, keep tabs on, and spread affiliate links around.

Turn up the dial on affiliate earnings from your current content, all without any extra effort.

Pretty Links Black Friday

Coupon Code: BF2023
Giveaway: iPad Air
Good From: Now thru Nov 24

Easy Affiliate: Up To 70% Off

Easy Affiliate is your comprehensive affiliate program plugin for WordPress. Outsource your sales team and pay zero transaction fees with a fully hosted, all-in-one tool for affiliate merchants.

With plug-in-and-play WooCommerce and membership site integrations, you can be set to go in minutes. Start harnessing the power of referral marketing today and watch sales soar by up to 30% with this high-reward, low-risk sales strategy.

Easy Affiliate Black Friday

Coupon Code: BF2023
Giveaway: iPad Air
Good From: Now thru Nov 24

ThirstyAffiliates: Up To 70% Off

ThirstyAffiliates is the Swiss Army knife of link cloaking, packed with specialized bells and whistles aimed at helping affiliates and bloggers rake in the cash.

This tool can automatically link up keywords, use location-based links, toggle link visibility on or off, repair any busted or stale links right on the user-facing side, and so much more.

ThirstyAffiliates Black Friday

Coupon Code: BF2023
Giveaway: iPad Air
Good From: Now thru Nov 24

semrush black friday 2023

Semrush: 30% Off Pro and Guru Plans

Unleash the might of data-backed choices with Semrush! Kick guesswork to the curb and give a warm welcome to SEO victories.

This comprehensive toolkit does more than just boost your rankings – it reveals money-making keywords and lets you keep tabs on the competition, all in real-time.

Ideal for WishList Member aficionados aiming to skyrocket their online presence. Keep an eye out for their Black Friday offer – it's a total game-changer every time!

Semrush Black Friday

Coupon Code: Automatic
Good From: Now thru Dec 1, 2023

wp forms black friday

WPForms: Up To 70% Off!

Say goodbye to boring forms and get smitten with WPForms – the drag-and-drop form wizard that's as simple as A-B-C.

Ideal for creators aiming to whip up custom signup forms, surveys, or even payment portals without any hassle.

Come this Black Friday, opt for the clever form solution and watch your conversion rates take flight!

WPForms Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Giveaway: 15″ MacBook Air
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

affiliatewp logo

AffiliateWP: Up To 70% Off

Why go solo when you can rally the troops? AffiliateWP simplifies the process of launching and running your own affiliate initiative.

Turn your devoted customers and members into your very own brand champions, earning a little cash while boosting your bottom line.

It's a mutual victory you'll definitely want to be a part of, especially with their Black Friday extravaganza looming on the horizon!

AffiliateWP Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Giveaway: Apple Watch Ultra 2
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

Business Directory Plugin: Up To $175 Off

Recognized as the most dependable directory plugin for WordPress, Business Directory Plugin is your go-to for crafting anything from a member directory to a Yelp-like platform. This versatile plugin offers a comprehensive solution for all your directory needs.

Mark your calendars for the can't-miss Business Directory Plugin Black Friday event!

Business Directory Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Giveaway: 13-inch MacBook Air
Good From: Nov 13 thru Nov 28

smash balloon black friday

Smash Balloon: Up To 70% Off!

Elevate your website by importing the social media magic directly with Smash Balloon.

From Instagram snapshots to Twitter chatter and Facebook news, this plugin simplifies it all. It's the go-to for anyone aiming to keep their audience engaged without ever having to exit your site.

This Black Friday, streamline your social game and grab that deal!

Smash Balloon Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Giveaway: MacBook Air M1
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

Formidable Forms: Up to 65% OFF

Formidable Forms takes your WordPress form data and turns it into interactive web applications effortlessly.

From designing polls and surveys to creating calculators and job boards, this plugin offers a comprehensive solution for those wanting to boost their website's capabilities beyond mere forms.

Formidable Forms Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Giveaway: 13-inch MacBook Air
Good From: Nov 13 thru Nov 29

adsanity logo

AdSanity: 30% OFF!

Looking to make your WordPress site an ad-hosting hero without cluttering your content? Look no further than AdSanity. This plugin lets you effortlessly show Google AdSense, banner ads, and affiliate links on your site. Quick and simple!

AdSanity Black Friday

Coupon Code: ADJINGLE30
Valid From: Nov 24 to Dec 1

Don't miss the chance to save—mark your calendar for AdSanity's Black Friday deals!

monster insights black friday

MonsterInsights: Up To 70% Off!

Eliminate the uncertainty from your expansion plans with MonsterInsights. This isn't just another analytics plugin – it's your own data sleuth, digging up the key insights you need to elevate your platform's prowess.

From tracking visitor actions to identifying content hotspots, get the complete scoop right from your WordPress dashboard.

This Black Friday, turbocharge your analytics and pave the way for unparalleled growth!

Monster Insights Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 20 to Dec 1

WP Dark Mode Black Friday

WP Dark Mode: Up To 50% Off!

Fed up with screen glare messing with your mojo? WP Dark Mode by WP Pool swoops in to rescue both your day and your vision.

Automatically flipping each web page to a calming dark mode, it's your go-to gadget for a more relaxed and efficient digital workday.

This Black Friday, treat your eyes to some well-deserved relief and make screen time a walk in the park!

WP Dark Mode Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Now thru Nov 27

wp live table sync black friday

WP Live Table Sync: Up To 83% Off!

Tired of bouncing back and forth between Google Sheets and your WordPress site? Meet your new best friend: Google Sheets to WordPress Table Live Sync by WP Pool.

This plugin takes the hassle out of data management by auto-updating your WordPress tables whenever you tweak something in Google Sheets. Imagine having a round-the-clock data aide, streamlining your online tasks and boosting your efficiency.

Keep an eye out for their Black Friday deal and make managing your data as easy as pie!

WP Live Table Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Now thru Nov 27

Jitsi Meet Black Friday

Jitsi Meet: Up To 83% Off!

Skip the third-party apps and bring the conversation directly to your community with the Jitsi Meet Plugin.

Perfect for membership hubs and small digital enterprises, this plugin embeds secure, top-notch video conferencing right into your platform. Whether you're running webinars, hosting member-only gatherings, or providing virtual consults, do it all without ever exiting your site.

This Black Friday, transform your platform into the ultimate destination for meaningful connections!

Jitsi Meet Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Now thru Nov 27

Easy Video Reviews Black Friday

Easy Video Reviews: Up To 76% Off!

Boost your member and customer journey with Easy Video Reviews.

This plugin is a total game-changer for membership sites and small online ventures, letting your users drop video testimonials directly on your platform.

Leverage these genuine reviews to foster trust, enhance your offerings, and ramp up conversions. This Black Friday, put your money where the feedback is and supercharge your growth!

Easy Video Reviews Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Now thru Nov 27

memberpress logo

MemberPress: Up To 65% Off

MemberPress is the all-in-one solution for monetizing your content and generating recurring revenue. Around the world, small businesses to 7-figure creators use MemberPress to galvanize subscribers, build and sell online courses, protect content, sell digital downloads and more.

Start getting paid for the content you create with MemberPress this Black Friday.

MemberPress Black Friday

Coupon Code: BF2023
Giveaway: 14″ MacBook Pro
Good From: Now thru Nov 24

divi black friday

Divi: Up To 60% Off!

Unleash endless potential and creative liberty for digital trailblazers with Divi by Elegant Themes – the undisputed champ of WordPress page builders.

Custom-crafted for all types of online enterprises, Divi delivers unmatched design versatility without the coding headaches.

Craft eye-catching landing pages, exclusive member zones, or even a full-fledged ecommerce shop with the simplicity of drag-and-drop. This Black Friday, put your resources into a tool that turns your dream into a digital masterpiece!

Divi Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 21

elementor Black Friday

Elementor: Up to 46% Off

Construct it smarter and make it uniquely yours with Elementor. Seize the reins of your digital future by designing your site with the world's most potent page builder.

Elementor enables you to whip up everything from mesmerizing homepages to fortified member areas – and you won't have to mess with a single line of code.

This Black Friday, supercharge your platform with the ultimate design arsenal and bring your dream business to life!

Elementor Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto-applied
Good From: Nov. 21-24, 2023

optinmonster black friday

OptinMonster: Up To 62% Off!

In the world of membership sites and small online businesses, each touchpoint is a golden opportunity. OptinMonster lets you grab these moments with high-performing opt-in forms and pop-ups.

Transform fleeting visitors into committed members or devoted customers, all while sharpening your marketing game with live analytics.

This Black Friday, put your money into a tool that captures more than just emails – it captures victories!

OptinMonster Black Friday

Giveaway: 13″ Macbook Air M1
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

canva black friday

Canva: Check Website For Details

In the digital landscape, visuals are your secret weapon. Canva is the design ally that allows membership site owners and small online businesses to create eye-catching graphics without needing a design degree.

From social media visuals to member-only content, make every pixel work for you. That's totally doable with Canva!

This Black Friday, boost your brand's visual game and create a lasting impact.

Canva Black Friday

rafflepress black friday

RafflePress: Up To 65% Off!

Whoever said scaling your online venture has to be a drag? With RafflePress, you can effortlessly launch and manage giveaways that not only captivate your audience but also encourage actions like sign-ups, shares, and buys.

RafflePress is your go-to gadget for generating excitement and cultivating a devoted community.

This Black Friday, spice up your engagement game and make it a win-win with RafflePress!

RafflePress Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 24 thru Dec 1

MemberMouse logo

MemberMouse: Up To 65% Off

MemberMouse is the membership plugin of choice for thousands of enterprise-level organizations. With a long-standing reputation as a robust yet flexible tool, thousands of online entrepreneurs have built successful membership sites and online courses with MemberMouse.

Whether you're looking to build an online community, protect your content or establish an educational hub for your business, MemberMouse is an intuitive, unified and extensible tool that will get you there.

MemberMouse Black Friday

Coupon Code: BF2023
Giveaway: iPad Air
Good From: Now thru Nov 24

Subscribe to the MemberMouse blog for updates about their Black Friday sales and giveaways.

Surfshark VPN & Antivirus black friday

Surfshark VPN & Antivirus: Up To 86% Off!

In the world of membership sites and small online businesses, tranquility is worth its weight in gold.

Hailing from the Netherlands, Surfshark is a virtual private network (VPN) that offers exactly that—a fortress of security for you and your members or customers.

Relish in encrypted data, secure transactions, and a malware-free zone. This Black Friday, choose Surfshark as your stronghold for unshakeable security!

Surfshark VPN & Antivirus Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 17

woocommerce black friday

WooCommerce: Check Website For Details

Aiming to cash in on your membership site or expand your small online venture? WooCommerce is your all-in-one hub for everything ecommerce.

Whether you're selling digital goodies or tangible goods, create a storefront that mirrors your brand's uniqueness. Pair it with WishList Member, and you're set to elevate your online business to stratospheric heights!

This Black Friday, build the bedrock for a flourishing commerce universe with WooCommerce!

WooCommerce Black Friday


WP Mail SMTP: Up To $150 Off

When it comes to your membership site or small online business, email deliverability is a game-changer.

WP Mail SMTP makes sure your crucial emails hit the mark—right in the inbox. Whether it's member alerts or order confirmations, send out emails that get noticed, not neglected.

This Black Friday, become the inbox champion your platform needs with WP Mail SMTP!

WP Mail SMTP Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

AIOSEO: Up To 70% Off!

SEO is more than just industry jargon—it's a vital cog in your business machine. All in One SEO (AIOSEO) is the toolkit that hands you the keys to your site's search engine destiny.

Perfect for digital enterprises of all kinds, AIOSEO provides a full suite of features, from keyword fine-tuning to schema markup.

This Black Friday, eliminate the mystery from SEO and prime your platform for search engine stardom!

AIOSEO Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Giveaway: iPhone 15 Pro Max + Apple Watch Ultra 2
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

ExactMetrics: Up To 70% Off

Tap into the untapped power of your membership site or small online venture with ExactMetrics.

This beefy analytics tool gives you a crystal-clear snapshot of what's fueling your wins, from user involvement to sales turnarounds.

Make choices backed by solid data and guide your platform to soaring success. Keep an eye out for their Black Friday offer—it's your gateway to intelligent expansion!

ExactMetrics Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

TrustPulse: Up To 60% Off!

In the digital marketplace, trust is as good as gold, and TrustPulse helps you rake it in.

This social proof plugin displays real-time actions and glowing testimonials, injecting a dose of confidence (and a dash of FOMO!) into your prospective members or customers.

The payoff? A boost in trust and a spike in conversions. This Black Friday, turn to TrustPulse for that credibility factor and see your sales take off!

TrustPulse Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 20 thru Dec 1

Jasper.ai : Check Website For Details

Wave farewell to writer's block and greet a world of limitless content options with Jasper.ai.

This AI-driven writing wizard is your go-to for churning out everything from compelling blog articles to captivating email blasts.

Conserve time, uphold your brand's voice, and captivate your members or customers like you've never done before. This Black Friday, put your money on Jasper.ai and let your language do the lifting!

Jasper.ai Black Friday

GoTo Meeting: Up to 16% Off

Elevate your remote pow-wows to pro status with GoToMeeting.

This video conferencing dynamo is a total game-changer for membership sites and small online enterprises, packing perks like screen sharing, live chat, and crystal-clear HD video.

Keep your squad in sync and your members or customers hooked, all within a single secure environment. This Black Friday, choose GoToMeeting as your epicenter for flawless virtual teamwork!

GoTo Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto-applied
Good From: Now thru Nov. 24, 2023


PushEngage: Up To 60% Off!

Keep yourself front and center in the minds of your members or customers with PushEngage. This nifty push notification plugin lets you shoot real-time updates, special deals, and news straight to user gadgets.

It's a savvy strategy to amp up engagement, funnel traffic, and bump up sales, all without bombarding your audience. This Black Friday, opt for smarter engagement with PushEngage!

PushEngage Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 20 – Dec 1

Adobe Black Friday

Adobe Creative Cloud: Save 50% Off

Boost your creative chops with Adobe Creative Cloud. From Photoshop wizardry to Premiere Pro expertise, it's all just a click away in the cloud.

Ideal for membership site owners and small online businesses who want to take their visual content and brand look to the next level.

This Black Friday, make Adobe Creative Cloud your go-to for all things creative!

Adobe Creative Cloud Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto-applied
Good From: 
Now thru Nov. 24, 2023

Gravity Forms: 50% Off!

Revolutionize your approach to data collection and management with Gravity Forms. This robust form builder is an essential tool for any online enterprise.

Craft anything from straightforward contact forms to intricate surveys. Simplify your data gathering, boost user interaction, and make informed choices—all without touching a line of code!

This Black Friday, up your forms ante with Gravity Forms!

Gravity Forms Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto applied
Good From: Nov 21 – Nov 28

myCred black friday

myCred: Save 23%

Ready to turn your WordPress site into an engagement hotspot? With myCred points, you're not just making sign-ups and renewals a sweet deal—you're also rolling out a custom loyalty program that keeps your members hooked.

From points and ranks to badges, you're crafting more than just rewards; you're building a community experience that's too good to resist. And the cherry on top? Customize your own myCred point types to vibe seamlessly with your brand.

myCred Black Friday

Coupon Code: BFCM23
Good From:
Nov 20 thru Dec 4

visual composer black friday

Visual Composer: Save 40%

Visual Composer is making this Black Friday/Cyber Monday a real treat—up to 40% off all premium plans! It's your golden ticket to a world of premium features that make web design a breeze. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, you'll be crafting websites that look like a million bucks, no coding needed.

Visual Composer Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Good From:
Nov 20 thru Nov 29

Wholesale Suite: Save 60%

Take your WooCommerce store to new heights with Wholesale Suite, now featuring an unmissable Black Friday deal! Trusted by more than 25,000 store owners, this suite simplifies your wholesale order management like never before.

Experience the power of the Starter Bundle, which includes the essential Wholesale Prices and Lead Capture plugins. Now at a remarkable 60% discount, the bundle has dropped from $198/year to only $79.20. Effortlessly manage wholesale pricing, set minimum purchase requirements, and apply tiered discounts with just a few clicks.

And there's more – enter their biggest giveaway of the year for a chance to win a top-notch 15-inch MacBook Air with an M2 chip. Elevate your WooCommerce operations with Wholesale Suite this Black Friday!

Wholesale Suite Black Friday

Giveaway: 15-inch MacBook Air
Coupon Code: Auto-applied
Validity: Nov 1, 2023 – Nov 30, 2023

Advanced Coupons: Save 60%

Power up your WooCommerce store with Advanced Coupons, now offering an incredible 60% discount on its Starter Bundle. Loved by more than 15,000 store owners, Advanced Coupons enhances your coupon capabilities like never before.

For just $95.20, down from $238, you get the Starter Bundle, which includes Advanced Coupons Premium and Loyalty Program, plus over 85 extra gift card designs at no extra cost. This is ideal for driving sales and increasing customer interaction with creative coupon tactics.

And there's an exciting opportunity: enter their grand giveaway to win a high-performance 15-inch MacBook Air with an M2 chip. Boost your marketing strategies with Advanced Coupons this Black Friday!

Advanced Coupons Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Good From:
Nov 20 thru Nov 24
Giveaway: MacBook Air w M2 Chip

WC Vendors: Save 60%

Boost your online marketplace to new levels with WC Vendors, the top choice for over 10,000 stores. This Black Friday, grab the chance to get their Business Plan, tailored for marketplace success, at an incredible 60% off.

Previously at $599/year, it's now just $239.60, offering you the opportunity to enhance your marketplace with top-notch tools and features at a fraction of the cost. WC Vendors equips you to expand and refine your marketplace with ease and confidence.

Additionally, take part in their exciting giveaway to possibly win a cutting-edge 15-inch MacBook Air, equipped with the M2 chip for unparalleled speed and a vibrant Liquid Retina display. Make this Black Friday count by revolutionizing your marketplace with WC Vendors!

WC Vendors Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Good From:
Nov 20 thru Nov 24
Giveaway: MacBook Air w M2 Chip

Visser Labs: Save 60%

Optimize your data management effortlessly with Visser Labs, a favorite among over 10,000 stores for their exceptional importer and exporter plugins. This Black Friday, seize the opportunity with up to 60% off on their flagship offerings.

Get the Store Exporter Deluxe, originally priced at $199, now for just $79. It simplifies the process of exporting orders, subscriptions, and products to Excel or Google Sheets, making your workflow more efficient.

Also available at a significant discount is the Product Importer Deluxe, perfect for bulk importing a vast array of WooCommerce products, complete with comprehensive support for custom fields and extensions. Enhance your store's data handling capabilities and make the most of significant savings with Visser Labs this Black Friday!

Visser Labs Black Friday

Coupon Code: Auto Applied
Good From:
Nov 20 thru Nov 24
Giveaway: MacBook Air w M2 Chip

Don't forget to bookmark this and check back… new deals come in daily! ?

The post UNMISSABLE Black Friday WordPress Deals for 2023 – LIVE NOW! appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
https://wishlistmember.com/black-friday-deals-wordpress/feed/ 7
How To Boost WordPress Website Speed: Tips and Tools for Lightning Load Times https://wishlistmember.com/how-to-boost-wordpress-website-speed/ https://wishlistmember.com/how-to-boost-wordpress-website-speed/#comments Thu, 02 Nov 2023 14:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=21684 Pedal to the floor! Get the best tools, tips, and best practices to boost your WordPress website speed in a flash. Level up user experience, improve conversion rates, and add gas to your website’s search engine rankings. 

The post How To Boost WordPress Website Speed: Tips and Tools for Lightning Load Times appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
Pedal to the floor! Get the best tools, tips, and best practices to boost your WordPress website speed in a flash. Level up user experience, improve conversion rates, and add gas to your website’s search engine rankings. 

It's no secret that speed is a major demand for online consumers. In the age of TikTok and Amazon Prime, a fast website is non-negotiable. 

For better or worse, the simple fact is our patience died with dialup and Limewire. Now if your site takes more than a couple of seconds to load, you’re in trouble. 

No one likes waiting around. Not your visitors, not search engines, and definitely not you. 

So, we’ve loaded this blog with tips and tools on how to boost your WordPress website's speed.  

We'll walk you through why WishList Member is your go-to for a speed-optimized site and pair it with some killer tools to send your site supersonic! 

Let’s go go go!

Kid dressed as Evel Knievel speeding off on his scooter

Why Site Speed is Important

Hey, welcome to the fast lane! Let's cut the chase – speed is a make-or-break factor for your website for two main reasons:

1. Fast Loading is Critical For User Engagement

You know that frustration that sets in when you click on a site and – ugh – it's taking its sweet time? You're not alone. 

53% of mobile users will abandon a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. That's over half your audience saying “thanks, but no thanks.”

Still not convinced? How about this: a one-second delay in page load time can lead to a 7% loss in conversions. Ouch! Long story short: if your website is dragging its feet, you're watching money walk out the door.

2. Speed's Impact on SEO

But it's not just your human visitors you need to worry about – search engines are picky too. Google has been using site speed as a ranking factor since 2010. If you’re late to the party, you’ll be at the end of a long line of search results. 

Think about it: faster sites create happy users, and Google is all about user experience. So, if you're wondering why your site is stuck on page 10 of search results, maybe it's time to look under the hood and get things running smoothly.


How to Measure Your WordPress Website's Speed: Know Where You Stand

Before you get to work on amping up your website's speed, you've got to know where you're starting from. It's like timing your first 5k run – you need a baseline to measure your progress.

Remember, 3 seconds is the tipping point when mobile users will abandon your site. But Google sets the number a little lower, at 2.5 seconds. 

Whatever your current speed, there’s always room for improvement. For every 100 milliseconds cut off a site’s loading time, bounce rates drop and conversion rates rise. 

So where does your site currently stand?

Here are a couple of free, go-to tools to help you figure out if your site is a hare or a tortoise:

Google PageSpeed Insights

Straight from the horse's mouth. Google's tool gives you a detailed analysis of your site's speed on both desktop and mobile. It even offers suggestions for improvement.

Google PageSpeed Insights Screenshot


 This is another excellent tool that goes beyond just loading time. It gives you a complete performance report and tips on things like optimizing images and leveraging browser caching.

GTmetrix screenshot

Run these tests to get an idea of what's slowing you down. Armed with this knowledge, you can target your speed-boosting efforts where they'll have the most impact.

Basic Tips for Speeding Up WordPress – No Rocket Science Required

Before we dig deeper into how WishList Member can rev up your website, let's cover some foundational speed-boosting hacks. Consider these the low-hanging fruit – easy to implement but with an undeniable impact on your website's speed.

1. Image Optimization

Let's start simple: those pretty pictures? They're heavy. 

Use tools like ShortPixel or Smush to compress and optimize your images without sacrificing quality. 

You could cut your image size in half, making them load faster and keeping your visitors happy.

ShortPixel image optimization homepage screenshot

2. Caching

Browser caching stores static files locally, so returning visitors don’t have to reload the entire page. Plugins like WP Super Cache can automate this for you. 

WP Super Cache WordPress Download

3. Minification

Ever look at a website's code? It’s like a foreign language with extra spaces and characters. Minification strips out all the unnecessary stuff, making your site lighter and faster. 

There are several great free plugins can do this for you, so no excuses! Autoptimize is a popular option.

Autoptimize WordPress

4. Reduce Server Requests – Choose a Sleek Theme

The more elements on a page – like scripts, images, and CSS files – the more server requests are needed to load it. 

One immediate action you can take? Choose a sleek and streamlined theme for your website. 

Many themes come packed with widgets, sliders, and flashy elements that are server request hogs. 

Opt for a theme that gives you just what you need, and nothing more. This will not only improve your site speed but also make for a cleaner, more user-friendly design. After all, when speed is the goal, less really is more.

5. Leverage Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

Want to go global? Use a CDN like Cloudflare to distribute your content around the world. This way, a user in Australia isn’t waiting for your server in the U.S. to wake up.

CloudFlare CDN

6. Opt for Optimized Hosting

Think of hosting as the home of your website. Would you rather live in a sluggish, crowded apartment or a zippy, well-maintained mansion? Services like WP Engine offer specialized hosting that’s tailored for WordPress speed.

And there you have it! These are some straightforward steps you can take today to see an immediate improvement in your WordPress site's speed. 

Why WishList Member is a Speed-Savvy Choice for Membership Sites

So you've tuned up your website with some basic speed fixes. You’ve trimmed it of the unnecessary bloat. 

But running a membership site or an online course often means grappling with plugins that can put a drag on your site speed. 

Not so with WishList Member. 

WishList Member Homepage

For those who want to keep things zippy, WishList Member is the MVP of plugins. Let's get into it.

Regular Updates for Speed Optimization

In the dynamic world of WordPress and website performance, standing still is falling behind. That’s why WishList Member is frequently updated. 

This helps ensure that your membership site remains optimized for speed and security.

Compatibility With Speed-Optimizing Plugins

Have a favorite speed-boosting plugin or two? No problem. WishList Member gets along with your existing speed-optimizing plugins.

Whether you’re using caching solutions or image optimization tools, WishList Member aims to slide right into your existing ecosystem without throwing a wrench in the works.

Tailored Caching for Your Membership Site

WishList Member doesn't just lean on WordPress’s built-in caching; it takes it up a notch. With compatibility for persistent caching plugins like WP Super Cache, it adds another layer of speed to your site.

But while caching is great news for loading speeds, it can be a double-edged sword for membership platforms.

WishList Member has a smart solution. Caching for logged-in users can serve stale or incorrect content, disrupt personalized experiences, and even pose security risks. WishList Member has a Cookie Prefix setting which you can use to bypass caching for logged-in members.

This ensures your members get real-time, personalized content without compromising on speed or security.

Streamlining Content Creation and Membership Management

Running a membership site involves a lot of moving parts, and each additional task – whether it's content creation or member management – can potentially slow down your website. 

That’s why you need a plugin that streamlines these tasks without compromising on speed. Enter WishList Member.

WishList Member's intuitive dashboard doesn't just simplify content creation; it also minimizes the clicks and time needed for administrative tasks, contributing to a more efficient – and therefore faster – website. 

When you spend less time toggling between settings and screens, you reduce server load and increase your site’s responsiveness.

On the management side, the speed and ease of use continue to shine. Whether you're looking to add new member levels or shift existing members from one level to another, WishList Member makes it a breeze. 

The user interface is snappy, ensuring that you don't have to wait around while making these critical changes. 

Plus, the capability to perform multiple membership functions en masse means you’re not bogged down with one-by-one adjustments.

This reduces the time and server resources spent on admin tasks, indirectly contributing to a faster, more efficient website.

In Conclusion: 

So now you’re up to speed on all you need to know! From grasping the essential role of a speed-optimized site in both user engagement and SEO, to implementing basic yet impactful fixes, we've covered it all. 

And for those running membership sites or online courses, WishList Member stands out as an invaluable ally for maintaining a brisk and seamless user experience.

Speed isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have. A faster website doesn't just please your visitors; it also offers you a competitive edge in search engine rankings. 

Every second counts, and now you're armed with the knowledge and tools to make each one work in your favor.

Ready to shift into high gear? Get WishList Member today and supercharge your WordPress membership site's speed and performance!

Apply these tips and tricks, invest in WishList Member, and watch your site transition from laggy to lightning-fast. Happy speeding! 

Got any tips to share with the WishList Member community? Let us know in the comments section below.

Found this blog useful? Follow us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn for more tips and best practices to make the most of your membership site.

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Boosting Engagement and Conversions: 5 Exciting Ways to Use Divi and WishList Member https://wishlistmember.com/5-creative-ways-of-using-divi-and-wishlist-member/ https://wishlistmember.com/5-creative-ways-of-using-divi-and-wishlist-member/#comments Thu, 26 Oct 2023 14:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=3381 Elevate your website to new heights by combining Divi's unmatched design flexibility with WishList Member's robust membership features! This guide reveals exciting, actionable ways to boost member engagement, customize user experiences, and grow your online community like never before.

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Elevate your website to new heights by combining Divi's unmatched design flexibility with WishList Member's robust membership features! This guide reveals exciting, actionable ways to boost member engagement, customize user experiences, and grow your online community like never before.

Imagine a pairing so powerful, so efficient, it takes your website to a whole new level. That's what you get from the Divi and WishList Member integration.

This combination brings together the standout design brilliance of Divi with the formidable membership mastery of WishList Member.

This software integration is your toolkit to making membership sites that are both glamorous and seamlessly functional.

Ready to discover this digital dynamo? Then, let's go!

Integrate Divi with Your WishList Member Site

Haven't integrated Divi into your WishList Member site yet? No worries – getting started is a breeze!

Follow these steps to bring the dynamic features of Divi right into your membership ecosystem.

Step 1: Download the Divi Builder Plugin

Divi Homepage

First off, make sure you download the Divi builder plugin to your computer.

Step 2: Install Divi Builder on WordPress

Navigate to the WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin. Click the Upload Plugin button and then browse your computer to find and select the Divi Builder plugin file you downloaded earlier.

Hit the Install Now button, and once the installation is complete, click Activate.

Step 3: Enable Divi in WishList Member

After successfully installing the Divi Builder plugin, head to the WishList Member dashboard.

From there, go to Setup > Integrations > Other Services. You'll find Divi listed among the options. Simply select it and enable the integration.

You'll be greeted with a message indicating that no additional configuration within WishList Member is necessary for this integration – it's that simple!

The integration is now either enabled or disabled based on your preference.

Step 4: Explore Advanced Settings in Divi

Now, with the integration active, you'll find WishList Member has introduced a new setting inside the Divi Builder. Specifically, this setting appears in the Advanced Options tab when you’re working on Divi Sections, Rows, and so forth.

This incredible feature enables you to set access restrictions on Divi’s Sections and Rows. This allows you to really fine-tune your member experience.

Want to allow only logged-in users to see a particular part of a page? Or maybe you'd like to grant access only to users with specific membership levels?

All of this becomes possible with the integrated powers of Divi and WishList Member.

5 Creative Ways of Using Divi and WishList Member

1. Boost Your Member’s Area with Show-Stopping Style

If you ever wanted your membership site to look like a million bucks, Divi's got your back. When you use Divi's rich design features, you can make your members' area visually appealing and incredibly functional.

This isn't just about slapping on some premium images and fonts; it's about employing Divi's range of modules like the Gallery Module for showcasing community photos or the Video Slider for tutorials.

With thoughtful design, you can improve the user journey, making it easier for members to find what they're looking for, be it forums, new courses, or downloadable resources.

2. Craft Tailored Pages for Each Member for A VIP Experience

One-size-fits-all is so last decade. With WishList Member, you can give each member their own tailored space through our detailed profile fields and tag-based classification system that lets you segment your members.

You can display content based on a member's level, preferences, or even their activity. For instance, you can highlight resources for beginners in one section while offering advanced tutorials in another.

When members log in, they're greeted with content tailored to their status or preferences. The goal is to make every member feel like the VIP of their own experience, which encourages longer subscription periods and higher engagement.

3. Elevate Learning With Unique Course Layouts

With Divi and CourseCure's layout packs and A/B testing capabilities, you can continually refine your course experience. You can use collapsible modules for course outlines and add interactive FAQs.

But the key is data-driven design: use the split testing feature to test different layout elements and get concrete data on what engages your users most effectively. This makes courses not just aesthetically pleasing but also functionally effective.

199+ profitable course ideas

4. Organizing Member-Only Menus

Exclusive menus aren't just a cosmetic upgrade; they're a functional one. WishList Member allows you to create multi-level menus based on membership level or categories.

This means you can have a specific menu for free members, another for paid members, and even specialized menus for different course categories.

By doing so, you guide your members toward the content they value most, making your platform easier to use and reducing the bounce rate.

5. Engage Members With Interactive Content

Quizzes and interactive polls aren’t just gimmicks; they're effective educational tools.

With Divi and CourseCure's interactive elements, you can add real-time quizzes at the end of each course section or interactive polls to gather feedback.

These features serve dual purposes: they keep members engaged and give you valuable data to improve your content.

Remember, these are just the highlights! If you want to see these strategies in action, be sure to watch the video below. Trust us, the visual guide will give you all the ‘aha' moments you need.

How Divi and WishList Member Elevate Your Website

The fusion of Divi's cutting-edge design tools with WishList Member's robust membership capabilities produces a truly optimized user experience.

You design your website with Divi’s intuitive interface, and WishList Member effortlessly manages the membership aspects.

This integration streamlines your operations, saving you both time and effort. Here are only some of the best ways this power duo elevates your membership site:

Personalized Dynamic Content Display

You can offer personalized experiences to different members, thanks to the dynamic content feature. For example, let's say you want to greet new members with a welcome message.

Or maybe you want to show exclusive offers only to VIP members. You can do all that and more.

With Divi and WishList Member, you're able to display content based on what type of member is logged in. This keeps people engaged because they feel like you're speaking directly to them.

Seamless Sign-Ups and Logins

The last thing anyone wants is a tedious registration process. This will cause you to lose potential members before they even join!

The good news is, integrating Divi and WishList Member eliminates any friction when new users sign up. The entire registration process happens within the environment of a Divi landing page.

Once they're in, WishList Member takes the reins, setting up their membership profile without a hitch. And it doesn't stop there.

Logging in is also a breeze with Divi’s specialized login module. It's this kind of seamless experience that keeps your members happy and engaged.

Create a WordPress website with membership login

Boost Your Marketing Strategy With Data-Driven Information

Divi's powerful analytics tools paired with WishList Member's reporting features mean you're never in the dark about how your site is performing. You'll get insights into member behavior, popular content, and even dropout rates.

This invaluable information can be your guiding star for future content planning and marketing strategies.

Strong Community Support You Can Count On

Don't underestimate the power of a strong support network. Both Divi and WishList Member boast thriving communities and resourceful documentation.

Whether you're looking for quick fixes or looking to explore advanced features, there’s an army of fellow users and experts ready to help you out. It's this kind of community backup that turns even the most daunting challenges into manageable tasks.

The Freedom of Flexibility

Ever wish you could move walls and change colors in your home just by dragging and dropping? Well, Divi sort of lets you do that with your membership site.

With an array of design customization options and templates, you can easily craft a unique space that aligns with your brand and captivates your members.

Power-Packed Features for Functionality

But there's more to a great site than just aesthetics. Divi offers advanced features like split testing, so you can find out which designs or content actually resonate with your audience.

On the other hand, WishList Member makes it easy to release content over time with its drip content feature. This keeps members coming back for more and reduces overwhelm. It's like having a secret recipe for keeping folks engaged and satisfied!

Adapt as Your Community Grows

Starting small? No worries. Both Divi and WishList Member are designed to scale with you.

As your membership base grows, you can easily add more features, create additional content, or even launch new courses without breaking a sweat. It's like starting with a cozy café and having the blueprint to expand into a bustling franchise.

So, what's the takeaway here? Combining Divi's design wizardry with WishList Member's member management magic sets you up for a win.

You get to create a visually stunning site that also offers functional features to engage and retain your members. Talk about a power combo!

Whether you're just starting out or you've got a seasoned membership site, this dynamic duo adapts and scales right along with you.

And should you ever hit a bump, a helping hand is always just a click away thanks to the amazing community and support resources.

Excited to experience this for yourself? We encourage you to play around with integrating Divi and WishList Member.

Seriously, the sky's the limit when you combine these two!

And hey, once you've had a chance to try it out, we'd love to hear your thoughts and see your masterpieces.

So go ahead, mix and match, experiment and innovate – and don't forget to share your success stories with us in the comments below!

Found this blog useful? Follow us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn for more tips and best practices to make the most of your membership site.

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199+ Profitable Ideas For Online Courses: Monetize Like a Maestro! https://wishlistmember.com/ideas-for-online-courses/ https://wishlistmember.com/ideas-for-online-courses/#comments Thu, 19 Oct 2023 14:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=20385 Ready to be the next elearning sensation? Grab your virtual mortarboards because we're unveiling 199+ top ideas for online courses that could make you the talk of the digital campus.

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Ready to be the next elearning sensation? Grab your virtual mortarboards because we're unveiling 199+ top ideas for online courses that could make you the talk of the digital campus.

Considering launching a profitable online course in 2023? You're on the right track! The virtual chalkboards are buzzing and eclassrooms are filling up as the digital education sector grows at an exhilarating pace. The time is ripe to cash in on your expertise. 

With the right resources, you can make serious money from your knowledge. But, you might be asking yourself which topics will make me the most bank?

The good news is, there's a whole load of lucrative ideas for online course niches waiting for you to choose from. 

So, what gets your gears turning? Be it technology, art, or personal development – your enthusiasm can be your currency. With your unique skills and the right set of digital tools, you're already ahead of the curve.

In this article, we'll look at why now’s a great time to start an online course business and what to consider before you start. 

Plus, we'll unveil an extensive list of over 199 suggestions to inspire your course creation journey. 

So get your notebooks ready, class is in session!

dog reading

Why is Now a Great Time to Start an Online Course Business?

Before we delve into the Ivy League of top-performing online courses, let's chalk up some compelling reasons to set your sights on this digital educational venture.

The online course industry is skyrocketing, and now’s the perfect moment to make your mark. 

To illustrate, let's open the financial yearbook: in 2022, revenue from Learning Management Systems (LMSs) alone reached a staggering $18 billion.

Top-of-class players in the online education domain include platforms like Coursera, Skillshare, and EdX.

Coursera homepage

Successful online courses aren’t just the realm of  large corporations or conventional educational institutions like schools and colleges. If you have valuable knowledge in a particular area, you can don your virtual tweed jacket and step into the role of a teacher.

Moreover, with an intuitive Content Management System (CMS) such as WordPress, there's no need to rely on third-party platforms to market your courses. 

You can showcase them directly on your personal website, cutting out the middle man, and granting you full authority over your material.

Starting an online course business paves the way for consistent revenue streams, positioning it as a dependable and minimal-risk avenue to capitalize on your skills on an already established website.

The time is ripe for turning your wisdom into wealth.

Essential Preparations for Your Online Course Launch

Before you embark on your online course journey, let's pause for a study break to discuss some essential prep work.

Pop Quiz Q1: Have You Set Up a Website?

First on the syllabus: setting up your digital campus. You need a website. WordPress stands out as a free, open source content management system. It can help you create any type of website, including one specifically designed for an online course business.

WordPress homepage 2023

Additionally, its user-friendly design is perfect for beginners. To get started, you’ll just need to register with a web hosting provider, secure a domain name, and install WordPress. Once done, you're all set to craft and create your website.

Pop Quiz Q2: What Course Structure Would You Like To Adopt?

A popular strategy is to have students pay for each individual course. The student pays upfront for the entire course, and can access each lesson on demand.

This method can pose a financial burden on your students. They may be hesitant to fork out on a big initial payment. 

It’s also not ideal for you, the course provider. A single payment strategy lacks the predictability and regularity of a subscription model, making it trickier to forecast your cash flow and make smart investments for your business.

A good alternative is to think about creating a membership or subscription-based business. This way, you can drip course content to your students, and they can spread their payments over a longer period. 

Drip course content

This approach also enhances course engagement. With the on-demand approach, some students may feel overwhelmed by the amount of course content ahead of them if they see it all at once. Or they may binge and burnout before course completion. 

By dripping your course content, you’re helping your students pace the race through to graduation. 

Pop Quiz Q3: What Learning Management System (LMS) Will You Use?

You'll want to choose an LMS that's both robust and user-friendly, one that offers the customization you need without compromising on ease of use. 

Enter WishList Member, a WordPress plugin designed specifically for creating and managing membership sites and online courses.

WishList Member: The Versatile Solution

WishList Member Homepage

WishList Member is the perfect option for entrepreneurs and businesses who want full control over their online course offerings. 

It’s a membership and subscription plugin with all the features and capabilities of an LMS.

Unlike standard LMSs that can be restrictive in terms of customization, WishList Member offers unparalleled flexibility. Set up multiple, membership levels, protect course content, and create a dynamic and interactive learning experience for your students.

Simple and Secure Payment Integration

One of the standout features is its seamless integration with various payment gateways, providing you with multiple options to handle transactions. Whether you're using Stripe, PayPal, or other payment methods, WishList Member makes it simple.

CourseCure: Your In-House Course Builder

Embedded within WishList Member is CourseCure, a robust course builder designed to streamline the creation of your online courses. 


This tool eliminates the need to rely on third-party applications for course creation, offering you an all-in-one solution for your online education business.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive design ensures that even those without technical skills can easily navigate the course building process.
  • Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Crafting a syllabus is as easy as dragging and dropping course elements into place.
  • Content Scheduling: CourseCure allows you to schedule the release of your content, giving you full control over the learning pace of your students.
  • Interactive Quizzes and Assessments: Easily create engaging quizzes and assessments to monitor student progress and increase engagement.
  • Gamification: Use points and badges to enhance student engagement and increase course completion rates.

With WishList Member and CourseCure, you not only gain a reliable LMS but also an integrated course builder that simplifies the technical aspects of offering an online course. 

This combination provides a comprehensive, low-risk solution for your online educational venture, making it easier for you to focus on delivering quality content.

Over 199 Profitable Ideas for Online Courses in 2023: Top-Performing Subjects Unveiled

Now that we've laid the groundwork, it's time to explore our comprehensive list of over 199 profitable online course ideas for 2023.

To make your search easier, we've sorted these potential subjects into major themes and niches that we’ve seen grow in popularity over the years.

Woman giving a speech

Self-Improvement Digital Course Suggestions

Let’s start in the realm of personal growth. Here are some promising ideas for online course for you to explore:

  1. Mastering interview techniques
  2. Effective study strategies
  3. Art of public speaking
  4. Navigating career progression
  5. Addressing and resolving conflicts
  6. The science of negotiation
  7. Building resilience in challenging times
  8. Enhancing emotional intelligence
  9. Promoting positive psychology
  10. Understanding and practicing ethics
  11. Courses addressing anti-racism
  12. Exploring diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
  13. Boosting productivity
  14. Efficient time management techniques
  15. Leadership skills and development

As you can see, the self-improvement category is HUGE and offers many subjects to consider.

Piggy bank

Online Course Ideas for Personal Finance

Next, let’s explore the realm of personal finance. 

People with a keen interest in this area often possess significant capital (or at least hope to!). This makes them great candidates for investing in online courses, as long as you showcase your expertise and credibility.

Here's a curated list of course topics tailored for the personal finance domain:

  1. Foundations of personal finance
  2. Mastering the art of budgeting
  3. Strategies for effective savings
  4. Navigating interest rates and debt management
  5. Highlighting personal investment avenues
  6. Introduction to micro-investing
  7. Insights into real estate investment
  8. Planning for a comfortable retirement
  9. Managing and optimizing employee benefits
  10. Comprehensive guides to personal finance software
  11. Financial roadmap for young adults
  12. Exploring the world of cryptocurrency
  13. Achieving financial well-being
  14. Stock trading techniques and strategies
  15. Tailored financial planning (e.g., preparing for a new baby, home acquisition, etc.)

This is another big niche, allowing you to either provide a holistic overview or provide niche-specific financial objectives, such as saving up for a vehicle or home purchase.

Man producing music

Digital Music Course Ideas

For those blessed with musical talent, the online space offers many opportunities to share and teach. Here's a compilation of potential music course topics:

  1. Understanding music theory
  2. The art of music composition
  3. Techniques in vocal training
  4. Piano mastery
  5. Guitar essentials
  6. Rhythms in drumming
  7. Bass guitar fundamentals
  8. Violin virtuosity
  9. Cello craftsmanship
  10. Clarinet clarity
  11. Trumpet techniques
  12. Insights into music production
  13. Journey through music history
  14. Exploring concert technology
  15. Improvisational Jazz

The beauty of this field lies in its depth and breadth. For instance, if you're passionate about music history, you could curate a series exploring the evolution of various genres or the legacy of iconic rock bands.

Person cooking

Digital Culinary Course Ideas

As highlighted by GlobalNewswire, the online culinary domain is projected to reach an impressive valuation of nearly $486 million by 2027. 

For culinary enthusiasts, be it professionals or home chefs, this presents endless opportunities. We’ve cooked up these profitable ideas for courses related to food and drink:

  1. Culinary basics for novices
  2. Economical cooking techniques
  3. Plant-based and vegan culinary arts
  4. Mastery in pastries
  5. The art of bread crafting
  6. Comprehensive baking sessions
  7. Mixology and cocktail crafting
  8. The joy of jam creation
  9. Delicacies from Italy
  10. Flavors of Mexican cuisine
  11. Exploring Japanese gastronomy
  12. French dessert specialties
  13. Chinese culinary delights
  14. Indian culinary traditions
  15. Classic American dishes

Given the unique touch every chef imparts, this niche is especially promising for those with an established audience or followers.

Some food for thought!

Parents smiling at baby

Guidance for Parenting: Online Course Suggestions

With the millennial parenting sector now estimated at a whopping $46 billion by Forbes, there's immense potential in this area. Here's a curated list of course topics tailored for this segment:

  1. Preparing for childbirth
  2. Guidance on lactation and breastfeeding
  3. Techniques for baby sleep routines
  4. Nutrition essentials for infants and toddlers
  5. Newborn care basics
  6. Fostering early parent-child bonding
  7. Exploring the science behind parenting
  8. Tailored courses for parents navigating divorce
  9. Support courses for single parenting
  10. Guidance for parents raising bi-racial children
  11. Specialized courses for parents of children with ADHD or ADD
  12. Insights for adoptive parents
  13. Navigating the challenges of parenting teenagers
  14. Enhancing child-parent communication
  15. Parenting strategies in today's digital world

Given the inclination of new parents towards community-building, this niche perfectly aligns with the idea of introducing a membership model alongside your course offerings. 


Digital Course Ideas for Artists

The realm of arts and crafts is a treasure trove of potential online course topics, teeming with creativity and diverse areas of interest.

Consider these artistic course themes:

  1. Fundamentals of drawing
  2. The art of painting
  3. Mastering calligraphy
  4. Capturing moments: Photography
  5. Crafting with papier-mâché
  6. Mastering jewelry creation
  7. Educational craft projects
  8. The cozy world of knitting
  9. Techniques in crocheting
  10. Sewing essentials
  11. The magic of sculpting
  12. Creating unique stamps
  13. The craft of bookbinding
  14. Designing handmade dolls
  15. Embroidery techniques and patterns

The versatility of this niche is its strength. Whether catering to parents seeking engaging activities for their children or adults pursuing a creative outlet, the possibilities are endless.

Fitness and wellness influencers

Health, Wellness, and Fitness Digital Course Suggestions

The health and wellness market is currently valued at over $4 trillion! This gives you nearly infinite opportunities to carve out your own niche. If you possess expertise in fitness or sports medicine, this area could be a goldmine for you.

Here's a list of potential course topics within this niche:

  1. Guided meditation sessions
  2. Nutrition-focused programs
  3. Regimens for weight management
  4. Strategies for effective meal preparation
  5. Training guides for half-marathons or full marathons
  6. Yoga practices
  7. Pilates routines
  8. Insights into herbal treatments
  9. Comprehensive guides on natural healing
  10. Exploring vegetarian and vegan lifestyles
  11. Introduction to Reiki
  12. Mastering sleep routines for better health
  13. Focused courses on women's well-being
  14. Men's health insights
  15. Understanding gut health and its importance

It's crucial to note that content within this sector can influence an individual's mental and physical well-being. Meticulous course design and showcasing your qualifications are critically important in this niche.

Digital marketing course creator

Digital Marketing Course Ideas

The realm of digital marketing is vast and brimming with opportunities for lucrative course offerings. Here's a compilation to kickstart your brainstorming:

  1. Digital marketing fundamentals
  2. Strategies in social media marketing
  3. The art of content marketing
  4. The essentials of affiliate marketing
  5. The world of influencer marketing
  6. Harnessing video for marketing
  7. Email marketing techniques
  8. Strategies for ecommerce marketing
  9. Blogging essentials
  10. Mastering the craft of copywriting
  11. Unraveling the nuances of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  12. Marketing through podcasts
  13. Exploring AI's role in marketing
  14. Deciphering digital marketing analytics
  15. Ethical approaches in marketing

The dynamic nature of digital marketing ensures it's always in flux, introducing fresh concepts and strategies. This ever-evolving landscape means any of the aforementioned subjects could be molded into a top-tier online course offering.


Online Course Ideas for Business & Entrepreneurial Ventures

While the digital marketing domain is ripe with course opportunities, the sphere of entrepreneurship is equally promising and expansive.

Here's a curated list of course topics tailored for budding entrepreneurs:

  1. Foundations of entrepreneurship
  2. Harnessing creativity and innovation in business
  3. Step-by-step guide to crafting a business website
  4. Essentials of business management
  5. Building a compelling personal brand
  6. Strategies for generating passive income
  7. Affiliate blogging for beginners
  8. Navigating the world of investor relations
  9. Comprehensive guide to essential business tools
  10. Building and nurturing business partnerships
  11. Mastering the art of business writing
  12. Principles of sustainable business practices
  13. Cultivating a growth mindset
  14. Tailored insights for startup ventures
  15. Enhancing business communication prowess

This arena is vast and offers dozens of unique angles. So, let your creativity flow and design courses that resonate with your target audience.

Woman gardening

Ideas for Online Course About Gardening & Home Life

For those blessed with a knack for nurturing plants or adeptness with home tools, there are a ton of online course ideas to dig into, including…

  1. Gardening 101: An Overview
  2. The world of flower cultivation
  3. Growing your own vegetables
  4. Crafting a herb sanctuary
  5. The science of aquaponic gardening
  6. Techniques in plant propagation
  7. Exploring viticulture
  8. Basics of home maintenance
  9. Transformative home renovation
  10. Step-by-step guide to deck construction
  11. Art of landscaping
  12. Efficient irrigation methods
  13. Flooring essentials
  14. Navigating household electrical wiring
  15. Mastery in carpentry

If you’ve got a green (or calloused) thumb to show for your gardening and DIY skills, share your pro tips with the world!

Digital Language Learning Course Suggestions

Possessing proficiency in a foreign language and having the knack to teach it places you in an advantageous position. Online language courses are a promising avenue for those looking to venture into the elearning domain.

Here's a curated list of languages that could be potential course offerings:

  1. Business English
  2. Speaking Spanish for Beginners
  3. French fundamentals
  4. Immersion in Italian
  5. Grasping German
  6. Exploring Portuguese
  7. Introduction to Chinese
  8. Mastering Mandarin
  9. Journey through Japanese
  10. Rudiments of Russian
  11. Hindi essentials
  12. Arabic articulation
  13. Korean comprehension
  14. Venturing into Vietnamese
  15. Pursuing Punjabi

While the list emphasizes potentially high-demand languages, teaching a niche or less prevalent language could also carve out a unique space for you in the market.

Zero waste products

Digital Course Ideas for Eco-Conscious Living

With a growing emphasis on eco-friendly choices, sustainable living has emerged as a prominent niche in the online course domain, reflecting the consumer shift towards sustainable products and packaging.

Here's a compilation of potential course topics tailored for this domain:

  1. Foundations of sustainable living
  2. Eco-friendly gardening techniques
  3. Embracing a zero-waste lifestyle
  4. Sustainable fashion choices
  5. Harnessing renewable energy for households
  6. Mindful consumption practices
  7. Eco-conscious transportation methods
  8. Waste minimization and recycling strategies
  9. Going plant-based for the environment
  10. Techniques for water preservation
  11. Eco-tourism and sustainable travel insights
  12. Advocacy for climate change
  13. Effective sustainable waste handling
  14. Principles of ethical investment
  15. Raising eco-aware children: Green parenting

Given the interdisciplinary nature of sustainability, this niche offers a diverse range of topics, catering to a wide audience with varied interests.

Makeup course creator

Digital Course Concepts for Beauty & Cosmetics

The beauty sector is undeniably lucrative, with the beauty and personal care industry in the U.S. alone boasting a valuation exceeding $92 billion this year.

Here's a curated list of course topics tailored for this domain:

  1. Makeup basics: A beginner's guide
  2. Train in theatrical makeup
  3. Advanced techniques in theatrical makeup
  4. Bridal makeup essentials
  5. Exploring color palettes in makeup
  6. Ensuring makeup hygiene
  7. Techniques in eyebrow microblading
  8. Courses on eyebrow tinting
  9. Mastery in lash tinting and curling
  10. Nail care: Manicures and pedicures
  11. The art of facials
  12. Waxing essentials
  13. Tailored skincare routines for varied skin types
  14. Embracing natural skincare
  15. The world of clean beauty

Given the specialized tools and equipment some of these courses might require, this niche is particularly apt for those already in the beauty business, seeking to diversify their offerings.

Interior design

Digital Course Ideas for Home Aesthetics & Design

Finally, let’s consider the realm of interior design, a sector boasting multi-billion dollar valuations, and home decor, here are some curated course themes:

  1. Introduction to the world of interior design
  2. The role of color in shaping interiors
  3. Techniques in home adornment and styling
  4. Mastery in interior wall painting
  5. Home staging for real estate appeal
  6. Principles of Feng shui in design
  7. The art of flower arrangement
  8. Crafting restaurant interiors
  9. Designing productive office spaces
  10. DIY projects for home decor enthusiasts
  11. Embracing minimalist design aesthetics
  12. Design solutions for compact spaces
  13. Illuminating homes: Lighting techniques
  14. Retro and vintage decor insights
  15. The simplicity of Scandinavian interiors

This concludes our compilation of potential bestsellers in the online course arena for 2023!

Final Thoughts

Now’s a fantastic time to start your online course venture. When you equip your virtual classroom with stalwart tools like WordPress and WishList Member, your pathway from chalkboard to profitable online courses becomes a walk across the graduation stage.

Ready for your homework assignment? Pinpoint a high-demand course subject that matches your field of expertise, and get creative with your course content!

Whether you're an authority on health and wellness, a guru to guide parents, or a maestro of personal finance, our carefully curated list of over 199 ideas for online courses is your study guide to success.

Class participation counts! We're eager to read your comments, questions, and insights about the profitable online courses spotlighted in this academic journal, ahem, article. So, grab your virtual pen and jot your thoughts down in the comments section below.

If this syllabus, er, article has enriched your knowledge, connect with us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn. And for extra credit, don't forget to subscribe to keep up with our future lectures!

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How to Create a Member Dashboard Page For Your Membership Site | Elevate User Experience https://wishlistmember.com/create-dashboard-page-membership-site/ https://wishlistmember.com/create-dashboard-page-membership-site/#respond Thu, 12 Oct 2023 21:24:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=2751 It's a critical part of your membership site and key to member satisfaction and retention! Discover how to create a personalized member dashboard for a seamless and engaging member experience on your site.

The post How to Create a Member Dashboard Page For Your Membership Site | Elevate User Experience appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
It's a critical part of your membership site and key to member satisfaction and retention! Discover how to create a personalized member dashboard for a seamless and engaging member experience on your site.

Imagine logging into a platform and immediately finding everything you need, right at your fingertips. It's a great strategy for boosting member engagement and retention on your membership site. Your Member Dashboard page is a powerful tool that can transform the member experience from ‘meh' to ‘marvelous.'

But what if you could go a step further? What if you could offer a personalized dashboard that feels like it was crafted just for each member?

That's where WishList Member's Dashboard comes into play. Acting as a fully customizable dashboard, it offers you the chance to deliver an unparalleled, tailor-made experience for every user, every time they log in.

Intrigued? Stick around. In this comprehensive guide, you'll discover how to make the most of the Member Dashboard page to create a captivating dashboard that exceeds your members' expectations.

Let's dash to it!

Creating a Member Dashboard Page

Why Does Your Member Dashboard Page Matter?

Your Member Dashboard is more than just a ‘nice-to-have.' It's an absolute game-changer for both you and your members.

Here's why:

Improved User Experience

Who doesn't love an easy-peasy interface? A dashboard takes the headache out of navigating your site.

All the essentials – account settings, special articles, you name it – are right at their fingertips. Which leads to…

Increased Engagement

When people find it easy to use your site, they tend to use it more. It makes them want to dig deeper. Remove the frustrations, and they'll spend more time clicking, exploring, and interacting with your content. And the more they do, the more they feel like a part of your community.

Reduced Support Costs

Dashboards are also money-savers. Think of it as a ‘DIY Help Desk' where members find what they need without calling for backup.

This frees up time for your support team, so they can focus on the big issues. Fewer hours spent on support = more time to grow your community!

Make Sure the Support Team Has Your Back

Improved Retention

Keeping your members is important. After all, retention is between five-seven times cheaper than acquisition.

A great dashboard adds value to their experience and gives them more reasons to stick around. When renewal time comes, they're more likely to stay if they find your site helpful and engaging.

Using our Member Dashboard After Login page, you can create a dashboard that's custom-fit for each membership level. This boosts member satisfaction and sets your site apart.

The Role of WishList Member's After Login Page

The After Login Page is like your site's personal greeter. It's the first thing your members will see each time they log in. You want to make that ‘hello' count, right?

Here, you can flex your creative muscles and tailor the page to give your members a snazzier dashboard experience. Add quick links, important messages, or that secret sauce that makes your community unique.

After Login Page Overview

And don't think it's one-size-fits-all; that’s not how we roll. You can set a Global Default After Login page or – even better – craft individual pages for different membership levels.

High-rolling VIP members? Give them the five-star treatment! Newbies? Guide them through their first steps in your community. The choice is all yours!

For more in-depth details on settings and configurations, we’ve got a whole article dedicated to just that. But for now, we’re zeroing in on how you can turn this After Login Page into a dynamo Member Dashboard.

Essential Elements for a Highly Effective Member Dashboard Page

Membership Dashboard settings and configurations

What elements should you focus on to make sure it's not just functional but also member-friendly? Let's jump right into the key components you'll want to include.

Clear Links

We're talking about those crucial buttons or links that guide your members to their next adventure on your site. You know, that direct route to the latest webinar, the coolest forum discussion, or even the new merchandise shop.

Make those links crystal clear and easy to find. No one likes playing “Where's Waldo?” when they're looking for essential resources.

Account Area

Members should be able to update their profile, switch out that two-year-old profile picture, change their password, and manage their email settings all without needing a decoder ring.

Ensure that the account area is straightforward, easy-to-navigate, and offers everything they need to keep their membership details up-to-date.

Any Provided Extras

Have some bonus content like ebooks, exclusive videos, or special webinars? Don’t hide those goodies. Give them a spotlight on the dashboard. Trust us, your members will appreciate the extra value you’re packing into their experience.

Access to Support

Say a member can't access a feature or forgets how to find something. They'll need immediate help, and you want to be there for them.

Insert quick links to customer service, FAQs, or even live chat support. Make solving problems a breeze, and you'll have members singing your praises.

Personalizing Dashboards Based on Membership Level

One-size-fits-all might work for some things, but when it comes to member dashboards, personalization is key.

Especially if you're running a site with different membership tiers, you'll want to greet each member with an After Login page that's relevant to their level. So, let's look into how to customize these experiences using WishList Member.

Setting Up Custom Redirects

Alright, you've got a basic After Login page that serves all your members, and that's a great start! But you've got different membership levels, and they all deserve their special welcome.

With WishList Member, you can set different After Login pages based on membership levels, and it's not even complicated.

  1. Head to the WishList Member menu, then click on Setup.
  2. Find the membership level you want to customize and click on it.
  3. Click on the Additional Settings tab.
  4. You'll spot options for Custom After Registration Redirect and Custom After Logout Redirect. Toggle the option you wish to customize and a Configure button will appear.
  5. Click on Configure and add your desired custom message.

Attachment Details
Member Based Redirects Custom Messaging

And just like that, you're on your way to delivering a highly personalized member experience. You can direct your high-tier members to exclusive content or your mid-tier members to a selection of educational resources. It's all up to you.

Pro Tip: Need to make sure your redirects are flawless?

Mastering WordPress redirects with WishList Member can be a game-changer for boosting engagement and loyalty. Get started by reading our guide: “How to Master WordPress Redirect Pages with WishList Member.

The Best Practices & Common Pitfalls of Crafting the Ultimate Member Dashboard

By now, you should be well on your way to creating an amazing member dashboard. But, wait up! There are some super important dos and don'ts to keep in mind to make sure you really hit the mark.

Smart Moves for a Stellar Dashboard

Cool Cat
  • Make it Look Good: An eye-catching dashboard is a joy to use. Go for high-quality graphics and a polished look.
  • Embrace the White Space: Like pauses in a conversation, white space can make all the difference. It helps your members easily find what they're looking for.
  • Direct and Doable Calls-to-Action: Be explicit about what steps you want members to take. A button that says “Update Account Info” is way better than something vague like “Go Here.”
  • Thumbs Up for Mobile Users: With people logging in from their smartphones, making your dashboard mobile-friendly isn't optional; it's a must.

Mistakes to Steer Clear Of

Embarressed Dog
  • Misreading User Needs: Listen, a dashboard isn't about showing off how much information you can cram into one page. It's about what your members need. So, spend some time understanding what resources and features they're actually interested in.
  • Information Overload: A dashboard packed with too much stuff is like a messy bedroom – overwhelming and stressful. Keep things streamlined, focusing on what's most essential for the member.
  • Jargon Jumble: Technical language or jargon just adds a layer of fuzziness. Stick to words that anyone can understand, especially when labeling buttons or calls-to-action.
  • Style Whiplash: Keep your dashboard visually in line with your overall site. Consistency isn't boring; it makes things comfy and familiar.
  • Skipping the Test Drive: Before the big launch, get some of your members to take the dashboard for a spin. Collect feedback to smooth out any bumps in the road.

Sooo… What happens next?

Nailing your Member Dashboard and After Login Page is awesome, but guess what? WishList Member doesn't stop there. Let's dig into some other awesome features that'll make managing your community easier and frankly way more fun.

Get to Know Your Members Better

Who is signing up for your salsa dancing course or your mystery book club? Find out by using custom registration forms, and ask some fun questions to get to know the fabulous folk joining your community.

And oh, all that precious info? Safeguarded, thanks to GDPR compliance. Rest easy knowing you're doing right by your members and the law.

Keep Your Members Engaged through Email Notifications

Email notifications aren't just a nice touch; they're a way to keep your community engaged and informed. From new content alerts to membership renewals, keep your members in the know.

WishList Member integrates seamlessly with popular email service providers and third party CRMS so you can send targeted, relevant emails out to your members.

And remember, you're the boss here – you set the permissions and decide who sees what.

Your All-Seeing Admin Dashboard

Membership dashboard

You wouldn't drive without a speedometer, would you? The admin dashboard gives you a panoramic view of all the action.

Real-time stats are just a click away, giving you insights into membership trends, content popularity, and more.

Quick & Easy Course Creation with CourseCure

Online courses can be a game-changer for your membership site. CourseCure makes it a breeze to get your courses up and running.

No tech wizardry needed – just a few simple steps and you're good to go! Add quizzes, interactive content, and even gamification elements to keep your learners hooked till the very end.


A well-designed member dashboard can truly be the heart of your membership site, making members feel at home while giving them quick access to all the good stuff. With WishList Member, crafting this crucial page is easier than tying your shoes.

Well-organized links, user-friendly settings, and a whole bunch of personalization options make it the go-to tool for boosting member satisfaction and engagement.

So get started with WishList Member today and you'll be able to confidently control your members' experience on your site. WishList Member is designed to make it easy to customize and configure your site to your exact needs. And if you need help along the way, our customer success team is on hand to help you make the most of our extensive features.

Got any questions about creating a membership dashboard? Want to share your tips and best practices with the WishList Member community? Leave a comment below!

And if you want more revenue-boosting tips and best practices for your membership site, don't forget to follow us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn.

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The Best CMS for Membership Site Owners (…And Why It Matters!) https://wishlistmember.com/best-cms-for-membership-site/ https://wishlistmember.com/best-cms-for-membership-site/#comments Thu, 28 Sep 2023 09:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=20280 From safeguarding user information to seamless content management, your choice of CMS carries a lot of weight. Find out why WordPress is the most recommended and best CMS for membership sites. You've got a great idea for a membership site and you're ready to get it off the ground. The first thing on your to-do […]

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From safeguarding user information to seamless content management, your choice of CMS carries a lot of weight. Find out why WordPress is the most recommended and best CMS for membership sites.

You've got a great idea for a membership site and you're ready to get it off the ground. The first thing on your to-do list is to pick the right content management system (CMS) to act as the backbone of your website.

Starting a subscription site from scratch can be tough, especially if you're not a coder. That's why some users opt for platforms that offer built-in membership features.

But be careful – these platforms can lock you into a rigid structure that can’t grow with your business.

Fear not! There's a user-friendly, feature-packed, sturdy, and highly adaptable option that's a hit among website creators, and doesn't require any coding skills.

We’re talking about WordPress, the #1 CMS that powers over 800 million websites, and counting!

WordPress is by far the best CMS for membership sites when paired with a great membership plugin like WishList Member.

And you’re about to find out why!

Let’s hop to it.

What To Look For in a CMS for Membership Sites

Making the best choice for your business

A content management system (CMS) is your website's control center. It's where you create, edit, and manage all your content without needing a degree in computer science.

But when it comes to membership sites, you need a CMS that does more than just the basics. Here's what to look for:

User Experience (UX)

Both you and your members should find your site’s front and back end easy to navigate, with intuitive layouts and responsive design.

For admins, great UX means it’s easy, and even downright enjoyable to add new content to your site, manage user accounts, and switch up your strategy.

If you’re nervous about adding or editing things in the backend, you simply won’t be able to be the responsive membership site owner you have the potential to be!

For your members, great user experience is critical for their acquisition and retention. Their experience from registration to login to accessing paywalled content should be seamless.

There’s no excuse for glitchy sites with such great options out there.


Membership sites deal with sensitive stuff like user info and credit card details. You need a CMS that's got your back with top-notch security features.

Payment Processing

Whether it's recurring payments, upgrades, or refunds, handling money should be a breeze.

Content Access Management

Your CMS should easily manage a growing library of exclusive goodies and offer flexible ways to put them behind a paywall.


As your member count rises, your CMS should be able to keep up and adapt to your growing needs and ever-changing business goals. Scalability impacts everything else on the list above!

The more members you have, the more you will demand your CMS to uphold things like security and payment processing. You need a CMS that can withstand the pressure!

Why WordPress is the Best Membership Site CMS

WordPress started off as a simple blogging tool but quickly grew into a versatile CMS that can handle just about anything you throw at it.

With the right add-ons, you can transform WordPress into a membership site, set up an online shop, or even showcase a digital portfolio. Here are five reasons why it's awesome:

1. Flexibility Galore

Most off-the-shelf platforms box you in. You can't add new features easily, and messing with the code is usually a no-go.

WordPress is different. It's open-source, which means you can tweak it to your heart's content. And if you're not a coder, no worries! There are tons of themes to pick from that'll make your site look great.

But the Real Magic? Plugins.

These little add-ons can do everything from boosting your SEO to setting up an affiliate program. Whether it's email marketing or creating custom forms, there's a plugin for that.

Simply put, WordPress gives you the freedom to build the site you've always dreamed of.

​​2. Easy to Learn and Use

If you're new to the world of CMSs, WordPress is your best bet. Unlike other platforms like Drupal or Joomla, WordPress is designed with the beginner in mind.

Many hosting services offer one-click WordPress installations, so you're just a click away from logging into your new dashboard.

The admin area is straightforward, with an intuitive built-in updates management system to keep your tools up-to-date and secure.

And if you're not comfortable with coding, that's okay! Most themes and plugins are beginner-friendly, and there are great and extensive resources like WPBeginner to help you out.

3. Keeps Your Site Safe and Sound

Security is an important feature of your CMS

Security is a big deal, especially when you're handling sensitive user and payment information. WordPress is continually updated to patch potential security vulnerabilities.

Many hosting services even offer automatic updates as part of their package.

On top of that, there are specialized security plugins like Jetpack that add an extra layer of protection against common threats.

Just remember to follow best practices like using strong passwords and keeping your plugins updated.

4. All the Membership Tools You Need

The WordPress community is bustling with developers creating plugins for almost every functionality you can think of.

Our WishList Member plugin, for example, allows you to create a members-only area, drip exclusive content, and much more.

It offers features like member registration, user access control, and easy payment processing.

It also offers its very own course builder packed with essential LMS features, CourseCure.

5. Easy on the Wallet

Budget is often a concern for small businesses and solopreneurs. WordPress is a cost-effective solution.

Hosting services like HostGator offer packages starting at just $3.75 per month, often including a free domain for the first year.

While you may need to invest in premium themes or plugins as you grow, these costs are usually much lower than what you'd pay for similar features on other platforms.

Pairing WordPress with WishList Member For Your Membership Site

WordPress CMS + WishList Member

When it comes to membership site plugins, WishList Member has stood the test of time. It's the original membership site plugin that has continually evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of membership site owners.

But don't let its age fool you – WishList Member is as cutting-edge as they come, packed with features designed to help you grow your business.

Why WishList Member is a Game-Changer

Ease of Use

WishList Member is designed to be user-friendly. You don't need to be a tech wizard to set up your membership site.

With its intuitive interface, you can easily manage members, create different membership levels, and set up content protection – all from one dashboard.

Flexible Membership Options

One of the standout features of WishList Member is its flexibility. Whether you want to offer free trials, recurring subscriptions, or one-time payments, WishList Member has got you covered.

This flexibility allows you to experiment with different pricing models to see what resonates most with your audience.

Content Dripping

Keep your members engaged by releasing content over time. WishList Member's content dripping feature ensures that your members always have something new to look forward to, increasing retention rates.

Robust Security Features

Security is paramount, and WishList Member takes it seriously. The plugin offers multiple layers of protection to keep your content and member data safe. This peace of mind allows you to focus on what you do best – growing your business.

Integrated Course Builder: CourseCure

CourseCure Single Lesson

WishList Member goes beyond basic membership features by offering its very own course builder, CourseCure.

This built-in LMS allows you to create and manage courses without needing an additional plugin, making it a one-stop-shop for all your membership site needs.

WishList Member is a comprehensive membership site solution that empowers you to build, manage, and grow a successful membership business.

With its rich feature set and user-friendly interface, WishList Member and WordPress together make for a powerful combination that's hard to beat.

Your Path to a Thriving Membership Site Starts Here

Choosing the right CMS for your membership site is a decision that will have a lasting impact on your business.

As we've discussed, WordPress stands out as the most versatile, secure, and user-friendly option available.

When paired with a powerful plugin like WishList Member you're laying the foundation for a thriving online community on your membership site.

From its ease of use to its robust security features, WordPress offers everything you need to get started.

Plus, with the added capabilities of WishList Member, you can easily manage members, offer flexible payment options, and even build courses right within your site.

It's a combination that offers both power and simplicity, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking to create a successful membership site.

So, are you ready to turn that great idea into a booming membership site? The universe has aligned, the tools are ready, and your audience is waiting.

Go ahead, take that leap and make your membership site dreams a reality today!

Found this blog useful? Follow us on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn for more tips and best practices to make the most of your membership site.

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30 Key Membership Site Statistics for 2024 + Tips to Supercharge Your Strategy https://wishlistmember.com/membership-site-statistics/ https://wishlistmember.com/membership-site-statistics/#comments Thu, 21 Sep 2023 09:00:00 +0000 https://wishlistmember.com/?p=20543 We've scoured the latest research to bring you up-to-date membership site statistics and insights into the growing subscription trend.

The post 30 Key Membership Site Statistics for 2024 + Tips to Supercharge Your Strategy appeared first on WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Sites.]]>
We've scoured the latest research to bring you up-to-date membership site statistics and insights into the growing subscription trend.

The rise of the creator landscape has opened doors for innovators to monetize their unique ideas. With tools like WishList Member, launching a membership site is more accessible than ever.

Having a comprehensive set of membership site statistics can give you the confidence to navigate the evolving landscape.

There's a vast array of membership sites out there. In this article, we zoom in on three defining categories in the industry:

  • Educational Platforms (Learning Management Systems)
  • Association Membership Models
  • Subscription-Based Platforms

This information will not only guide your marketing efforts but also offer a peek into future trends in your niche.

Ready to get going? Let the numbers commence!

Learning Management Systems (LMS) Stats

An increasing number of companies are turning to learning management systems (LMS) to develop online educational platforms or incorporate educational elements into their membership sites. It's an effective strategy to enhance your business's value and expand its offerings.

CourseCure, the integrated LMS within WishList Member ensures a seamless and efficient setup. It's backed with features to help you quickly and easily set up an engaging course to add to your membership site.

CourseCure Single Lesson

Now, let's delve into the LMS platform market.

  • A 2023 market research report by Fortune Business Insights revealed that the global LMS market size was valued at $16.19billion. This year it's expected to grow to $18.26 billion.

  • By 2030, that number is projeced to grow to a massive $47.47 billion.

  • The fastest growing market is Europe while the largest market is North America according to a report by Straits Research.

  • Growth is attributed to improved internet connectivity, higher adoption of smartphone technologies in educational institutions and the increasing preference of consumers for LMSs.

  • Over 40% of Fortune 500 companies use elearning or LMSs to onboard and train employees according to eLearning Industry.

  • LMS users use the following devices to access their online courses: desktop (89%)laptop (76%), tablet (25%), and smartphone (19%). This suggests a necessity for LMSs to be responsive in order to cater to the various preferences of students.

  • The top-requested LMS functionalities between 2022-2023 were certification and compliance management (53%), content authoring (15%) and course libraries (15%). (Capterra)

  • The average LMS software budget ranges between $15-$40 per user.

Association Membership Statistics

Nursing association members

Associations typically represent smaller entities dedicated to a specific profession, trade, or philanthropic cause. They often collaborate with individual member organizations, trade collectives, or a blend of both.

The primary purpose of these associations is to foster knowledge exchange, promote best practices, expand member networks, and champion their members' interests.

Unlike mainstream businesses, association membership organizations cater to a distinct audience with specialized needs.

The ethos of each association is often shaped by its industry or cause. Now, let's explore some valuable insights to enhance association marketing and bolster member recruitment.

  • The top reasons people join associations are: networking opportunities (64%); continued education (39%) and learning best practices in their profession (33%).

  • 49% of associations reported an increase in membership last year, up from 38% in 2022, and 26% in 2021, showing a sharp upward trend in membership uptake over the past 3 years.

  • In 2023, association memberships used the following channels to recruit new members: email (85%), organic social media (67%) and association-sponsored events (66%).

(For tips, tricks, and best practices for sending targeted emails, read our blog on the WishList Member, Campaign Refinery integration)

  • The top reasons associations believe prospects are not signing up for membership are: lack of perceived value (60%), lack of brand awareness (39%), lack of financial support from employers (29%).

  • 34% of associations invite members to join their online community as a way of engaging existing members.

  • 48% of associations give members a 2-3 month grace period for accessing benefits after their membership expires.

  • Engagement is the most common challenge for associations with 51% equating lack of engagement with the reason why members failed to renew.

  • Innovation is key when it comes to member attainment and retention. However, only 25% of associations reported as very or extremely innovative. (Marketing General)

  • 13% of associations that added, altered, or canceled events observed an increase in member engagement, indicating that it's important to adjust your strategy. (GrowthZone)

  • 60% offer their members automatic annual payments, 14% offer automatic monthly payments, but only 26% offer both options in 2023.

  • Only 38% have a process in place to reengage churned members.

Subscription Model Statistics

Subscription model statistics

Subscription businesses and services are popping up everywhere, and for good reason. Who doesn't love predictable cashflow and customer loyalty?

Not only that, but consumers are also fast catching on to the convenience of subscriptions over outright ownership. It's no wonder this model is catching on big time.

Let's delve into some pivotal statistics defining the subscription economy. These numbers will show you why everyone's hopping on the subscription train and why it's poised to dominate over the coming years.

  • A report early this year valued the digital subscription market at $650 billion.

  • By 2025 it's set to grow to $1.5 trillion according to the latest estimates. (Lineup)

  • 205 million Americans report using at least one subscription service, marking a 23 million increase since 2020.

  • By the end of this year, three quarters (75%) of direct-to-consumer brands are projected to offer subscription services. (RetailDive)

  • Millennials and bridge millennials lead the way in subscribing to retail products, with 39% subscribing to at least one.

  • The average growth of subscription billing vendors stands at between 30% and 50% annually. (The Paypers)

  • According to a survey by Global Banking and Finance, 70% of senior business leaders in key industries including retail and finance believe subscription models are key to growth.

  • 53% of senior finance executives surveyed by the CFO reported hat 40% of their business revenue comes in via a subscription product or service.

  • Over three quarters of businesses say that their subscription service improves customer retention and builds loyalty.

  • Global adoption of the subscription economy is at about 16%, targeted to grow at 30%. (Citi)

  • By 2027, a projected 83% of U.S. households will no longer subscribe to a traditional television service. (Leichtman)

Tips & Best Practices: What Have We Learned?

Alright, that wraps it up! Hopefully, you've picked up some solid info on the membership game by checking out those three membership types.

There are also plenty of insights to help you switch up your strategy and make better decisions and optimize your membership site. Here are just a few of the tips and best practices we've uncovered:

1. LMS (Learning Management Systems) Best Practices:

  • Gamify Your Content: With the rise in popularity of e-learning, it's essential to stand out. Incorporate gamification features like points, badges, and quizzes to make your courses more engaging and interactive. Choose a course builder that incorporates these features (such as CourseCure for WishList Member)

  • Maintain Content Control: Ensure your LMS gives you full control over your content. Being able to make real-time updates, additions, or changes is crucial to adapt to the evolving needs of your audience.

  • Prioritize Responsiveness: The statistics show a diverse range of devices being used to access courses. Opt for LMS solutions that are responsive, ensuring a seamless experience whether your members are on desktops, laptops, tablets, or smartphones.

2. Association Membership Best Practices:

  • Value-Driven Engagement: Given that networking opportunities are a top reason people join associations, consider hosting regular webinars, virtual meet-ups, or forums to facilitate this need.

  • Tailored Marketing: With a sharp upward trend in membership uptake over the past 3 years, it's essential to understand your audience. Use targeted marketing strategies based on the specific needs and preferences of your potential members.

  • Re-Engagement Strategies: Since only 38% have a process to reengage churned members, develop a strategy to bring back those who've left. This could be through special offers, feedback surveys, or highlighting new benefits.

3. Subscription Model Best Practices:

  • Diversify Payment Options: Given the varied preferences for payment frequencies, offer multiple subscription payment options, from monthly to annually, to cater to different member needs.

  • Stay Ahead with Trends: With the digital subscription market projected to grow immensely, keep an eye on emerging trends. This will help you adapt your offerings and stay competitive.

  • Focus on Retention: With over three-quarters of businesses saying subscription services improve customer retention, invest in strategies that boost loyalty. This could be through exclusive content, member-only discounts, or regular feedback loops.

By implementing these best practices, you'll be better positioned to maximize the potential of your membership site, whether it's an LMS, an association membership, or a subscription-based platform.

In Summary

It's clear as day: the subscription world is booming and shows no signs of slowing down. Thinking of launching an online course or adding some steady cash flow to your shop? There's no better time than now.

Remember, it's all about offering a quality service that makes life easier for your members. Do that, and you'll see your profits climbing each year.

And hey, start with the right tools to make setting up and managing your membership site a breeze.

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